Monday, August 5, 2019

Hello August!

Good Morning! Happy August! Most the time in August, I am so tired of summer. I think this is the first time in years and years, I am so happy to see August. This has been more of the weather that I remember as a child. Warm, yet not weeks and weeks of over 105 or higher. I have thoroughly enjoyed this garden.

It has I think far exceeded my expectations.

Its so hard to get a good photo of all of the work I have stored in jars. I am like Silas Marner, in that I look in here and chuckle to myself at all of this food we have grown in our garden. I think I will have to relocate the stuff on the top shelf, if I can anything else. Most of the time, by August the bugs and heat have completely decimated our plants. I have not been completely organic this year. That food grade sulpher has been such a lifesaver. Not to mention having things growing on the arches rather than on the ground. I have so many little pumpkins growing this year.

This year we planted brown onions. I have to say it has been to my favorite thing. I have used them so much and walking out and getting a onion when I need it has been awesome. I have used so many and this is the last of the crop. I will be planting this again.

 I had to share this picture of the gang that now lives in North Carolina. I totally loved seeing them like this and it brings back so many memories of how when ours were all home at that age how we would spend summer days. I think being outside in a hammock is so cool.

I love these arches so much.  There is just something about going inside a tunnel. I sit and watch hummingbirds and finches that love this area. In fact the other day when I was picking food, I think I was being dive bombed by a hummer.

I know when I sat down here I had a million things I wanted to talk to you about. I just wanted to say hi and I can't believe we are into August now. You know what that means right? Fall is around the corner. I will enjoy August, but knowing that the promise of fall is waiting in the winds just makes me so happy.
Have a wonderful week,

"August rushes by like desert rainfall,
A flood of frenzied upheaval,
But still catching me unprepared.
Like a matchflame
Bursting on the scene,
Heat and haze of crimson sunsets.
Like a dream
Of moon and dark barely recalled,
A moment,
Shadows caught in a blink.
Like a quick kiss;
One wishes for more
But it suddenly turns to leave,
Dragging summer away."
-  Elizabeth Maua Taylor


Susan Kane said...

Perfect poem for August.

Your jars and jars lined up on the shelves is impressive.

Sue said...

Hello dear Kim, it looks like you and I both have been busy gathering snd preserving out bounty! One of the things I love about you is how you take the time to enjoy nature, I love seeing it through your writings,.
How is is your family enjoying N.C. and how are they dealing with this hot humid weather. I am so ready for fall.
So great to visit,

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim! Oh, I do love that photo of your grands and their mama. So precious.
Your garden has been wonderful! I'm so impressed with all your jars of goodness.
Sunny August is to be loved and enjoyed. It goes by fast. xo

Kessie said...

Those tunnels are amazing! I think we wanted to do something like that for years and never figured out how, exactly.

GretchenJoanna said...

How nice to have a milder August for a change :-) I wish I could sit out on the patio with you one evening <3

Julia said...

Kim, your bottles are looking impressive. I love those arches. They look like a great idea. Picking must be so easy.
Our summer has been really good this year and August is also starting out nicely. We have had some very hot and humid days but all in all it has been good.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Hugs, Julia

Mary said...

So much wonderful canned food from your land - amazing!
You must feel proud knowing you have filled your shelves with goodness for the winter ahead Kim.

August is still very hot here - had rain yesterday and heat returning for the remainder of the week. I'm heading north next week and hoping for some cooler weather. . . . . . and of course looking forward to Autumn!

Mary said...
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Carol W. said...

Hi Kim, I love the photo of Meg & the boys, they're so happy in their new homestead, it just warms my heart! August here in Phoenix will still be hot, hot, hot! I'm looking forward to Oct. when it starts to cool off in the 90's again. Your flowers are so pretty! I'm glad your garden is producing well. God bless you both!

Kerin said...

Look at all that glorious canning you have done... way to go!!
What a smile it must put in your heart to know that long after the garden is put to sleep, you guys will enjoy the flavors of summer :)

Cute pic of the Grands and M.
They look pretty happy.

I am SO doing those half~hoops next year in our garden!

Smiles :)

Three Sheep Studio said...

Your gardens and harvest are just amazing, Kim !
August is a gem of a month that often gets passed by in our rush for Autumn. I’m trying to enjoy it more.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your harvest must be amazing this year. Good for you doing all that canning. My mom always canned everything. Me? Nothing.
Hard to believe it is August for sure!!!

Susan Kane said...

All those rows of quart jars are so impressive!