Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Projects to do and Chats on The Farm House Porch

My friend Jacque Who is a wonderful quilter and a good friend. She asked what I had been working on and I told her I had bought this pattern and I wanted to start it. I couldn't figure out how to put the picture in the email so I know how to do a blog so I am putting it here. Tech Savvy I am not. The pattern is by Cheri Payne who has Quilts by Cheri and Wednesday's Best. It is a little quilt so that is why I wanted to do it not to mention the center being counted cross stitch.
Chats on the Farm House Porch--With Wendall. Patrice is out someplace and she left the questions and answers up to Wendall. Go over and you can have a nice visit with Wendall.

Here are this weeks questions:

1.    What's your favorite kind of chili?

Um, favorite kind of Chili, are there more than one? Do you mean vegatarian verses chicken or shredded meat or hamburger or do you mean normal chili with beans or do you mean 5 alarm kind of chili? I like them all and would eat them any time.

2.    What do you usually do when you feel a cold coming on?

Work as hard and furious as I can and get all of my work done and keep at it until I have to give up and crawl into bed. I don't do much really, drink lots of water. Maybe put lemon in tea with honey, but unless I get really sick, I try to ignore it as much as possible. I hate being sick.

3.    Rice, potatoes, or pasta?

I like rice, but I love french fries and pasta and since I am not eating any of them they all sound so yummy.

4.    What kind of camera do you use?

I use a little point and shoot Cannon with 5 pixels. Which isn't mine but my son's who is so nice to let me keep it with me.

5.    Are you a night owl or an early bird?

I am a early bird. I can't make it past 9:30 very often. I think it is easier to get up in the morning, harder when it is dark and cold. It is much nicer in summer to catch the first taste of morning as the sun comes over the mountains. I am big on sunrises and I feel like I have lost something when I don't see it.

Thanks to Wendall for keep up with the chat this week, and I hope Patrice has a good time where ever she is
I look forward to getting around and visiting on your porches this week..


TexWisGirl said...

your 2nd answer was too funny! i knew that! you exhaust yourself just in case you get sick and lose productivity for a while. crazy woman!

Stephanie V said...

Oh, yes, the sunrises! And the birds that sing early in the morning! Mornings are just so fresh and promising. Not to mention downright beautiful.

Christine said...

Ohhh I love that quilt and especially as it has a cross stitch panel!
I love how you describe getting up as 'the first taste of morning' that's sounds sweet and I'll remember that when I have to haul myself out of bed in the morning!
Blessings to you!

Kessie said...

Oooh, shredded beef chili ... I think I know what I'm making for dinner now. I wish I could get away with really hot chili, but small children have to eat the stuff. :)

Debbie said...

oooohhhh kim i am exactly the same way when i think i might be getting sick. if fact, i live my entire life that way as i have lost so many days to ms.

i have an unhealthy obsession with potatoes and pasta....now i'm hungry!! and i LOVE chili!!

Kim said...

The last thing I will do if I am starting to get sick is housework! You are so funny. And I think vegetarian chili is just wrong!!

Jacque. said...

ohhhhh, I LOVE that little quilt, Kim! It's perfect for you to do! Thank you so much for putting it here for me to see. I love mornings, too.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Oh Kim that quilt is just lovely, is it the size of a dolls quilt? I cannot seem to get my crafting mojo going, but I am loving everyone elses. Hope you are having a good week, it is cold here in Maine. Blessings, Julie.

Nancy said...

I love the little quilt pattern....so pretty....

I always enjoy reading your front porch chats...Wendall is quite a character isn't he?

Nellie said...

I am in awe of anyone who does cross stitch! I was never able to catch on to it. I suppose that is due to my aversion to needlework.:-) I have done quite a bit of sewing in the past and the parts that had to be done by hand were not my favorites.
I enjoyed reading your replies. xoxo

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim!
That little quilt is charming indeed.
I finally home, trying to catch up! Missed you!

camp and cottage living said...

Your quilt fabrics look old! Are they or reproductions? Will you hang it? I like the cross-stitch and quilt combo.
Are you dieting? It seems the more I try to stay away from the starches, the more I desire them!
I once had a elderly lady tell me it was my body needing it for winter warmth. Isn't that funny?
Take care-Kimberly

Debbie said...

I LOVE the quilt. The combo of the quilted pieces with counted cross stitch is really good. I had a dream last night I was eating a baked potato with LOTS of butter and sour cream..I kid you not! haha Have a good day my friend! HUGS

Debbie said...

I LOVE the quilt. The combo of the quilted pieces with counted cross stitch is really good. I had a dream last night I was eating a baked potato with LOTS of butter and sour cream..I kid you not! haha Have a good day my friend! HUGS

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Oh love the quilt...like Debbie said, I like the combination of both quilting and cross stitch...enjoy doing it.

Oh chili..love them all..early bird, here also, nodding off by 9;30 also

Wonderful chat...have a great rest of the week.

Empty Nester said...

..."to catch the first taste of morning as the sun comes over the mountains.." once again you wax poetic and I can see it and it is gorgeous! Have you tried the gluten free pasta yet? There are a couple of them that are really good.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Your sons little point and shoot camera takes wonderful pictures. Hope you got the storm that you guys so badly needed.

Julia said...

I like all your answers but working hard when you start getting sick is an odd one for me. I only get a cold when I get myself tired and worn out.

I haven't been much on the computer lately as I've been quilting so if you don't se much of me lately, that's why.
I want to finish that quilt.
Hugs. B

Patrice said...

Patrice is visiting Mickey Mouse, but unfortunately, not in on your coast. I hope Wendell didn't bother everyone for carrots. Have a great week! I'll write when I get back to my email. I'm on D1's computer right now. :)

myletterstoemily said...

you are adorable! i used to be an early
bird . . . way back when i used to sleep
at night. :)

Simple Home said...

I love reading these. I laughed at #2. That is so me :) I always try to get everything done as soon as I start feeling sick.
I'm definitely a potatoes girl :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

no spring chicken said...

What a wonderful pattern. I love everything about it... the colors, the size, and definitely the counted cross stitch pattern in the middle.

I missed the sunrise this morning and I agree... I rally lost something. :)

Blessings, Debbie