Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mid Week Post

I hope your week has been a nice week. It has been hot but very nice to get my work done outside and then come in and have lots of projects to do.

One of my blogging friends that I love to read and visit with is Pom Pom Ponderings She always introduces me to books and thoughts and I love reading about her life, which always encourages me. The week she sent me a book that she has found dear to her heart. I love books that are inspiring to others. I think if I was going to have another blog I would name it after this book. The book is called, " The Pace of a Hen." Isn't that wonderful titile?

This week I have thought lots about the pace of a hen. I have watched my hens as they go about their daily little routines. It has made me slow down and think.

The book has this quote that I loved. " Mark Twain once observed that no couple could begin to know the bliss of being married, short of twenty-five years together. In the presence of a companionable middle-aged pair, young romance seems a feeble reed in comparison to the strong plant of their devotion how they weathered the storms and reached such a mature affection that their shining joy in being together is a blessing to all who touch their lives."

The book has a copy right of 1961. I find the thoughts and the quotes and the words to be uplifting.
I remember standing in the grocery store line when I was turning 30 and one of the titles of the magazines there said something, " How to have good sex after 35" I thought to myself, " Gosh, what happens to you when you turn 50? or 60 or goodness 70? Being now married 34 years, I keep telling the girls, that yes, you will go through hard times, times when you would love to kill your husband times as I often did, or get in the car and just keep driving and never look back. Boy howdy, am I glad I stuck around to be here right now.

I would say being married is the hardest job I ever had, but much more rewarding than I ever dreamed and at the age I am now, so very thankful for each day. I will tell you a bit of truth, being married to me has been no picnic. :)

I took some pictures this morning of a baby luffa sponge.

They will get much bigger and then you let it dry and peel off the outside and you have the nicest sponge that is so good for scrubbing from skin to even using it to scrub the sink and tile with. They are very durable.

Here are some little bird house gourds. I was so surprised to see these too, I need to set them upright on the bottoms so they will sit flat.

This is how they look when the start forming. Aren't they cute with their little bits of fuzz?

I am not sure what kind of gourd this is going to turn into. I like its shape. We planted so many different kinds
 of gourds it is nice to be surprised with the different kinds.

Well day is a wastin' I have been reading some old books and one of the characters always says that.

Have a wonderful Wedensday,


 " So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
go throw your TV set away!
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall."
---Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl, 1964


Debbie said...

i just adore the quote from your book, it is so very true!!

i couldn't wait to tell you that i have a pretty big cucumber and about 5 small ones. they seem to grow quickly....they are tiny and just a few days later they are quite big!!

your garden, as always, looking amazing!!!

Elizabeth Ann said...

Love your pictures! I would love to try to grow some gourds next year. How often do you water your sunflowers? Beautiful garden!

Julia said...

The only thing I have to brag about in my garden are 6 tiny tomatoes the size of marbles, haha and my spinach is starting to bold in this high heat.

Your red sunflowers are beautiful standing upright. Love the gourds and luffa. I grew luffa sponges once when the kids were small just out of curiosity and also spaghetti squash.

It's nice receiving books that are inspiring.

Have a great week.

Beth said...

I love the quote! The book sounds wonderful!

TexWisGirl said...

you do love your garden. :) stay cool!

Rugs and Pugs said...

"Being married to me has been no picnic." Thanks for the laugh!
Hugs :)

camp and cottage living said...

The book your friend sent sounds like a real winner and one I would like also.
I agree that having weathered some hard storms together in marriage makes it much richer and fuller and rewarding!
No, it hasn't all been a picnic.

Three Sheep Studio said...

Perfectly said. The strength and depth of love that come from a long marriage cannot be rivaled !
And, the gardens are looking great ;)

Empty Nester said...

I always get such a peaceful, fulfilled feeling when I read your posts. And I LOVE that book title! That's perfect! I'm still reeling about those luffa. I can't get over the fact that I didn't know they were plants. :)

Pom Pom said...

Yay! You're in the midst of all the fun by now! I am leaving in a bit to pick up my party participants (Finn and CB for Granny Camp!)
"Hen" is to be read slowly, isn't it? I get it out, peruse and ponder, put it back, get it out again. I'm so glad you're pleased with it!

Gumbo Lily said...

Marriage and family is one of the hardest jobs you'll ever love. It's because we love them so much. The Pace of a Hen sounds like a wonderful book. Since we are hen raisers, we see their pace and it definitely is a slower pace than our modern world.

I tried to grow Luffa one year and they had a hard time getting started and never got large enough to use. Yours look like they are going to be a good size by the end of their growing season. Someday I'll try again. Love the baby gourds.

Happy Summer, Happy 4th of July!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I love that quote from Mark Twain! Oh yes, there are times when I'd give almost anything to be single and free from the burdens and inconveniences of a husband, there are times when my husband drives me crazy and makes me wonder why I married him - why I'm STILL married to him! But God reminds me that my hubby no doubt thinks some of the same thoughts from time to time. Praise God that the times when I just thank God for that man of mine, when I can't imagine my life without him far outnumber and outweigh those moments of frustration.

Sue said...

Hi Kim, stopping by to say Hi, your gourds look wonderful, Oh how I would love to grow Luffa, please let me know where I could get some seed. The book sounds wonderful too!
Loved your thoughts about marriage, I once heard a minister say, "Marriage was hard at its best, we have to work on it each day, and that there would be days we don't want to , but we must, I can say there have been days I didn't want to, but you and I must have done something right, we both have been married for a while! ~smile~
Happy Independence Day!
I am sorry for my lack of blogging, dear daughter is home visiting, and our garden is producing.