I still like this picture of Sasha hanging out with the
chickens. She likes nothing better than sitting and
watching them, and rounding them up and putting
them all back in the pen.
I have a story today. When it was so hot last week,
I was afraid I would lose one or some. I stayed outside
with them so much that by the weekend, and it got
cooler, I think I had made myself sick.

This isn't a very good picture but see the black and white ones?
They are my Cuckoo Marans. I am very happy with them and the
eggs they are laying and I love the temperament. I like the New Jersey
Giant which is the blurry one next to the fence.
I was outside in the afternoon changing water and spraying down
the pen. They like damp dirt. I have Black and White Cuckoo Maran
that I call the drama queen.
She complains about everything and she has a funny deep voice, almost
like a duck quack.
I was out spraying down the little chicken yard when she started making
this odd sound like "bock, bock", then as she went bock, bock some more it would
get faster and faster. I had went outside the gate to turn off the water and
I could hear it and I thought Oh, No! One of them is dying. I ran back
into the yard and around the fence when she did a scream like "boooooock."
Then it was silent. I ran around to the door expecting to see a crumpled
little heap of feathers, but no just that hen looking at me with very sad eyes.
Her mouth was open panting and her wings were out as far as she could get them
so I am thinking what can I do, I thought about going and getting ice out of the
ice maker and filling the water dish. Then I remembered the cold cantaloupe
in the refrigerator. I grabbed a basket and ran to the garage and got
some cold cantaloupe and a knife. I brought them back and cut them
and gave them to the chickens.
They did seem to enjoy them and I thought that there wasn't quite
so much distress.
Yesterday, was a beautiful cool day. The high was about 80 degrees.
There was this great breeze that meant I was able to keep the house
open and not run the air. All day. It is so nice to not have it on.
I went outside to check on the chickens and there was the
Drama Queen, looking at me from behind the fence. With
very sad eyes. Then she started her bock sound again.
I stood and watched her and she went through the whole
routine. I thought it sounded like " Let me out, let me out,
Let me out, or I will scream!!!!!" Which she does.
Then she waits for me to do something. Which I did,
I opened the gate so she could go out in the yard.
I was folding laundry and she came up to the porch
and stood under the window and talked and talked to me.
They are not supposed to be on the porch.
So I guess to say, my life is ran by my chickens. I am worried
though about getting attached, as history tells us of famous chickens
in the past, Henny Penny, The Little Red Hen, Chicken Little, it isn't
good to be a chicken different from the other chickens. Foxes always
find those free thinkers first. Remember Jemima Puddleduck.
Have a great Tuesday.
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)