Dear October,
I was so excited to see you today when I turned my calendar! Oh my how I have missed you. I admit that this year after almost 70 days over a hundred, I wondered if you would after all decide to come for a visit. September was a little kinder than August and July and June this year. But you October, my goodness, today you exceeded my expectations. Such a nice way to start fall. Welcome home.
When I walked out on the porch before the sun came up this morning. I could smell the difference in the breeze. The heat in the early morning was gone and I could hear the trees, beginning today with the sound of the ocean in the leaves. It was too dark to see the shimmer of the now very tired cottonwoods. The sound of the far away sound of the train whistle, the roosters crowing, the meadowlarks who have returned to their winter home to sing up the sun. My sleepy kitties thinking these cooler mornings might mean more of a warmer abode.
The windows stayed open all day. I even got cold. I never thought I would get cold again. The leaves are already falling from the front tree. Ron mows the lawn and by the time he is finished the leaves are falling more and more every day. The trees in the back are turning red already. My poor hens are molting. They always seem so ashamed to be without feathers.
I thought all weekend I would get some of my pumpkins brought in but trying to get the last of the limbs cleaned up from the windstorms has taken all of our time. I hope we don't loose any more trees that break and shatter. We have some that didn't make it this summer that will have to be cut down. I am so glad Ron grows replacements.
I am very thankful for shiny blue Octobers. The smoke from the forest fires is gone. I read the Farmers Almanac. They have us having rain every week in October. I think that would be so nice. I would say most of the time they do get it right. I can't wait to smell wood smoke from fires trapped in fireplaces, all orderly and well mannered and cold frosty air. I hope your October is off too a great start.
Have a lovely brand new week, in a brand new month.
“Indian summer comes gently, folds over the hills and valleys as softly as the fall of a leaf on a windless day. It is always unexpected. After a sharp cold spell, we wake one morning and look out and the very air is golden. The sky has a delicate dreamy color, and the yet unfallen leaves on the bravest trees have a secure look, as if they would never, never fall.” |
Gladys Taber---Stillmeadow Seasons.
You paint a lovely picture of October. For me October brings Nicole's first anniversary since she passed away. Today we will attend my brother in law's funeral.
We had our first light frost yesterday morning. It came so early this year. Weird weather.
Take care and enjoy October.
Hugs, Julia
What book was it that remarked that October is bright blue weather? As I'm out walking through the blue shadows, I always think of that. Perfect, gorgeous weather!
Hello Kim, Love your photos. October came in strong-it's been raining and cold here for the last two weeks and we got snow in the Rockies yesterday. Fall is my favorite season and I'm so thankful it's here, but I'm not looking forward to winter.
Enjoy the changes.
Hugs, Noreen
So happy to hear your October is off to a great start.
Hugs :)
It's so wonderful isn't it? It's cooler here, too. The trees are changing color finally!
Your cute kitty that looks like Timothy makes me smile.
I'm so happy your weather is turning sweet and glowy.
Take care, sweet friend!
October hasn't let me down with the weather either. Yet. I know the heat is coming back but we won't see the 90s anymore. The mornings have been downright chilly and I've been practically giddy over them!
Oh my goodness, Kim. You've had quite a summer! I can't imagine that much heat for that long. I'm glad October gave you such a good welcome!! Enjoy it!
Oh my goodness...such gorgeous pictures and perfect description you have given to all of this. We too have been enjoying some cooler weather and it is always such a welcome change. 90 days over 100 though would be really hard! Yes, I am with you! Welcome October!!
So happy for you Kim! I just can't imagine 70 days of furnace like heat but now your happy pictures show the bliss of softer October days! Hurray!
I am so glad you finally have cooler weather. October is also my favorite time of the year. We are now getting plenty of rain also!
ooooh the joy of autumn, your place always looks amazing this time of year!! it's cool here too!!!
The cool fall weather is divine! And so pretty too.
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