This Saturday my husband and myself worked getting
things in shape, we hula hoed this stretch down one
side of our property. It is one of my favorite places
to walk. I love how the trees are starting to make
one continuous tunnel.

This is some of our peaches. I was surprised at how
big they are now. To bad that lots of them will be
pulled off and thrown away because the tree is too
loaded and we would rather have nice big fruit rather
than lots of tiny peaches. It is my least favorite job.

I just had to show you a picture of my pumpkins.
This year I ordered 2 ounces of Cinderella pumpkins.
I am so excited because I love them so much. I love looking
at them and wish somehow they could turn into a coach.
I have also planted this year the jack-be- little's and a pumpkin
just for canning and white pumpkins and giant kind and some blue
ones. I think because I love pumpkins so much I would love to grow
nothing but pumpkins.

The boysenberries are starting to turn red now.
We were able to add to our little tiny row another row
and double our amount of vines this year. I need about
3 times what I have now to keep us in berries I think.

I would call this the doorway into my field of dreams.
This is my onion and beet area. I had to replant my
beets yesterday. We have had such a cool spring, things
are just not coming up.

This is Mr. Gopher Snake. He came out and looked around
at what was going on yesterday. I didn't take the picture.
My husband did, my hands were shaking so I couldn't get
a good shot. I am very content to let him be and I hope he stays
out in the pasture and doesn't come any closer to visit. He was
about 3 feet long.

This is our early plum tree. It gets ripe early in June.
This is the one that our grand children come over and stand
and eat plums and it makes me so happy to see them with
their hands full of plums with their little mouths filled.
I know no greater joy.
As I was getting ready to write this post, the verse that
came to me was this.
"Let my beloved come to his garden and eat its pleasant
Song of Solomon 4:16
You know I love that God loved gardens first and
then he put man in the midst of it. One day I am going to do a study
of all of the places that God talks about farming, sheep, and gardens.
I am so thankful to have ours.
Have a lovely Monday,
I think one of my favorite things to do during the summer is come out and see everything you have growing. I can't wait for plums this year!
all the work you put into it, i know it is a labor of love.
I LOVE that header photo! my lordy that's gorgeous!!!
beauuuutiful header!!!!
I love nothing better than a tree walkway like that. I want to walk down there.
And is that snake poisonous???? yikes!!!
Oh Kim, with all that you planted, you make me tired by just thinking of the harvest. You must be self sufficient by now. And not a weed in sight. You and your husband are terrific gardeners.
My garden is my meditation place. That's where I feel that God gives in abundance, even the weeds, lol.
Have a great week. JB
Thanks for sharing...I always enjoy a stroll through your garden
What a lovely stroll that was through your garden! We've just been out batonning down the hatches - we have 70mph winds tonight and driving rain, with temps in the low 40s. I don't want to complain about the weather knowing how others are suffering, but I can't help worrying about the plants we've already planted :(
Your fruit looks so gorgeous ... x
I could seriously enjoy munching my way through your garden. How I love fruit! I'm not fond of snakes either. I've had a lot of black widow spiders in my greenhouse this year! Yikes!
I am loving watching your garden progress. It is definately more exciting than watching my sunflowers "not" grow. LOL Ewwww to the snake. We had one at the cottage years ago and I forced the neighbor to roll over it with the car.
What a great trek around the garden! I'm glad to see the fruit and the berries. And the snake. Holly has requested over and over to look at that snake up close. I fear that somewhere down the line there will be a snake pet in her future. And is it just me, or does he have a lump in his middle?
Now, my friend, you really HAVE a garden!!! What an amazing amount of space to work with. My mom told me recently that her dad;s garden was not quite an acre for the food they had (he had a sawmill, just like The Waltons). I can't imagine keeping up with a garden that large. It kept the family fed though :-)
Enjoy your weather. It turned cooler today, but is supposed to warm up before the end of the week.
I tell you, it's like walking with you, looking at all of the fruits of your labor. Love it!
I love pumpkins too! I'm glad that I can see your pumpkins grow as the season progresses. You have a beautiful garden which promises a robust harvest!
Happy digging!
Thanks for the tour! I'm with you about the snake....just go away and leave me alone!! I have a hard time not looking back, too. Keep thinking..."if I had done this or that" or "if I had not done this or that". I beat myself up. Your hubby is right about going forward. Funny thing, our Sunday school teacher said virtually the same thing Sunday morning.Wise man you have there! :-)
Your bounty is beautiful. I love the verse that came to mind for you and think that your idea for a scripture study would really bless your farmin' heart!!
Blessings, Debbie
This is all making me home sick for a garden -- I am a country girl at heart the beach is getting old.. nice fore a visit but enjoy the countryside with less sand - winK!
your garden is beautiful!! i feel a lil silly, when i talk garden....i'm talkin' 2 tomato plants, 1 squash, 2 cuc's and some peppers.
my real garden has roses, lilac's, daylilies and hydrangea's.
i love the tunnel path, those are my fav's!! xo
I always love your gardens and love to see what you have done, I am a pumpkin girl too. Your photos show a lot of work, and trust me I so relate.
Love, Sue
oh my! picking off those peaches and tossing them? Sounds soooo much like the pruning done in a vineyard. And just like the painful pruning in our lives so that we can bear MORE fruit...BETTER fruit! Blessings to you as you do the painful work to produce better fruit!
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