I can't believe today is the last day of October.
Today was so beautiful that it was hard to stay
inside. Just a lovely puffy cloud day.
When we were young there used to be these
Medieval fairs down at Central Park. But they stopped
and they haven't held one for twenty years. I had
mentioned it one night at the dinner table just
thinking it would be me and my husband going and
all 4 of the kids said they wanted to go so today
we spent the afternoon down down in our central

Of course, I found someone to talk to and she was
telling me about the wind blowing down her booth
and having to rebuild it this morning. She was excited
to be back and she hopes that next year it will be much
bigger. I even had the thought of growing gourds and
pumpkins and selling some. I thought it would be fun
and I would like one of those costumes and a excuse
to go out in public.

We went to a wood carvers booth and this was on a pole.
The boys thought it was really cool so they took the picture.
I really enjoy wood carvings. If me and sharp instruments
got along better I might try to carve wood. My hands look
so bad now just because I have been using a saw and have
really banged them up bad this week, I hate to think what
I might do with wood carving knives.

This is a picture looking down the sidewalk to all of
the booths, I didn't know my son got a picture of me
throwing away trash. The side walk looks pretty.

Later I talked them into going with me to the library
and after that I told them about the world that sits
in front of the train station. We walked over and the boys
and my husband decided to change the world. They made
it go backwards, and then they made Australia go to the top
of the world, then they couldn't stand it so they put it back
the way it is supposed to be then my other son changed it again.
It is such a huge piece of granite. They pushed and pushed but
couldn't make it bounce away like they wanted.
We then went into the train station and looked at train
schedules, we didn't feel like going to Lodi, or Fresno or
any of the other odd places the train goes to in a day.
It was just a nice day to be outside exploring town. I tried to
talk them into visiting Antique stores but no one wanted to do
that except me. I was over ruled not enough votes in my corner.
I got some more pictures but blogger is being fussy today.
I will just stop for now.
I hope you have a wonderful Halloween evening. My husband
when I would take the kids with their cousins out Trick or Treating
got into the habit of watching Princess Bride each Halloween.
Now the kids don't do that so we sit and watch Princess Bride
I don't even watch it that much and I can repeat the lines.
So we will be doing our family tradition tonight.
Happy Halloween!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)