Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is what I picked yesterday, I think my favorite is the cantaloupe, for one thing it is something I have never had any luck with, but the other amazing thing is when they get ripe, they just fall off of the stem. Then you just pick them up. Not like digging through tomato vines or climbing in and around all of the other plants. Nope, they just lay there, it brings to me the verse that says, your wife will be like a fruitful vine. The only thing, I don't think I am quite so obliging. I think I am more like a sticker bush, waiting to poke and prod. :)


Meg said...

I can not believe how much produce you are getting! Thanks for the bags you sent home with Ben. We'll be making lots of salsa and I like having cold cantaloupe with dinner. :D

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you liked everything! I'll send some more home with Ben if he comes tonight.