This is a picture of the shed my son built at his house.
Isn't it awesome? Our son and his wife bought a house that
was not loved by it previous owners. They have worked
very hard and have turned it into such a sweet home.
Her blog is http://bitoflifeblog.blogspot.com/She also
has great recipes and very cool pictures of our grand kids.
My son needed a shed for his tools and the other things
so he could use his garage for cars.
He decided it would be cheaper if he just built it himself.
He thought about it and thought about it and finally came up
with his plans and then I think over the course of a couple of
weekends he built this.
I am so proud of him for building this. I am so thankful that
I have been given the gift of being his Mom.

This is the front of it and I just love the door. He makes
really great doors. I told him that I just needed to come over
and spend a day taking pictures for my blog and all of the things
he has made. When I was teaching him at home. He used to make
the best bow and arrows. He would take pieces of metal he would
find and would make swords. He found a place in our yard that
had a high concentration of adobe and he would make adobe bricks.
Then he would fire them in our fireplace. He had learned to do
landscaping, and sprinklers, and he is a welder and a machinist
He also writes and plays music. He is a great Dad and my daughter-in-love,
thinks he is a great husband.
He is our oldest son, and truly he has been the son of our right hand.
He is also a very good cook, he fed us too last night.
Yes, I have been a very, very blessed Mom.
So sorry if I gush a bit, I talk about the girls all of the time and I
talk about my kids still at home, and I never talk about him, so I
thought it was a good day to talk about him.
Have a great Monday!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
I really do think he is a great husband! :D I love my man so much. I'm glad you're bragging about him today. I feel like a I go on and on about him and I always wonder if people get tired of it, so now I can just read about how wonderful he is. ;)
You have every right to be proud of your son! Sounds like he has learned several skills that will serve him well and be a good help to his family. The shed looks marvelous!
Awwww, such a sweet post. Obviously, you raised him well!
Awesome shed! Wished I had one for myself.We have a very small yard wished we didn't.I only had three Girls no boys until now I have a son-in-law and a grandson and yes they need praise as well.I will hop over and chekc our their blog as well.~Cheers Kim
Oh! Kim, What a fine son you and your dh have, And what a great privilege to have taught him so much. You are truly seeing the fruits of your labor. He did a fantastic job with his building. I always admire people wh oare so gifted with their hands. I will now go and check out your daughter in love's blog. Thank you for sharing and for your friendship.
great shed...even sweeter to see the gush of a mama over her son! what a gift! hope you had a restful weekend!
Nice to hear a brag post about my brother! It's so nice to see him being what he's wanted to be since the day he was born: a man. And I'm glad you guys had a nice visit. And it's a very nice shed!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I appreciate them very much.
i think you have every reason to be just as
proud as you are. he sounds just wonderful.
i visited meg's blog and am pretty amazed
at her organizational skills. your grandsons
are adorable!
and yes, my mother in law is peggy dow, and
i love her dearly.
This is just great...isn't it fun to watch them as young men? Our oldest is a custom home builder and I love seeing his work.
Now for that son to give me some grandkids. LOL
I will check out the blog!
Loved your comment on my post...that was awesome!
Your son sounds like a wonderful man!! You should be proud!!
He did a great job Kim. You have every right to be proud of him. I enjoyed visiting your dil's blog too.
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