I hope you all had a lovely, fun filled Fourth of July. Ours was normal. Fireworks, fun and lots of food! The swimming pool was a nice place to spend on the hot day. We had Tri-tip and hot dogs. I made vanilla home made ice cream and peach cobbler. My peaches aren't ripe yet so I had to buy some.
I picked cucumbers this morning.
I will admit I was rather shocked when I couldn't carry them in my hand and I had to go up to the house and get my half bushel basket. I was tired this morning. I wasn't planning on making pickles but I did anyway.
My first batch of fermented pickles. I didn't have grape leaves but it said I could use black tea bags, so I put those in the top of the jars, along with some whey. I will let you know how they turn out. I put in fresh cut dill.
I went out and gave the dill all careful hair cuts with my scissors. It is a nice quiet morning.
We have new neighbors!!
One of the hardest things for me, is I grew up in the house next door. It was my parents house that they loved and worked so hard on it. I have to live next door and watch renters come in and just tear the heck out of it. Sometimes when I am out in the garden, I think to myself, I just can't take this anymore. I need to move. Last night I was ready to call the realtor. The last firework mortar went off at 2:30 A.M. They were so big that the floor would vibrate. Since Ron has to be up at 4:30 it makes for a really hard start to the day.
But like everything. It always looks pretty in the morning. Life is back to its normal routine. I have lovely cucumbers and tomatoes to pick. I wandered around and counted my blessings. I prayed for God to be in me not a different set of circumstances. To get my peace and accept that for now, this is where I am to be.
Four weeks ago, this little kitty showed up. I have no idea where it came from. Sasha chased it the first time I saw it and it ran from me until Sunday when I caught it. Four weeks of hot weather, no food and I am sure terrors I have no idea it underwent. I have spent a lot of time just sitting and holding it and talking to it. It still doesn't come to kitty kitty. Nor does it know how to use a cat box. I gave it a bath Monday morning. It just laid there and let me wash her and dry her. She doesn't meow or make a sound. She has never unsheathed her claws or tried to bite. I don't know if she is just in shock but every day she is a little bit better. She was so painfully thin. She eats very well and drinks. I am hopeful she will be okay. I will take her to the vet just as soon and I can stand to do one more scary thing to/for her. She tugs at my heart because she is such a little fighter against all odds. Needless to say, Sasha and my other cats are not happy about this new development.

The sunflowers are opening and it does make me happy to go out to the garden and see all of the smiling faces.
I hope you have a lovely day.
I wish you blessings upon blessings and hope you have a wonderful restful day.
"It was rapture enough just to sit there beside him in silence, alone in the summer night in the white splendor of moonshine, with the wind blowing down on them out of the pine woods."
―L.M. Montgomery, The Blue Castle |
Oh my goodness - are those pumpkin vines in your top pic ??? Oh to have pumpkin vines like that !!
Homemade pickles are the BEST !
What a tender kitty. ;)
Oh, I BET that makes you mad when the people in your old house act like cuckoos.
The new kitty is sweet! You are so nice to take such good care of her/him?
Poor Ron! I bet he was tired at work today.
Applause for the pickles! Hooray! Good job!
From now on things grow and grow here. Yay! I'm glad you got in the pool on the fourth! You did, didn't you?
Garden fresh tomatoes. YUM!!!
How wonderful of you to save the poor little kitty and give it lovin'.
Happy July :)
It's do decent of you to care for that poor little kitten. I bet this kitten will be your best friend very shortly. I think it's bonding with you. Good luck with your new found friend.
I hope your fermented pickles turns as yummy as your mom's.
Take care, hugs
I got some cute little cucumbers at the farmer's market, and they will become my pickle experiment. I just needed some dill and pickling spice, so it has to wait until this weekend. I'm so glad you caught the kitty at last! Poor thing!
Awwww, what a sweet kitty. You have such a kind heart, Kim. I'm so happy for that kitty that it found you. And now, I have to figure out how to get some peach cobbler. Thanks for that. LOL
I just love your dark orange sunflowers!! That is the color I've always wanted and never yet grown.
awwww kim, i loved reading that you pickled, even though did not feel like it - that's a great spirit!! your tomatoes look awesome, i'll bet they taste great...i hope the juice runs down your arm when you eat them.
i too have dill growing. keep an eye out for caterpillars, they love dill. if you see one you can bring it indoors and raise it to a butterfly!! i did it and it was so fun!!!
that's such a cute kitty, she sure picked the right house to hang at!!
your sunflowers are gorgeous!!!
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