Monday, September 23, 2013

New Coop Pictures

I hope you had a lovely weekend. For the first day of fall this weekend, it was beautiful and cool and I don't remember many years when it felt like the first day of Autumn on the right day. I think this coop is going to be too nice for chickens. It is turning out better and better if I say so myself.

By Saturday afternoon all four walls were up.

As my son called it the skeleton house. It just has its bones showing. I was pretty excited about this much of it being built.

I didn't think I would be so excited about this part but this will be where the nest boxes will be and it will have a little door on it so I won't have to go in the coop to collect eggs, I can just lift the door and reach in and get the eggs from here.

This will be for the nice big window. One of the windows he took out of the playhouse will fit right here. So they will have lots of ventilation and light.

I know you can't really tell but it has this really nice big doorway. I think it will be so much easier to keep clean.

Yesterday afternoon, he said he was just going to go work out in his shed. I really didn't want him too, I wanted him to rest. I was busy in the house and he came in a bit later and told me that he had got the roof tresses up. He had nabbed one of the boys and they had put these up and I couldn't even complain about him working. It was done and then he stopped.

I just love the view of it from this angle. How neat and orderly, and everything is just perfect. Can you see all of those wonderful clouds in the sky? It made the day just lovely. We go so long sometimes without clouds and then when we have a day with them like yesterday, we stand outside and watch them.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, and I thought of this as my keyhole to the world. Every thing was beautiful and clean and such perfect puffy cloud day.

Now that it is Monday, things will have to wait. It is okay for me though. I am still trying to figure out what color to paint it. Right now I am leaning to a white house with turquoise trim. I will have to see, I know the chickens won't care.

I hope you have a lovely week. Thank you for stopping by,



TexWisGirl said...

i know you are excited to have the new coop. sweet, hard-working man you have to make you happy.

Beth said...

It is coming along great! Time to bake another pie. :-)

moosecraft said...

The coop is coming along nicely... is there a a color that helps hens to produce more eggs? I thought I read it somewhere... now, if I can only find it again...

Christine said...

Great progress so far! it will be a chicken palace,
Glad your weather is so nice!

Gail said...

Great progress!!! I would be tempted too to make it my own hobby house especially with that window.

Alica said...

I think it's a chicken - condo! Looks great!!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim!
I wonder what the chickens will think of their new digs!
I am so happy that you have some cloud covering.
Your husband is a fast builder!

Sarah said...

My kids would paint it lemon yellow with a huge rainbow and sunshine on the side :)

Nellie said...

A brand new house for those chickens! What a treat! Your husband and sons do wonderful work! xo Nellie

Kim said...

I think you should design and paint and fancy new sign to hang on the new Coop. It looks grand!!

Gumbo Lily said...

It's going to be wonderful! A good sized window is a must, I think. The chicks need their sunshine during the long winters.

Kessie said...

Oh wow, it's coming along so wonderfully! Dad must be having a lot of fun if he can't resist working on it.

Primitive Stars said...

Afternoon Kim, looking good, will be wonderful to have, yay Hubby, Blessings Francine.

Meg said...

Wow, that looks great! It will be so pretty and cute when it's done. I love that you will have a nest box door. If I ever get a coop I will have one of those too.

GretchenJoanna said...

My husband only once had the chance to build a chicken house (so far - haha). And we didn't know anything about designing one for the convenience of the farmer, so as it turned out we always had to walk through the (stinky) yard, up the ramp, and stoop under the low opening to get eggs out of the nests. The first time I saw a chicken house with a lift-up door to the nesting boxes (it might have been the Rolls Royce of chicken houses that my son built for his little flock), I thought, "duh!" what were we (not) thinking!

I'm thrilled for you! - and what a pretty punkin'!

Debbie said...

Oh how exciting it is going to be to have such a spectacular chicken house! It is wonderful...I am soo looking forward to seeing the finished product!

Julia said...

Yah, I'm so happy for you. The skeleton chicken house looks nice.
What a great idea to have a door that opens so you can get the eggs without going in the coop.
I hope that the snakes will not be able to scare you again.

It's cold tonight. If feels like late autumn here. I got two new calves again today.


Anonymous said...

The skeleton chicken house looks so beautiful. The way you planed to take the eggs from outside is good. Ventilation for it is also good. Once the work is over it will look like a beautiful house. said...

It looks wonderful. I love your projects, they always inspire me and nudge me on!

Debbie said...

oh it looks great!! white?? will that be hard to keep clean!!

the weather has been great here as well!!

Sue said...

Wow! the new coop looks beautiful Kim, and I am so looking forward to seeing what color you paint it. I vote for the colors you are thinking about, after all, those hens have colorful feathers, and they need something to match.~smile~
So glad your weather has changed for the better. Thanks for sharing.

Come Away With Me said...

It's coming along nicely. I like skeleton houses, all those neat and tidy parallel lines! Your chickens are going to have a first-class home. What a clever idea to put a door outside the nesting boxes!