Friday, December 9, 2011

Internet Blues

Just a short note, it seems some critter might have
chewed on our our wires. AT&T doesn't know quite
where it is at and will have to find it.
I just wanted you to know.

I didn't want you to think I had turned non-sociable.

I will get back soon,



Sassafras and Winterberry said...

We'll be here waiting with the kettle on for tea...

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Gosh, I hope you have the insurance they a cost, of course. That could take a while to locate.
Merry Christmas and God's blessings on the hands of the repairman/woman. -smile-

Pom Pom said...

Oh no! I hope it's fixed soon! Thinking of you!

Jill said...

We'll be here waiting for you!

Kim said...

Oh no. I hope they fix it quick. If it takes too long, and you start to get twitchy, go to Megs and check your emails. Lol

TexWisGirl said...

oh, hate that!!!

Maryann said...

We had something like that happen several months ago...we were going through withdrawla so bad we went out to a local eatery just so we could connect. Times sure have changed haven't they :)

Meg said...

Probably that rat that was in the chicken coop!

Debbie said...

ooooohhhhh kim, good luck with that. why do they do that, they can't be too tasty??

Julia said...

I hope that you catch the varmints who chewed through your wires because they will chew through the new wires. Hope that you get this all straightened out soon. Hugs. JB

Florence said...

Yikes! Good luck, hopefully it gets resolved soon. We have had that happen before under our house. Pesty critters! Florence

Nancy said...

Critters can be good and critters can be bad.....I hope you find the damage soon....We will miss you....

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, critter wars! Been there, done that from time to time!

Sue said...

So sorry Kim, hope you get it fixed soon,
Just catching up on what you have been doing, Your Christmas story should have been put in a book, what an awesome testimony of the faithfulness of God. I understand why you make Christmas so special for your family.

I hope you won the Cookie contest!!
I have been so busy, with decorating, planning, and enjoying our new lambs, they are so precious, oh, Kim I know you would love to hold one. I prayed for a Christmas lamb, and so far we have five!
I think of you so often, especially when out on the farm, and I see something I know you would like.
Hurry back,

Patrice said...

I hope your wires get better soon. I figured you were busy getting ready for Christmas.

no spring chicken said...

Maybe this is a gift from God... maybe he's giving you the gift of time. Don't waste it by fretting. Enjoy your day Kim!!

Blessings, Debbie