Now that its November, I thought I could share my goals I made for myself at the end of 2016. I got my fit-bit and on December 26th I started walking. Each month I finished was shocking to me. That I could walk almost every day at the beginning seemed impossible. Today my stats are this: 3,423,599 steps, 426 floors and 1,348.44 miles. I walk now first thing every morning and then walk every hour at least 250 steps. My son Peter gave me the fit-bit for Christmas, and he said the other day, " I never dreamed that giving you a fit-bit would change your life so much, Mom you are a different person, you used to be sad some mornings and now you never are." That was very high praise I thought. I have not lost weight though, Just the first ten pounds but the weird thing is my clothes look like clown pants.

My other goal was I was not going to buy wool or linen the whole year. I was going to use what I had. I was so afraid of moths getting into my wool. After a whole year, I still have wool. My backing is gone and I have been trying to hook and finish up past projects. I still have past projects. This is my wool rug and I have to dye wool today to finish it.
I am that close. I have used the Dusty Little Dye book for the background of this rug. Now I know there maybe a rule someplace but this is what I have done. You really can't tell too much. I like the movement in the rug, but since I haven't bought wool I had to get creative. I took worms, (other cut up wool pieces from other projects.) I dyed them with the wool I was dyeing for the background. They take a bit longer to dry, but they work just as well and I am using up my wool that way. Which was what I wanted to do, not buy but use up.
My wool storage is down to two storage boxes. I can shut the lids finally. I will tell you this that this has been so hard to not buy wool, or patterns or linen.
The next thing I wanted to do was finish up my counted cross stitch patterns that I started in years past.
Here are the three I managed to finish up this week. Well except the bottom one, it was new.
The top two are
Fancey Blackett by Pineberry Lane. I have one more that I hope to finish today and the bottom picture is from
Jenny Hoffman Country Rustic Primitives. Which I did purchase because I needed to just do that witches face. Sometimes I stumble.
I have even been picking and saving seeds from my poor zinnias. I don't know where I get these ideas but they come to me. Like my November goal until Thanksgiving in not complaining. Its harder than I thought it would be, I complain far to much. I even get tired of listening to myself complain.
So just some things I wanted to share. I am thankful that I set that goal for myself, and never did I think I would be able to accomplish any of them. I am so glad I bought so much wool in 2016 and so much dye. Not to mention linen. What does that say about me though, I bought so much it has taken me a year to use it up.
Do you know I still have patterns in bags.
It really does though for me, it takes more brain power to live intentionally. I guess you could say, I have been sort of embarrassed about my goals and too afraid to tell you in case I couldn't accomplish them.
I hope you have a lovely weekend. Here is is perfect, cloudy skies, colder weather. The air is wonderful. Lovely, lovely November.
We do not draw people to Christ by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.
Madeleine L'Engle
---Madeline L'Engle
Wow, congrats on hitting all those goals! You still have that much wool? Good grief, how much did you start with? And all those steps!
Your Fitbit stats are impressive!!! Isn't it amazing how that little thing on your wrist motivates? It has worked wonders for me.
Sweet stitcheries.
I am SO IMPRESSED with your willpower. No wool all year? HA! I have more wool and patterns than I can use in 4 lifetimes and I'm still buying...sigh.
Hugs :)
Sweet lady, creative people have lots of supplies it's a fact of least mine. I also said in January that I would finish up quilts, rugs, etc and so far so good, HOWEVER, I just had to get a rug done for October and that required a purchase.
We are funny creatures aren't we.
What a lovely post. I bet you are creating muscle weighs more. I should have that kind of goal for 2018
Inspiring, Kim🐝 Yay!
I’ve been watching Flosstube on YouTube and thinking about cross stitch. I love your 3 pieces today.
Wow, talk motivation... That's a lot of steps and I bet you have stronger muscles and sleep better from all this walking.
You have lovely Cross Stitches and they will look amazing all finished and hung on the wall.
Like you, I haven't purchased anything related to rug hooking but I haven't been hooking lately so it was easy for me.
Happy November. Hugs, Julia
WoW!!! kim, you are a rock star with that fit bit!!
i always love seeing all your needle work, you do an amazing job!! i said i wasn't going to buy any yarn this year, until i used up all the yarn i had. that was a big fail!!!
Curiosas imágenes... un saludo desde Murcia....
Congratulations on all your finished or nearly finished projects! That's wonderful. The one that especially encourages me is the walking ... I just got a fitbit last week and I'll remember this post when I'm not wanting to get up and walk. I hope I have "clown pants" in a year's time!!
The establishment of a habit of walking is the most wonderful thing!! It has far reaching ramifications, which I know you are already enjoying to a degree. And your accomplishment of your goals in general is very encouraging!
What a lovely post and was it Jefferson who said walking was the best, easiest exercise? Writing and keeping your goals is wonderful...inspirational!
You are working on some really nice projects. - I think it's good to make goals and you shouldn't be embarrassed at all. Even if we don't accomplish every goal it's good that we atleast try.
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