I hope you have had a nice week. Are you looking forward to this weekend? How about that June is just around the corner. Has your May been as nice as mine? Just rather busy I think. The weather has been perfect so no complaints from me.
Our youngest son passes a milestone this weekend. On Monday, he will be 21 years old. I just have a hard time with this. How can it be that time as passed this fast. I still remember being huge and pregnant and trying to finish up school for the older four and take care of the two year old. While trying to get our berries picked and in the freezer before the baby came.
It was Tuesday morning. I was trying to get my laundry finished. I had a doctors appointment that morning. I knew I had been in labor all night but it being the sixth time around I knew it could be like that for hours. I drove myself to the doctor. Then she made me go check myself into the hospital. I drove there and checked myself in and had to call Ron at work to tell him where I was. Then I had to call home and tell the kiddos Mom was going to have the baby. Then after all of that it ended up being a C-Section. When I ever have to encounter anything hard now, I always make myself look back at that period of time. I had a new born, 2,4,6,10, and 14. I had to hit the ground running. My grand parents were going through health challenges. My parents had moved away and were experiencing health issues as well. Ron was extremely busy with his job, I was busy with the kids, little did we know how fast our life was getting ready to unravel.

Now 21 years later, we have weathered storms, we have met challenges. We have gone down paths we would not have chosen. We have been given such gifts that take your breath away and without those hard things, we would not have recognized the joy that only suffering can bring. The small things that surprise you. On a day I felt I would break into a hundred pieces. I had to run to the grocery store. I was beyond exhausted I came out of the grocery store and there was a note on my windshield. I just shuddered, wondering what I had done. I opened the note and it said, " You are loved---Everything is going to be fine---God." I got in my car and put my head on the steering wheel and cried and cried. It lifted my burden though. I remembered whose I was and today I remember the note, but not the trial. Isn't that the way it always is when you look back?
One of the things I have loved about having babies and now being a grandmother. No matter how bad the day is, picking up a baby, breathing in the sweet baby smell, holding that sweet little body in my arms and rocking will cure I think just about any problem there might be going on in the world.
Pattern by Notforgotten Farms |
Not the post I was going to write. Here is my latest little bee chair pad. Gosh how funny it looks in my picture. I have just steamed it. I have this round stool in the kitchen, I though this might look nice on it. Its kind of primitive isn't it?
Anyway, On this Memorial Day weekend. It is nice to remember the past. It is always nice to look forward to the future. But this weekend, it is nice to be thankful for the now.
Blessings from me to you, thank you for stopping by and visiting.
Perhaps, after all, our best thoughts come when we are alone. It is good to listen, not to voices but to the wind blowing, to the brook running cool over polished stones, to bees drowsy with the weight of pollen. If we attend to the music of the earth, we reach serenity. And then, in some unexplained way, we share it with others.
Gladys Taber |
I hold an old-fashioned notion that a happy marriage is the crown of a woman’s life.
---Beatrix Potter