I know I complain about the heat, too much I think. I wanted to tell you how beautiful it was this morning. We had a bit of rain Tuesday night. The air now is full of moisture and the smell is just heavenly. All of the smells of fall and cold and fog and today, I know why I will never move. All that is in me loves this place. My grandparents bought this place in 1963. In November that year my parents with my grandparents moved out here. I was four years old, I remember that every day I walked around the garden and the yard and the huge old trees, the old farmhouse, the Quonset hut where my grandparents were living all of it called to my heart. Even at four years old, I knew I was home.
Not much remains of the place that lives in my memories. This place had been a working farm and a dairy. All of that is gone. Where my house sits now was where the old barn was, it blew down in 1977 so by the time we built our house all that was left was an old foundation. This place survived a fire that destroyed most of the out buildings when my grandparents were alive. When I walk the pastures, I am reminded of the love I have felt for this place for most of my life.
Next year, all of that may change. The city has decided that they will turn the road in front of my house into a freeway. If they use the law of eminent domain, my front yard almost to the front tree will be gone. It will take all of the houses on the street. If that happens, remember my saying from last week, " Fear is the darkroom, where negatives are developed." I will not be afraid. I am reminded at four years old, even then God knew the heart of a tiny girl and brought me here. He still knows the heart of this old woman, and what ever it is that He decides I know I will be blessed where ever I go. As He always says, " Will you trust me," I know I will because as I learned from last year, His ways are always the best even when I don't understand.

Today is Halloween, I love Halloween, and I love that my kids and some of my grand kids will be here. A home, is not the house I live in but with the people whom I have been blessed with, no matter where I go, as long as there is family I will be home.
Have a lovely day,
i am sorry that the city is going forward with their highway plan. i know the helpless feeling of that... but i love that you have faith.
I hope that something miraculous happens and you don't lose your front yard to the freeway. Faith can move mountains.
Your words today demonstrated that you are a woman of great faith and deep devotion to your family.....What an example you are setting for your family and all who come to visit you here....
Oh I am so sorry I have a great love for our land so I understand this a little but I certainly do not have the history and generations of memories that you have. This makes me sad but faith will get you through. Love the quote "Fear is the darkroom, where negatives are developed."
Have a nice Halloween. Hug B
I hope they don't do that. I love your attitude and admire your faith. I will add the situation in my prayers and hope that whatever is decided, you will find that blessing you know is there. If you think about it, message me your addy on facebook. I want to mail you a Christmas card and have lost the address.
I think it is soo neat that you are living where you grew up. I can see that your roots go deep, and hopefully something will happen that will keep that freeway from coming so you can truly go old in this place, but if not, your attitude is such a good one! I told myself when I moved here that a house is just a house, and a home you bring with you where ever you go. And it has proven to be soo true! Enjoy your evening with the kids and grands! HUGS
When you're in your right place, you have a courageous spirit! Praise God!
I loved reading about your ties to the land on which you live, Kim.
Happy Halloween to you! Enjoy your family! xo Nellie
I also love the smell of the land after the rain - I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
That is horrible about the freeway! But if it happens I hope you can move to another place where you can have the old familiar scents. And take your chicken house!
And also, your leaf photo at the top is GORGEOUS.
Your attitude is amazing, and you've taught me many lessons, Kim! Your family is blessed to have you! :)
Sweet post! I hope the city doesn't take too much of your land. We just had some friends who went through the same thing with the county here. Wonderful that you have such a happy history with your home place. :-)
One of the things I love best about you, Kim, is how your faith and attitude strengthens and guides you ... it certainly encourages me.
I too admire your faith and your positive attitude. I love Serenity prayer of St Francis of Assisi. To accept what we can't change and to change what we can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Do you mean that even your house on your street would be gone if they put a Freeway in that area? I sure hope not but then who would want to live close to a Freeway? There are lots of open places in your area where there are no houses, why disturb all those houses to put in a Freeway. Hard to understand.
How devastating the news is that they are making home a freeway. Papa used to warn us all the time it would happen. Makes me sad because the smells and sounds and memories of our amazing little Mohawk in the country will be gone.
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