Friday, November 10, 2017

Just A Finish

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I get more scatter brained. I have though, managed to think of what people are going to bring this year. A week ahead of time rather than just days.

 I have a funny story to tell you.

 I went to the grocery store this morning. I was just picking up some things for Thanksgiving but not all of it. You know just odds and ends that are gone when I want them. I think other people were thinking the same thing as the store was packed for 9:00 A.M. on a Friday morning.

Of course that early, they never have enough help. I wasn't in a hurry so I was just looking around and watching people. There was a Chinese man buying soft drinks in front of me. He is there every Friday morning buying the sodas for his restaurant. He doesn't speak English very well, but I always smile and nod and he always smiles and nods back. Its funny the people you see on a routine basis.

The young man who was checking groceries was harried. I always have a ton of stuff and I was thinking about other things and just putting my things on the belt. In California you have to bring your own grocery bags. If you forget you have to pay 10 cents a bag. Not a big deal. I think its the principal of the thing. If you go to say Home Depot or Michaels or Hobby Lobby, they give them to you.

Back to my story. I gave him my bags and there wasn't a bag person, so I just walked to the end and started bagging my own groceries. Which really made the guy upset.  He told me he was sorry, then he got on the loud speaker and called all courtesy clerks to the front. I noticed someone had been messing with their loud speaker because it echoed through the store like Elvis in Love Me Tender. No one came.

I used up all of my bags I had brought and I said to him, " You need to charge me for extra bags because I used up what I brought." He looked at me, and said, " You are not buying a single bag, you can have all you want!" I smiled and said thank you and a gal showed up about then and finished up. Out of the blue he said,
" Come on to the back with me, I am giving you a turkey! I said what? He said, Yep, I am giving you turkey!
I pointed at the register because I hadn't paid yet and he said, " Never mind I am getting you the biggest turkey I can find!" He came back to the register with a 20 pound turkey and put it in my basket. I just laughed and went out to the car. Isn't that funny! I have chuckled to myself all day. He was still very grumpy that no one had come to help with all of the people in line.

I finished my last old project from two years ago. Well, not all of them of course. I could stitch for years and not finish them all. I think I have done all of the Fancey Blacketts by Pineberry Lane now.

I just love those patterns.

I wanted to show you the tiny bit I have left on my crow rug. I just need to get to it and stop procrastinating.

 See that tiny little square? That's it.

I had to get back to His Eye is on the Sparrow today. I really wanted to finish it this year and I know I won't. But here it is.

I thought I was further along. I am doing the bird now so I feel like I got over my mental block. It really will be lovely if I ever get it finished. I am glad I stopped and finished the other projects. My mind wasn't yelling at me so much to hurry.

Two of our kids are in Israel this week. The pictures have been wonderful. I am sure they will have all kinds of stories to tell when they get back. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thank you so much for stopping by today.


 We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are.
Madeleine L'Engle


Rugs and Pugs said...

You always have the best stories! I hope you are not a!
May I ask why your kids are in Israel? What an exciting adventure.
How can it almost be Thanksgiving?
Oh, and I love all your projects. You have been so productive.
Hugs :)

Julia said...

I agree, you always have the best stories and congratulations on getting that big turkey free.

Enjoy the process of stitching HIS EYES ON THE SPARROW and don't worry about finishing it this year. Just enjoy the stitching. Works of art can take a long time to finish...
Sending best wishes for safe return for your two kids in Israel when they fly back home.

Hugs, julia

Debbie said...

oh kim, no one tells a story like you do!! i always bag my own groceries and i have never gotten a turkey!! hehehehe in this area, we don't have people to do it - but i actually prefer to bag my own groceries!!

your needle work is awesome, you have gotten lots done!!!

acorn hollow said...

What a wonderful story about the turkey.
Great projects.

Kessie said...

He just gave you a turkey? How funny! We went to the store early today, too, and this old guy stood behind us in line and told the kids corny jokes.

Q. Where does a one-legged waitress work?

Gumbo Lily said...

What a sweet story. Kindness begets kindness! As always, I love seeing your stitching and rug making. You do beautiful work, Kim.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love your rugs. I know it takes a lot of time and talent. Have a blessed weekend!

Ida said...

Very pretty fall colors, nice stitching you are working on & wow how neat to get a free turkey.

Mary said...

I'm so embarrassed Kim - just realized I don't believe I ever knew you actually had a blog, and was never signed up on your Follower list! All the times you've left me lovely comments I've never really come here (just found you from Sara's blog). Bob and I were just talking about you recently as I hadn't seen anything from you! I love your blog and will now be able to keep in touch!
Love your grocery store story - hope your large family will enjoy that big bird!
Your stitching projects are so beautiful - love the crow - and His Eye Is On The Sparrow will be amazing. Your eyesight must be great - I'm finding it hard now and seem to be wearing my readers almost constantly!
Stay warm - hugs, Mary

GretchenJoanna said...

My favorite thing about this post is the sweet picture of chrysanthemum flowers. Happy November! There is still some left ;-)