Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Town Where I Live.

The other day, one of my friends on Face Book had an address of a blog that was a photo a day from around our town. I have visited several times just because I enjoy each of the photographs. The one for today, happens to be one of my favorite places to eat, and when I was in high school my friends and I would dress up on Friday nights and go eat there and order Shirley Temples to drink because we thought people would think we were over 21 and we could drink. I know but that is how we thought. The Blog is called, Our Bakersfield: A 365 Collective Photography Collective.

One of the pictures in this collection is of a building made to look like a giant shoe. In the picture it is boarded up and every time I am going to the library I am going to take a picture to show you but I never have my camera. There is one in that collection, but when I was a little girl, My mom stopped and we went in and she let me talk to the cobbler that owned it. All I remember is he had an accent.

I thought I would tell you a few things about Bakersfield. Lots of movies get filmed here. Lots of books have been written here. John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath and the city officials burned the book down at what is the police station now but then it was city hall. The farm labor camp that Mr. Steinbeck wrote of was really called TheWeedpatch Camp and my Dad and his family lived there.
There was also a movie and a book written about a terrible thing that happened outside of town by Joseph Wambaugh called the Onion Field in 1963.
One of the Supreme Court Justices came from here, and his name was Earl Warren. He was our governor and was who President Johnson had head up the famous Warren commission who was supposed to look into the assassination of JFK His own father was murdered here in Bakersfield and the case remains unsolved.
Last year we were in the news because of our Governor and his housekeeper how she owned a house here in town.
Hollywood makes fun of us because we are a Conservative town in the land of fruit and nuts. Buck Owens and Meryl Haggard grew up here. I went to high school with their kids. When Buck was getting started, he played in my Grandpa's band. The day my nephew was being born and I was in the waiting room with my parents, Buck walked off the elevator with his sister and my Dad talked to them, and they told us that their mother had just passed away.. I remember thinking that even famous people cry.
Lots of things have happened here. George Bush senior and Barbara lived here when George Bush junior was young. It is a family place that people come too. It is a melting pot. I was third generation and my children 4th my grandchildren 5th generation
It is a place you don't do anything wrong because everyone will know by night fall. Yet is has become such a big place but feels like a small town. We have one of the largest oil and gas pools in the world. If you buy a bag of carrots in the store look at the label, it might just say, packaged in Bakersfield California. The largest shipper, packer, growers of carrots are here. The baby carrot, called shortcuts was thought up here at Bolthouse Farms. For all of the funny things that do happen here, I love this place I live.

I just wanted to share this with you today. I hope you enjoy the photographs of the place that I live,


TexWisGirl said...

i liked learning more about 'your town'. and i grew up with buck owens on hee haw. :) i'll check my package of carrots, for sure!

camp and cottage living said...

You sure have a lot of history there. I find that so wonderful. The longest I've ever lived anywhere in the 37 yrs. I've been married, was 13 years.
It sounds like a city full of it's own history also. Who knew?

Marti said...

Thanks for the history tour. I love learning about places. I have driven through Bakersfield, or spent the night there on the way to someplace else. I pretty much ignored it, but next time, I will see it much differently thanks to your information. Have a great day.

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

When I was very young I lived in Sylmar. I used to see signs for Bakersfield when we road on the freeway. (Notice I didn't use my east coast "highway") I wish I remembered more about living in that area. I feel so New England now.

Stephanie V said...

I've driven through Bakersfield but have to confess that I saw none of the things you mention. I have bought the carrots, though!

Loved the drinks...I can remember doing the same stuff as a teenager. Weren't we daring?

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim!
Oh, it sounds wonderful! That is a gorgeous picture of the fence. I love California and I love Californians like YOU!

Nancy said...

I never knew all that about thank you so much for informing us...Maybe I will get to visit your lovely area one day.....

Miss Debbie said...

Very interesting facts about your town. I live in a relatively new town. It was founded in the 40's. Not much history here except military history since we are an air force town. The town actually formed around the base.There is one soap opera star who grew up here...wooho! :-)

Julia said...

Nice to know that you rubbed shoulders with famous people. I'll keep a lookout on the carrots just for curiosity. Thanks for the history lesson. It's always interesting. Hugs, JB

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kim, I smiled as I read this because I have driven through Bakersfield many times, had many meals there and slept there several times as well. It has always felt like a large city to me just because I don't know my way around. Thanks for sharing these tidbits; I'll look at my next bag of carrots and think of you.
Hugs today. Noreen said...

I love learning the history of my you have inspired me to dig into the history of our new town.

You always bring history to life..thanks!

Dog Trot Farm said...

How interesting Kim. I'm not sure when my carrots come from, but I do buy Bolthouse Farm juices, does that count? George and Barbara, as you know summer here in Maine. I heard George comment to a reporter once, "we try to blend with the locals, but with Bar's hair it certainly isn't easy." Hope you had a great weekend, it is cold here in Maine, but I did manage to snowshoe for an hour. Hugs, Julie.

Debbie said...

great photo's....i never leave home without my camera ;)))))

Sue said...

Kim, This is the coolest information, I didn't know all these famous people lived in Bakersfield! I have so enjoyed this post!, of course I enjoy all that you write! ~smile~
Since getting to know you and finding out where you live, I am always more aware when I read or here of Bakersfield, and now I will be checking my carrot bags,.
Hope your day was filled with many blessings, we have gotten some much needed rain, and it is a little cooler, so today was a relaxing day.

Bonnie K said...

Crazy,that was all very interesting. I'm a Haggard and Owens fan. My cousin lives there. Someday I will visit. Thanks for the information.

Kim said...

Its nice to learn more about where you live. It sure has a lot of interesting history. I'm going to go and check out those pictures now.

Florence said...

My daughter is soon moving to Antioch,California. We are excited about our new adventures to come. Farm Girl Florence

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

What an interesting post. I have heard of your town, but naturally had no idea about its wonderful history. I love reading facts like this.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Wow - there's so much to tell about your town! Our list would consist of a sentence or two!

Larkrise garden girl said...

I loved your story it was really interesting,I love history and the way you told your story was a delight full of all sorts of tidbits. Have a great week,Cheri

no spring chicken said...

So interesting Kim. And I just always thought of it as that HOT, dry place we had to drive through to visit my childhood home in Buena Park!! I'll never think of it the same...

Blessings, Debbie

Jennifer said...

This makes me appreciate my town even more. Great stories+ rain= lovely evening. :)

Gail said...

...and I'll add some personal history. Before the war, Dad worked as a ranch hand in Bakersville. He would also call the Saturday Dances. He loved California.