I wanted to share a picture of our cat waiting on the front porch for visitors.
Yes, she is a fat kitty. She spent all summer outside by my chicken pen but she never lost weight. Now that it is cold, she will just gain weight.
She has the best motor. Anyway on to this week's questions:
1. What's the last thing you baked?
2. What's your favorite condiment?
I make zucchini relish does that count?
3. Do you have a smart phone, dumb phone, or no phone(we're talking about cell phones)?
Just a plain ole cell phone.
4. Do you have a favorite card game?
Skipbo is my favorite. My son loves board games so that is what gets played around here.
5. Tell me ten things you're thankful for - please:)
Freedom to worship
My husband
My family
A nice warm house
Food to cook
My husband's job
Clean water
toilets in the house that flush
washing machine and dryer
My car
Can you tell I am reading Bleak House and living in the 19th Century?
Thank you Patrice for such nice questions and for visiting and stopping by for this week's chat.
Oh, I love that kitty! She's so pretty and tidy looking!
love your cute kitty!
Love your list of things you are thankful for. It would pretty much mirror my list, except for the husband parts...lol!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Pug hugs :)
What a pretty kitty! I've never heard of Skipbo. The family I came from played lots of games, so I'm surprised when I don't know one. I like your list.I can see some Victorian England influence in your list, but they are all good things to be thankful for.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Toilets in the house that flush. Haha. That is the one thing I get hung up on when I think about moving out in the middle of nowhere. I can live without air conditioning and dishwashers and I can happily haul water to the house... But not sure I could live without a toilet lol.
I I just checked to see if Millie was still here. Your cat is huge. I was scared she ate Millie! LOL. (Toilets that flush - funny)
Fun! My first two clean water and toilets that flush right there with ya! Happy Thanksgiving~Cheers & Blessings Kim
Oh I started laughing over what you are reading...like us reading about the trip over on the Mayflower, it does make you think and grateful.
Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...I have been thinking about your family.
Fun questions and answers! Kitty looks every inch the owner of the porch now!
You are right - freedom to worship is one of the most important liberties we have and should never take it for granted.
I'm right there with you on thankfulness for the toilet that flush. I would would add the hot shower too as every time I get in the hot shower, I give thanks. Funny thing though, I never give thanks after I flush the toilet. lol... I will have to change that...
That big kitty is boss of the bench, but I admire how he respect your little pillows just the same.
Take care,
I would just love to pick that kitty up and let her curl up on my lap, motor running at full volume! :) Love your list...I think like Julia, I'd add a hot shower to the list!
Your kitty is so sweet & fat :O) I love chubby pets. Your list was so nice & we love Skipbo & board games around here too. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
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