I have sat down at the computer to write a blog every day this week. I finally thought I need to come up with something to write about. Walking continues to be what I do most. Now though, I am doing a big portion of my walking in the evening. You know that time between sunset and the skunking hour? I have to juggle it because if I wait too long after sunset, the skunks just start showing up and they aren't afraid of me in the least. I am sure if I just stood to one side and waited they would bumble on past, but alas, I am not that brave or trusting.
Emilie had her wisdom teeth out on Monday. She did great. I had a luncheon yesterday. Chickens are keeping me busy. The barred rock rooster continues to be a Psycho. Freddy has toned down a bit and Poor little Poirot has become lowest rooster on the totem pole, so he doesn't do much. I picked him up one night and he poured out his little chicken heart on my shoulder about all of the injustice in the world. The barred rock actually ran behind me and attacked the back of my legs last night when I was putting them to bed.
I am not a nice person because I thought of just leaving him out for fox food. He is going to have to go see a chicken pot pie man soon I think. He is not nice at all. Drama in the chicken coop. I did see one of the big hens whip the tar out of him this morning so he has been rather subdued today. I cheered from the side lines.
In garden news. A couple of nice peppers are on the pepper plants. They make my mouth water. I love peppers.
I picked a few cherry tomatoes this morning.
They only lasted a second because I ate them, I just wiped off the dust and they were fantastic. With our heat wave coming starting Saturday I hope to eat lots more.
The Cherry Tomatoes are loaded already. |
These are the big tomatoes. I noticed on one of the plants I must have bought a plum tomato.
Here is how they look today. I might have to tie them up this weekend. They are going so crazy this year.
They have out grown the sticks we used to stake them up. This year when I planted tomatoes, I really did it with a heavy heart. For the last few years it has been such terrible years for tomatoes I just didn't think I could take the defeat one more year. I am so glad I have a crop. Well at least so far I do.
The pumpkins are really growing now. I have one more area I hope to plant more pumpkins in. Those are the white ones, and the Cinderella and the Jack be Little. We can still plant until Fourth of July and still have a nice pumpkin crop for the fall. Its getting close though and I don't want to miss my window. I am going to plant some more sunflowers and then I am done. Well, I am going to try to be done.
With our heat coming I bet next week when I stand here and take a picture you will see a big change in how much everything will grow.
This morning I could smell the heat coming. Its funny. It smells hot and toasty. Nice because that is just what summer smells like when you live here. Our nights will be in the 80s so I expect lots more activity on the game cam. I got some really good video of skunks breaking in the gate at night but I haven't learned how to post them to the blog.
I hope your week has been a nice one.
Thank you so much for stopping by today,
"It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside."
―Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib |
The tomatoes look beautiful! I think I would stay in the pool all day! How was your luncheon?
Oh, I think I'm jealous of how quick your tomatoes are growing. I agree the heat really makes things grow fast. I hoping that you'll post some before and after pictures.
My daughter noticed one tiny tomato on my Roma tomato plant today, as I helped her plant her garden. I tilled and weeded for her before she planted her veggies and herbs.
Your garden looks so weedless.
Take care my dear farm girl.
Smiles & hugs
It's only 5:53pm where you are and it's 9:53pm here where I live so off to bed I go.
Homegrown tomatoes. Lucky you!!!
I'd be wary of the skunks, too.
Define Bakersfield hot? 100+???
Your garden and flower pictures are gorgeous! They brought me many pleasant memories of my Daddy's garden and my Mother's flowers! Your garden is absolutely beautiful, and in fact, so is your blog. Thanks for a delightful read! ---"Love"
You made me laugh this morning, Kim ! "The rooster will be seeing the chicken pot pie man." Lol
Your gardens are fabulous. I know I've asked this before but - do you have a roadside stand where you sell your produce ?
Between sunset and skunking hour...LOL That was great! Cherry tomatoes are my favorites. When I used to grow them Molly (DD4) would go out, pick them, and pop them in her mouth. Very few ever made into the house. :) That rooster better chill out soon! LOL
It's great that you continue to walk Kim, it's such a great habit to form!! I liked your description of when you walk, good to get it in before skunk time!!
Gorgeous blooms and header picture!!
I had to give a bit of a giggle about that Roo story . I would have cheered to that hen from the side lines too . ha ha . I am lucky my two boys are so good to me. Your garden sure is looking great . I somehow lost all of my cucumber plants but one when the heat wave went through , they were just tiny sprouts so I guess it was just too much for them and not enough water perhaps. One strong little plant is still plugging along !
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