Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pondering on Wednesday

I was thinking this morning. When I was a young mom, I was strict. I expected my kids to be respectful and do their chores and obey the rules. Well, somewhere along the line I have changed. I watched my grandsons yesterday. I am nothing at all like I used to be. There are 4 of them and I knew that being out numbered I couldn't let them go swimming in the big pool. So how did they end up going swimming in the big pool? I don't know other than I have become weak and spineless and give in at every turn.

Before they got there I got them some squirt guns and filled up a tub with water so they could play with squirt guns. That lasted five minutes. They kept asking to swim. They hadn't brought bathing suits so I let them swim in their underwear. All the time, I think I am going to be in so much trouble when Mom and Dad get back.

I didn't have any sun block, so as I am trying to think of how to keep them from getting sun burned, I came up with an idea. My husband has drawer filled with old tee shirts. So I brought them in and put the tea shirts on them and then cut them off so they fit. It was a great idea as it kept their backs covered and the sleeves pretty much covered their arms.

So they swam and I sat on the step with the baby and other brother who wasn't sure about swimming yet. We had a nice time. They they told me they were hungry. Did I give them good snacks? Nope, they saw a box of cookies I had got for my older kids to use to make Smores and they wanted those. Did I say No?
I gave them the corn syrup laden fake food. I did give the baby a graham cracker. We went back out to the pool.

They swam some more, they got hungry again. They wanted chips. So I gave them chips. I let them sit on the side of the pool and eat them. Food by the pool? I tell you I have slipped so bad. Finally Grandpa got home and things got a little more normal. Only as soon as he came outside, they told on me. I couldn't believe it. They told Grandpa about Grandma cutting up his tee shirts. They waited breathlessly to see if I would get in trouble. I didn't, they seemed disappointed.

Mom and Dad got back and my husband and I both thought we would get yelled at because there were these wet kids and they were eating pizza pockets that my older kids had fixed. Another bunch of junk food that isn't normally around here but was yesterday. So I keep pondering, how in the world did I become such a pushover. It is a good thing that they have Momma and Daddy because I am pretty sure I would ruin them.

Just some things I was wondering about. Because you know, I think they are just about perfect. I can't wait for them to come over again and swim some more.



TexWisGirl said...

oh, this made me smile. :) you big softie, you!

Alica said...

You are hilarious! Grandma and Grandpa are the BEST fun!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ah, that's the best part of being a gramma- spoil them rotten!

Meg said...

Hahaha it makes me laugh that you get so worried about feeding them junk food. I really don't care. That is what Grandmas are for. Trust me, my grandma made me eat tomatoes and drink milk all the time and I hated it. Then we would go over to the cool grandmas and she would give me teddy Graham's and caramels and peppermints. It's going to give my boys good memories. That is funny they tattled on you. Little snitches! Lol!

Kessie said...

What a great time! Nothing like a swimming pool for keeping the munchkins entertained. And food. Lots and lots of food. :-)

Saundra said...

Oh Kim you are a riot. I had to chuckle thru the whole message because we grandma's are like that... pushovers. And oh those ornery kids spilling the beans on you like that. Too funny.


Pom Pom said...

Ha ha ha! One set of our grands were here and the oldest said, "It feels weird to eat sweets before lunch." I let them eat Cheetos at 10 am.

Cindy said...

I loved this post! I too was very strict with my children, but my grandbabies........well it's totally different! Thankfully my children accept that and know I am not ruining their kids when I'm with them! lol What joy those little bundles bring us!!!!

moosecraft said...

Cute! That's the fun of being a Grandparent! :-)

Primitive Stars said...

Ahhh Kim, you are a wonderful Grandma...making great memories for your Grandkids....Francine.

Nellie said...

It all sounds like great fun to me, though I haven't had any of that corn syrup in my house for a few years.:-) xo Nellie

Empty Nester said...

Wait, isn't that called 'the rights of being a grandma'? I think that's what my mother called it when the lovelies were coming along. LOL

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Ha ha ha.....I think you are just a fun Grammie. Kids love to see other people get in trouble. They are so glad its not them this time around. Sounds like a perfectly lovely day. You are making good memories Kim.

Willow said...

Grammas always become pushovers with the grand kids ha ha

Kim said...

Ok, seriously, I can't stop laughing. You did your job. That is what grandparents are supposed to do!! I actually dribbled a little coffee down my shirt when I read that they ratted you out to Ron. LOL. You had a very fun day (and so did they)

Julia said...

Kim, you are doing the grandma thing just perfect. Once you get the title of grandma, it's out with the old rules and in with the new no rules, he,he. I'm just wondering about being a greatgrandma. I really don't know what is in store for for me.

I don't put limits on cookies and candy when the grandkids come home. The first set are all grown up and they still go in the cookie and candy jar. They always ask though and my answer is always yes. ha,ha. Now I have little James and baby Daniel. I'll be in trouble soon enough.


Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

I think it's a grandmother's right to spoil her grandchildren!!! You waited a long time for those babies to come along! I think you have some soda for them next time! LOL!!!

Hey, thanks for stopping by today, I'll put that pickled pepper recipe up soon! Have a great weekend & enjoy the pool!

Sue said...

Not only are they perfect, Kim, but you are the perfect grandmother!! ~smile~ Aren't grandchildren one of the greatest gifts from God! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Got to say I'm right there with you as far as being a little more relaxed-though we have food issues with some so I can't feed them junk too much(but do gummy bears count?LOL) I also find that I am much more aware of how seriously they can get hurt so feel paranoid a lot of the time-don't want it on my watch. I love having grands and am so excited that we just had #11 born last week.
Hugs and thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Grandchildren are ours to spoil, their parents are there to discipline. :)

Bonnie K said...

That story so reminded me of my grandmother. Thank you. Just so you know she was a grand lady (but also a pushover for grandchildren).

Debbie said...

hehe, this is exactly what grandma's are for ;)))

no spring chicken said...

Ruining grandbabies... it's one of the things I most look forward to! I'll watch you to see how it's done Kim. :)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Yep, we grandmas are pushovers, aren't we? Love it!! said...

Me too Kim, a complete pushover! I do try to 'speak a word' when the time is right, and somehow God gives us as grandparents a voice that speaks into little hearts. I know you are doing the same.
