Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

It is time to step in to Patrice's place Everyday Rurality and have a visit on her porch.
Patrice always comes up with such nice questions.
So lets get to them now.

1.    How often do you wear a skirt or dress?

Now, hardly ever. I love them and I used to wear them all of the time, but I think I have just got lazy. So I wear jeans and boots when I go somewhere, and jeans and tennis shoes when I am at home.

2.    Did you feel unmotivated after Christmas and New Years?

No, During the holidays, my days are filled with so many " Have To's" that I welcome the New Year, I know once I turn the page to January it will be a race to get the house cleaned and the yard work done and all of the projects I want to do. Once spring comes then I am racing the heat. Because once the heat gets here I can only work to about noon.

3.    What was the last thing that made you say "Wow"?

Truthfully? Okay, My daughter had a new boy coming to visit her and the family. He walked through the door, and I did say, WOW!!!
He is perfect. I mean I know he must have faults somewhere but as of yet, none. I am already planning a wedding and they have hung out a couple of times and they are going on a date this week. Did I mention he has the coolest shirts. He had this one on the other night which is from a game my family plays, called "Portal, and the guy from Portal was getting into the Tardis which is the police box from Dr. Who. I don't expect anyone to understand what I just said, but it is very cool if you knew our family. My husband likes him and so does her brothers and that is very important and he is taking her to eat bait, sushi and she loves sushi and she can't get anyone to ever go with her. So yeah, the more I know about him the more I say,  "Wow!"

4.    Do you shop with a list, or do you "wing it"?

I always plan menus and make my list from my menus. I like to make double the recipe so that some weeks, all I have to do is just take it out of the freezer. No, I never would go to the store without a list.

5.    I enjoyed this so much that I will ask this again. What questions would you like me to ask on our Chat?

I guess I would like to ask, what sort of things are you looking forward too in 2012 ?

I always enjoy the chats. I hope your week is off to a good start.
Thanks to Patrice for having the Chats on the Farm house Porch


TexWisGirl said...

oh, your expectations for your daughter and this 'boy' just made me laugh!!! no pressure!!!

Jill said...

Wow! Already planning a wedding? That's a hoot!

Kessie said...

That shirt sounds awesome. Get to know the guy first, though! A lot of ppl seem perfect until you get to know them.

Meg said...

Yay! She finally has one that everyone approves of? That's great! :D No more worrying about her going out with creepy stalkers haha.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

I'm laughing at the 'plans' for your daughter! I make 'plans' too, but if I ever tell our kids any of them, they just laugh them out of court!

I can *not* imagine being sent inside with heat.... Just. cannot. imagine!

Janie said...

I have to shop with a list.
Can go on some of the memory, but not like I use to.
All the wanna dos, have to dos, and don't wanna dos is a whole other story. Now I am thinking of doing a post on my blog about FaceBook comparing to Blogging. What do you think?

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

As usual I enjoyed reading your answers. Have a good night!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Enjoyed getting to know you a bit with your chats with Patrice. I always Need a list, but rarely make one. This is why I am a twice a week grocery shopper- always forgetting something the first go round.

Breathing In Grace said...

I like your answer to #4....I so wish I was that organized!!!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim!
How are you?
I like the chats on the porch! It's fun to read what you have to say!

Kim said...

Lol. The wow cracked me up. If he ever makes her cry, you"ll be saying WOW, what a shmuck!

Julia said...

You can't go wrong with a WOW. It can go either way, lol...
I hope that this young man continue to wow you and your daughter. You made me by "planning a wedding already"... You are too funny.

Love your answers as usual. Hugs. JB

Julia said...

I mean you made me laugh...

Visits With Mary said...

"Eat bait"...too funny! Just stopped by from Chats of the Farmhouse Porch. Hope to see you again!!

Suzanne McClendon said...

My daughter is a major Dr. Who fan, so I hear about the Tardis all the time. :) Best wishes for your daughter. I enjoyed reading your post.

Have a great day!

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Love that you're already planning a wedding!

Empty Nester said...

Around here, I'm the only one who refuses to eat bait...I mean, sushi. I can honestly say wow about our SIL and Birdie and Deanie's BFs. I am seeing where all that time on my knees when they were little praying for their future spouses is paying off greatly!

~Sue~ said...

Enjoyed the chat today Kim, especially the one about your daughter's new friend, just like us mamas. I too like to wear jeans and boots when going out, It must be the farm girl in us! ~smile!

no spring chicken said...

Wow! Hang on tight to that guy... A boyfriend that makes the family say wow is a keeper...

Missed you and your philosophical sharings Kim. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Kim - about giving blood - I've never had any problems giving at all but my son would pass out every time he tried for a long time. He kept going back though and I think he does ok now.

Jamie Oliver (@va_grown) said...

My Dad always said he knew I would marry my husband the second he walked in the door to meet them the first time and took his hat off and shook my Dad's hand. Momma said she wasn't sure until after dinner that night. :)

Stephanie V said...

That's so funny about the Perfect Guy! I can remember those kinds of instant fantasies myself (wa-a-ay) back in the day...don't think my daughter ever brought home a PG!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Well, I hope this young boy turns out to a real dream for your daughter. God has a plan, I know. =D

Patrice said...

I like your post. It sounds like the young man deserves a "Wow"! I had to laugh when I heard how far down the line you were thinking of on this. Surely that would deserve a daughter's eye roll and the "Mom!" comment. Have a wonderful week, dear friend!