I keep taking pictures of the hydrangeas so that I can look back this winter and remember how pretty these bushes are and how many blossoms there were on them. I have enough I could cut a few and bring them in the house, but I really do enjoy seeing them grow.
I have worked in the garden all week. I have to go outside and start working before 7:00 A.M. because on a hot day, working to 9:30 A.M. I come in the house I am a bit shaky. The heat is incredible out there but the plants love it. Then I start my house work. It feels so nice to be doing spring/summer cleaning. To be cleaning out cupboards, drawers and closets.
Here is some pictures of the garden.
Here is the gourds. I do hope we get lots of luffa sponges. I really do enjoy using them to scrub every thing from bodies to sinks to what ever I have that needs scrubbing.
There are also lots of other kinds of gourds planted. I had some seeds from those kind that produce giant basket gourds. I would like to carve on those.
All the lovely pumpkins. I worked out here about three hours, getting them all weeded. After a year of no pumpkins, it is a labor of love. I have such plans for those pumpkins.
This is one of the middle beds, it has squash, corn, green beans and cucumbers. Every thing I want to can is growing here. I should have maybe planted more corn, and I still have room and plenty of seeds. I also need to plant another row of sunflowers, but it has taken so much time to keep this weeded I just wonder if I have the energy.
The beets are coming right along and I do have sunflowers out here and okra. I am thinking of letting my hoe slip on a few of the okra plants. I have never planted it before and I have heard that it is prolific., so maybe I don't need so many plants.
That is a tiny Japanese egg plant. I just love watching egg plant grow. This has doubled in size in one day.
I spend way to much time out here I think. It is such a peaceful place to me. The last two years, I was loosing my sight so fast, I didn't enjoy gardening. For one thing the colors were all messed up because of that first cataract being yellow. The sky instead of being blue was a dirty brownish color. I would try to weed and I would miss so many weeds that it would look that I hadn't done anything, so it felt I could never catch up. My plants all looked ill because it was me that was seeing something that wasn't there. Not to mention always, the feeling of impending doom that I just couldn't get away from. Not to mention out of a seven day week, three of those days would be spent with migraines. I haven't had but one since that first surgery. To me that is a bit of a miracle. Not to mention seeing blue sky, and green plants and stars. I couldn't see stars either.
I was sitting out on my knees weeding the pumpkins, and I was listening to the birds, and the ground was still cold on my knees and the wind was blowing and I could see the trees shimmering in the sunlight. I could hear the sound of the wind in the trees and such a feeling of blessing washed over me. Being thankful for all that has happened. I am constantly amazed at the world around me. Fear of the unknown is a terrible thing. The what if games that I play in my head. All of it takes away the joy of living. The beauty that brings surprises every day. I feel like I have been gone for so long. One of the things I had to do, as my sight left, was I had to keep buying bigger and bigger tapestry needles just to thread the needle. Last night I used a needle with a tiny eye. Each time I threaded that needle, I just laughed to myself, seeing the eye of a needle is such a gift.

I have rambled on an on. Time to get the day underway. I really do like short weeks, but I have been behind a day all week. I hope your Thursday is nice.
Thank you for reading along, on these ramblings of mine.
" We will wait, For God is in the waiting."
---The Trumpeter of Krakow, Eric P. Kelly 1928