This is one of my pictures from last year, as fast as
this tree is loosing leaves this year, I don't think that
I will be getting much fall color.
Today is Sunday. I am grumpy. I love Sundays
and today, I got up on the wrong side of the bed.
A big helicopter started flying over and over about 5:00 A.M.
The wind has blown so much my allergies are going crazy.
So before I sit here and ruin your day, I have to focus on what
God is telling me this morning.
"God knows me through and through. If I concentrate
on myself, rummaging around in my emotional
entrails, ( I loved that phrase.) I will be distracted from
looking at God. We are to learn to know Him and be at peace."
(The Two Selves, cassette)
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18)
"Love is the way to maturity. Selfishness stunts growth
and keeps us in a spiritual playpen."
( A Lamp for My Feet, p.136)
"May the Lord make you increase and abound in
love to one another and to all."
1 Thessalonians 3:12)
So what this tells me is that my eyes are on my favorite charity, Me.
I have my eyes on what is going on around me and my eyes are on
circumstances and not on God who is above circumstances and really,
I think I am in the mood to point my finger at God and tell Him that
I really do know best.
Which is I look even further what is the root is my own selfishness has
taken a big hold of me this morning and so I am grumpy because,
I am on the throne.
I heard a quote once, " Do you know what is wrong with living sacrifices?"
"They keep crawling off the altar."
That is me today, except I want to be on the throne.
So it is time to jerk myself back to where I should be, being a wife,
a mother, a grandmother and a housewife who loves her job. :)
But most of all, I should strive today to be a servant and not
want to be served. Because really, I am the happiest, when I am
serving, and really what I do love best is making people happy.
So, I do hope you have a lovely day and it is a beautiful one.
We have the lovely month of September waiting in the wings,
full of the promise of cooler weather, bluer skies and the changing
of seasons that are just blessings in and of themselves.
So I wish you blessings upon blessing today.
Now, not so grumpy
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
Boy, I was a bit worried there when you started out. I'm glad you listened to what God was telling you.
Love that fall color photo!
Powerful words today Kim,i knew that by the time you got through writing what was on your heart that you would feel better,lol Some times just listening to our selves and quoting scriptures is one of the best doses of medicine. The statement of living sacrifices crawling off of the alter, Is one of the most profound statements I have ever read, so true.
I just am always so blessed by what you write, and am so inspired. I always relate so much of what you are saying. I have either been there, or am there. lol. Thank you for sharing your heart.
We are back under the gun with the heat, I am not a happy camper about that. Our weatherman is so tickled as he like to tell of all the records being broken this year.
I wonder if the helicopters were looking for the guy in your neighborhood who likes to watch people sleep.LOL I still haven't gotten over that news bit, I would be careful though. All I know is if he was in our bedroom he would be scared to death as there are two people sawing big logs. LOL. Enjoy your day.
This was great...so enjoyed...I started the day like that also, then went for a very early morning walk...heard God, but still had to choose if I was going to let my flesh or my spirit win.
I have heard the example of crawling off the altar...I seem to crawl off the potter's wheel when He is molding me..don't seem to like the spinning or the molding...submission to the potter!
Thanks so much for sharing...it will stay with me this week...
Beautiful thoughts and message.
It was nice to see how you worked through the grumpers, but don't be hard on yourself!
Basho, Japanese haiku writer says my thought far better than I can...
"Clouds come from time to time --
and bring to men a chance to rest
from looking at the moon."
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