Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Simple Woman's Daybook

I haven't done a day book in a while. I have found if you put Autumn in the title of anything, I go a bit crazy.
So this is the Simple Woman's Daybook---Autumn Version.


Outside my window... We have high heat clouds, and humidity. I know a secret, we have a storm coming and cooler below normal temps next week.

I am thinking... Of all of the good things I forget when I am so wrapped up in my own life. I miss the quiet smiles of my children, I miss the little messages of love I take for granted.

I am thankful... The weather like trials will soon be over. There will be joy because of passing through the fire and though I feel pretty scorched, there will be good things to anticipate.

In the kitchen... I will be baking my husband's birthday cake. He wanted the coconut cream cake I made during the summer.

I am wearing... Shorts and a blue worn out shirt that will be in the rag drawer soon.

I am creating... I am working on my crow and pumpkin rug. I dug out another rug I have drawn on backing. I have some things I have made this week but they are sitting by the sewing machine.

I am going...Out to dinner with my husband for his birthday!!! We haven't gone out in so long, it will be so nice to go do something just us.

I am wondering...How many I will be feeding for dinner tonight. It seems like I have so many extras to feed each night, so I never know how many.

I am reading...The Bible, my stack of devotionals. A Book called Forbidden History. I just started a book on the history of Quantum Physics. It has really great words.

I am hoping...Someday I will read this stuff enough I will be able to understand it.

I am looking forward to...Being free of fear and being a person who so trusts God that no matter what happens I will know without a doubt all things will work for good. I will be able to let go easier of my plans and instinctively  know that God has my back and His plan is always for the best, no matter what.

I am learning God's plans are always better than my own.

Around the house...As  I walked through the house turning on all of the ceiling fans, that soon I won't be running air conditioning or fans.

I am pondering...If we have had such hot weather this summer, does it mean we will have a very cold winter. The weather men have been comparing the weather this summer to the summer of 1975-76, it was so cold that year we had snow. I am hoping for that.

A favorite quote for today... " Endure hardship as a discipline; God is treating you as sons." Hebrews 12:7

One of my favorite things... My rug hook.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Going out to dinner, having a three day weekend, hanging out with my hubby. It being cooler. Just loving life and being happy.

A peek into my day... Take care of the chickens, Do school, cook dinner. Everyone gets home. The best part of the day.

 I just want to say thank you to Peggy for offering these daybooks each month.


TexWisGirl said...

it is so hard not to worry - not to try to handle everything yourself.

Meg said...

Snow... Oh that would be lovely! We are way over due for our once a decade snow... I am so desperate for cooler weather I'm thinking of running away to all sorts of places!

camp and cottage living said...

Your roses are amazing!
You always have so much going on to fill your
days. I don't know how you get it all done!
Happy B'Day to your DH and have fun on your dinner date.

Kessie said...

It's so hot, I hung my towels outside on the bushes to dry. Big old bath towels and they're dry in an hour. This is crazy. We have an east-southeast flow right now, so this is coming straight off the desert. It sure feels like desert.

And you're right, trials, like the weather, will soon be over. Sigh.

Dog Trot Farm said...

What would our lives be like without fear? I do wonder. How wonderful to be going out on the town with your dear husband, a happy birthday to Mr.My Field Of Dreams. Hopefully soon you'll be able to turn off your fans and air conditioner and fire up the woodstove and enjoy the Fall weather. Have any of your grandchildren seen snow? Enjoy your evening, blessings-Julie.

Debbie said...

ummmm, i have missed so much. once again my reading list must not be updating!!

awesome entry, these posts remind me of why i follow your blog :))))

Julia said...

I really love reading you day journal. It's so much fun just imagining being in your house and seeing you go about your day. This is a good exercise in awareness.
Thanks for sharing...

Happy Birthday to your husband. I hope that your outing together will be fantastic. I know it will. Savour the moment.

Wishing cooler temperatures for your area.

Pom Pom said...

Happy birthday to your hubby! I hope you have a wonderful time when you go out to dinner!

Alica said...

This was really interesting Kim! Someday, I'm gonna join one of these.

Kim said...

It's still unseasonably warm here too (but not 105). I hope you have a nice dinner and wish your husband a happy birthday from me.

Primitive Stars said...

Hello Kim, interesting day diary, fun read. Happy Bday to your Hubby to, have fun. The weather here is very cold tonight, maybe snowflurries tomorrow, yikes, not already. Blessings Francine.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday to your husband!

I enjoyed reading your day diary. Very nice!!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I love birthdays. Have a wonderful time just, the two of you.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy birthday to your hubby!
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs :)

myletterstoemily said...

i love your simple posts, because your life
is anything but simple. somehow you make
physics seem an everyday thing. i don't
know if i would know all the words either. :)

i'm happy you have cool weather to look
forward to!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Loving your banner photo, makes me want to hang for awhile!

The quote is great! Love them myself~

Hope you have a fabulous meal out with your Mr. sounds nice.:)

We have had beautiful weather here as well.I am enjoying it as I am not ready for all the rain.

Enjoyed my visit! :) ~Cheers Kim

Christine said...

That was such a refreshing post, it is good to stop and remember God's goodness and the blessings we take for granted.
Have a wonderful dinner out with your hubby and a Happy B'day to him!
Thanks for your prayers, they are much needed and appreciated.
God bless

no spring chicken said...

Quantum Physics? Seriously? And I thought we were so much alike. Hmmm. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Happy birthday to your hubby!

I like doing the Simple Woman's Daybook now and then ... and I love reading others' Daybooks ... interesting way to get some insight into daily lives.

So glad that you've got cooler weather coming!

Empty Nester said...

I've got to get over there and do my daybook entry for October. I was thinking the same thing about the summer heat- whether it would mean a colder than average winter...I would LOVE it! Glad y'all are heading for a cool down- we are too! YES!!!!!

Miss Debbie said...

Hope you enjoyed your date with your hubby and that he had a nice birthday!

dtbrents said...

I'm glad to see a such a devoted Christian. I hope your husband had a great birthday. Your blog is very interesting.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


I really enjoy these Day Book entries and I've never done one! I really should! I always enjoy your posts and it's so refreshing to come over here where you share your Christian faith so boldly! :)

Tammy said...

Oh Happy Birthday to your hubby and enjoy, enjoy your time out!! I am with you on the trials and know that He holds us all in his hands, and even through the disciple we are experiencing here, he is gentle.
Your reading list...well it is totally over my my lady are a brain!!
Enjoy the full table...I miss seeing all my guys...everyone is sooooooooooooo busy!

Debbie said...

happy birthday to your hubby! Coconut cream sounds soo good. It's funny, I said the same thing to hubby the other day...I wonder if the hot hot summer means a much colder winter?? I am with you, I'd love it! ENJOY your week-end! HUGS

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Ah, dinner with your husband...LOVELY! Enjoy and have a delightful time making wonderful memories.

Silver Strands said...

What a very good read this was. Thanks for sharing!

Patrice said...

We just finished hosting hubby's class reunion on our farm. I'm so exhausted, that I tried to read this post, but cannot tell you what it says. I'm totally wiped out. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you:)Hope this week is a very good one. Big hug! Nighty-night.Zzzzzzzzzzzz