Monday, May 9, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman\

Outside my window...

Today is beautiful and cool. The air is sweet (in the back yard.) There is a breeze
and it feels like the ocean outside. We got the garden all planted this weekend.
We got our Boysenberries put up on a third wire and expanded the rows,
now we have two rows of berries. Such a nice feeling.

I am thinking... I need to make a list of all of the things I would like to get
accomplished this summer. Right now though at the top of my list is making strawberry jam.

I am thankful for... My husband who does the hard work in the garden.
I am thankful so very much that doing this kind of work, never feels like
work, but like playing.

The learning room... This is our last week of school. There are the good
things about it and the bittersweet things too. My class room will shrink
to one, the joy though is seeing the fruit and the work of my hands be
oh so good.

From the kitchen...
I am making Chicken Pot pie for dinner tonight. I was so glad that
it was on the menu tonight. I have it almost prepared with the filling
in the freezer so all I have to do is make the pie crust.

I am wearing... Clothes and shoes as compared to sitting her buck naked
in front of the computer, I have never done that I just wanted to see
if you are paying attention. :)

I am creating...signs I need a whole bunch more signs for my garden as
I have so many different areas that I have to really think of what is planted

I am going... To the laundry room to fold a load of clothes and then upstairs
to do a tiny bit of school that we have left.

I am reading...The Bible, When I am on my knees, Keep a Quiet Heart,
Stories you wouldn't Believe by Gene Stratton Porter

Around the House... I am looking forward to summer schedule and
the fun and excitement of life every day.

One of my favorite things... New sewing patterns, and I love brand new
embroidery thread. To me they are like jewels I can hold in my hand and there
is no end to the impossibilities that they hold. All for 33 cents.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Cleaning house, playing in the garden,
going to a 2 year old birthday party for my grand daughter, getting to watch
all six babies play together, and eat birthday cake.

A small Window to my life...

I haven't done a daybook entry in awhile.
I thought I would like to thank Peggy for
hosting the Simple Woman's Daybook.


Meg said...

Very nice things for the day. I've been wondering if you've been sick, it seems like your blog has been sort of quiet lately. I'm glad you got everything planted!

Kim said...

"Buck naked in front of the computer".......Hahahahaha And quit showing off with your California is so dang cold here today I have a portable heater on under my desk.
Have a nice day sweetie! And take pics of the kiddies and the party.

TexWisGirl said...

(love the barely opening sunflower shot! greatness!)

ha ha. i've sat wearing a towel in front of the computer - and no, i purposely got a laptop without a webcam in it for fear of hackers or leaving it on somehow... ha!

loved the embroidery thread 'possibilities'. very neat.

Larkrise garden girl said...

I loved your day. Have a fun day.

Kessie said...

Glad you updated! I've been checking all morning to see how you were doing. I think everybody has strawberry jam on the brain. Have the strawberries gotten riper yet, from our last few days of heat?

Debbie said...

I love these day book enteries.....summer stretching ahead is a GOOD feeling huh? And strawberry jam sounds wonderful. It's been a few years since I've done it though. Glad your not naked, haha..Have a wonderful day!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Kim, you are so very organized you put me to shame! When you get around to making your strawberry jam, try adding rhubarb as well, I promise you you will not be disapponted, it is delicious! It is slowly warming here, nature is bursting out everywhere, I am so grateful spring has arrived. Please post a photo of all six of your beautiful grandchildren, something to be very proud of! Hugs, Julie

Julia said...

Oh Kim, I was paying attention... I just thought that it was so hot and you were wearing shorts and a skimpy top because of the heat. I couldn't imagine you sitting at the computer with nothing on, lol...

I've been so busy too spring cleaning the milk house and milking parlor all day. I still have so much more to do. Today is cold and rainy. The water was still coming in the basement this morning but the river level is down a tiny bit. It's just inconvenient.

I'm so envious that you have your garden planted and you are so lucky that your hubby loves gardening with you. It's such a big job.

I weeded all day on Mother's Day because it was so very nice. My gift to myself. JB

Jacque. said...

Lovely photos, lovely plans, lovely words. All of them. Thank you so much for sharing who you are with us. Especially thankful you have clothes on! {grin} said...

Ha! 'buck naked'... yep it got my full attention!
What a wonderful garden you will have Kim. The country and farm part of my heart still wants to move the city part to the background a little bit. So far though, city wins, and I just come here to satisfy my farm girl dreams! :)


no spring chicken said...

Congratulations on your end of the year. I'm not sure were quite ready to call it quits for the summer yet. I love Gene Stratton Porter! I'm going to have to look into that book.

Blessings, Debbie

Sue said...

Enjoyed reading your daybook, Kim, I am so amazed at all that you get done, gives me motivation.
Kim when you and your family read back over your blog in years to come, you all are going to be so blessed, I would so love to write daily in my online journal and tell myself all the time that I will, I just think my life is to boring, lol. Oh well there is tomorrow! lol