Happy Great Morning to you. Are you having a great fall? Its been a lovely October here.
We have been working on the house. I imagine we will be working on the house until the day we move out. The front yard and back yard are planted in rye grass now. We have the laundry room painted.
We are even talking of painting the inside of the garage. I thought I would tell you, no we won't be leaving California. Except to go see our kids and grandkids in the other states they live in. We still have four living here. Not to mention, sometimes I feel like the captain that goes down with the ship.
The state I was born into, doesn't look like the one I live in now. But, it is home. There are still things we love about it more than the things we hate.
I did this rug and got it finished and bound. Its my design and I sold the other one. Its called Rise and Shine. I do love rug hooking and this time of year is my favorite time for binding. I just love to sit with a warm rug on my lap. I really don't mind binding when its cooler. I have a few more to bind that I put away when the weather was hot.
As I have been looking around at houses that we might buy, I realize I always look at houses for the wrong reasons. Our first house, it was for our own house to live in and have babies. In our second house, it was because the house was so much bigger and had four bathrooms and more bedrooms and it had berry vines in the back yard. When we built this house it wasn't for the house but for the dirt. Lots and lots of dirt. Its river bottom land and perfect for growing.
Now I find myself looking at houses, not so much for the inside because I know I can change it. I look to see about the backyard. When my Mom and Dad bought their last house as I was asking my Mom what her house was like. She said," well it has a creek, and ponds and the best barns. It has woods and pastures and its so quiet. Its just beautiful." I said," but what about the inside?" I said, "well??" and she was silent for a bit and she said, " We never saw the inside of the house before we bought it, they wouldn't let us come inside, but it has a lovely front porch and it sits off the road."
I said, " You are inside now, what does it look like?" She was silent for a moment, and said," well, it has a very nice fireplace and wood box and shelves and its very pretty." I said, " Mom??" How's the kitchen? She said, " Well the kitchen sink is falling through the floor because the kitchen floor is rotted but we can fix it. By the time we made it to visit them, her house was the cutest house I ever saw and the neatest farm house. In my mind it was the best kind of house. By then they had a wonderful lake and our kids were so much younger then and it was paradise. So what that taught me, is you can make anything a home. So as I look at houses, I never look so much at what the house looks like on the outside, nor do I really care much for the inside, I do care about the backyard. So I am sure what ever we find it will be be just perfect. I want to be close to the airport so we can jump on a plane and go on trips to celebrate birthdays and all of those special times I miss now.

I find that I have a good lesson about life. Ron was going to be and is on jury duty. As I was anticipating this, in my mind I saw him coming home exhausted and emotionally spent. Its a six week trial. I saw all of these horrible things he was going to have to deal with. Then this week, the trial began. Not at all what I expected. He doesn't go to court, until it starts at nine. He gets a two hour lunch. Then he goes back to court and its over at 2:30. He comes home and they told him at work he could just come home and work from here. It has been like a vacation. He had made friends and not at all like the picture I had painted in my mind. I imagine that moving and all of that will be not what I expect and not like all of my fears. I am a very serious player of the what if game.

Its that time of year, I start wanting to listen to Charles Dickens and curl up with a rug hooking project and sit in front of a fire. I want to dream of what ever it is that God has in mind for us. I will just keep doing the next thing and keeping a quiet heart.
Have a wonderful day, where ever you are. I hope the leaves are changing and you have blue skies.
It’s not what the world holds for you. It is what you bring to it. |
(Lucy Maud Montgomery)