Today at 11:00 A.M. our internet went down. My husband
came in the door at 5:30 went to the little box that didn't
have any green lights on it unplugged it and plugged it in and
the internet came back. ( We tried that all day.)
I found out some interesting things. I talked to my kids
more today than I have for years. We hung out all day.
They practiced instruments. They wrapped Christmas packages.
We spent all day in the same room. They watched me cook dinner.
They played with the dog.
I had thought of Oh no , what if it never comes back, I might have to
use the* gasp* the telephone to talk??? Who does that? Not me. I text,
but talk???
My friends all live in my computer. My friends all live in other states or
cities or countries. I have a magic carpet that allows me to have
friends like that.
I would hate to loose what I have but it is a scary thought.
So if I am gone for awhile you will know that my internet is down again
for the millionth time. My husband as I type is sitting next to me on
the site and boy, people are mad and it isn't just us. I am glad I am not
working for their tech support.
So just so you know, I hope your Monday was great.
Mine was just very different.
I wondered where you were. I missed you!
well, i'm very glad you got to spend quality time with your kids. but, yes, i'm WAY too dependent on this connection to the outside world!!!
We really are dependent on technology, aren't we? I hope we never forget how to communicate "for real"!! :)
I'll love logging on and perusing the world wide web and blogs of course.
Isn't it fun to learn about blogger friends all over this world!
Hang in there, we are all here! Hugs! Florence
Nothing more frustrating. Hope you get it fixed.
I'm glad you got to spend time hanging out and enjoying "realness":)
We NEED days like that! We all survived before the internet...
I wonder how we did at times!:)
It's a disconnected feeling to be without it now. When we lost power earlier this year I really missed blogging and catching up with everyone. Glad to go back on-line, but it sounds like a great day with family!
ohboy...no internet...could certainly change things up quite a bit. Not for the bad, either.
I'm glad that all the technology I use constantly wasn't available when our kids were little. It WAS nice and quiet, simple.
I LOVE my connections via the Internet, though. Friendships with like-hearted friends teaches me so much. (BIG HUG!)
Oh my computer isn't booting up...so I don't know when I can even get on the computer. I miss visiting and also pulling up my recipes. I also think there are just some times that unplugging is good for us all...I am sure my family could learn a lot from setting down technology...including the cell phones.
The world is so different for my five year old than when I raised my older ones...oh my, both good and bad mixture.
Have a great week...and will see you!
It's almost 'freein' when it goes down in one way but on the other hand I'm thinkin' about what all my bloggin' buddies are up to and it drives me nuts.
I am much more productive when I say away from the keyboard. 'Just sayin'....
God bless and have a wonderful day sweeite!!! :o)
Don't worry Kim. I won't feel slighted. Though I do appreciate the heads up... Enjoy the extra time!
Blessings, Debbie
Ah Kim, you have a good reason why you were not on the internet much today but you managed to post anyway. That's fidelity.
I can accomplish so much more when I don't blog too. I used to think that I needed to post every day but thank goodness I don't post every day or I would have nothing done in my house. Your loyal friends will always be there when you return unless they take a wee break from Blogger themselves. Enjoy your Blogger break. Hugs. JB
You know, I have friends at work, but I really don't have time to go to people's homes and have "coffee". I have too many responsibilities at home. So visiting blogs is how I have a community of people to inspire me. It's also an outlet for the writer in me. I may never publish a novel(though I'm going to try!) but I can enjoy writing even if I'm the only one who reads it!
I enjoyed your post and I think it's a good thing to unplug and enjoy the family. Blogging is the only electronic thing I do, so I see it as frosting on the cake of life!
Sometimes I think we all need to unplug for a few days to reconnect with our friends and family face to face... thanks for the reminder!
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