Friday, June 3, 2022

Happy June

 Happy June! 

I love it when summer gets here! I love all of the fresh fruit and the summer flowers. I love how it is warm in the morning and having coffee outside just as the sun peeks over the mountains. My very favorite though, is school getting out. I remember how much fun it was taking my kids with me to run errands and now I am so happy that the young mother's that live around me don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to take kids to school. 

I know maybe you might not have noticed but I was missing for awhile. Google said I violated the terms of service. They locked my blog down and I couldn't get to it. I know that if you have read my blog for awhile, I work really hard trying not to be political or say or write anything else. As I looked around I found that they had changed it so they can see what I watch on You Tube. I do watch political things on there and I made sure  I changed it so they didn't monitor that, but I am sure now they watch what I say on my Gmail. So I guess there are bots that catch words that might be politically incorrect.

Freedom of speech and thought police are real. We are not only living 1984 but also Brave New World. 

We painted our guest bathroom and put in new flooring last week. I was so excited that I have no projects this weekend.

Just fun stuff like weeding the garden and getting back to Magdalena's Goat. I took a little break to work on this rug. Now I have to bind it. Its a cute rug and its been a fun project. 

Our youngest son proposed to Belle this week. She said yes! So the last one of the six will be married. 

I am so thrilled. I feel really blessed. 

 I thought this was a cute picture of them. Her life will never be boring. I just loved this picture. 


My cactus bloomed last week. The flowers only last one day. I missed taking of the other two, but for the first time there are a second set of blooms so hopefully I will catch them this time. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend. I am so glad summer is here. Since I got my blog taken down, 

I am going to post this picture, just because. 

It tickled me. So if they take me down, at least it will be because I posted something worth taking down.

Hopefully, my blog will stay up, but if I do end up being taken down, you will know why. 


“Happiness is making the most of what you have, and riches is making the most of what you've got.”
 Rosamunde Pilcher, The Shell Seekers


Saundra said...

I just thought you were taking a brief hiatus or more painting. We are indeed living in Orwellian times where big brother sees, reports and puts us on lists.
Wow, that a big beautiful bloom on that cactus. Your son is handsome, with I could see those beautiful eyes but he has a great smile. Lovely lady too and glad she is mom approved, lol. Gotta love the Maga King!!!!!!!

Julia said...

So there, this means that your blog has a very important status that needs monitoring by the social media p-o-l-i-c-e.
I love that Mega poster. The MEGA King will return. Just wait and see.

Love the beautiful white cactus blossom, just gorgeous. Too bad they don't last long but are worth waiting for.

Your summer rug is looking great.

How fast the children grow. I can't believe your last boy is already old enough to marry. Good luck to him and his beautiful fiancee. She looks like one of my Philippino friend.

I'm still in the weeding and planting mode and I'm really feeling my age. My old body aches everywhere. The grass is growing so fast. It's hard to keep up with the push-lawn mower. My house needs cleaning from top to bottom. I wish there were two or maybe three of me so we could take turn to rest. lol...

Hugs, Julia

Saundra said...

I totally forgot to say I love your summertime piece. I LOVE crows!!!!!!

Come Away With Me said...

Hello there! We do live in a different world these days. Just wanted to say hi and I am glad you are enjoying the beginning of the summertime mode of living. We are looking forward to it here in San Diego too. I finally after seven years re-started my membership at the San Diego Zoo (they have a good deal for local residents/seniors) and hope to get some walking done there in coming weeks which may mean more blog posting. We shall see. Enjoy the lovely month of June and I look forward to your future posts. Congratulations to your son and his fiance. they look very happy.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ha the feisty side of you my friend. But, yikes....thought they'd have better things to do than trying to figure out what you're watching on YouTube since they have removed/banned any and all videos that they don't like. But it surprises me not at all. Just angers me. Love the photo of the thistle in your header photo...and that cactus bloom is just incredible! Love your Summertime rug too....Of course....hard to resist anything crow. Our summer is here in name only it seems. Believe it or not, I still have the heat on. It has been getting down to 40º at night and that's just too cold for this chica. ~Robin~ (Soooo....where, exactly, were your son and his fiancé in that photo??? Yikes....)

Rugs and Pugs said...

You must have been really bad!!! I have heard of Facebook jail but never blog jail. I just assumed you were busy with life. Welcome back.
Congrats to your baby boy and Belle. They look very happy. And you sound like one happy momma :-)
Beautiful cactus bloom!!!

NMK said...

They took down your Blog !!! I used to get so many ridiculous comments , it made me stop posting , I could not stop them , until I saw if they weren't followers of my blog , then they could not leave a comment ! I need to figure out how to post again !
A wedding in your future is wonderful to look forward too , a very cute couple !!!
Your hooked rug is perfect for Summer !

Kerin said...

Your sea holly is wonderful! I am awaiting mine to turn purple, but it looks very promising :)
I am so happy and thrilled for P. and B!! They are going to have a wonderful and adventurous life together!
I love that you have a B, and I have a B, that shares the same birthday!

Gosh, I think it's sad that someone thinks that you need to have your blog suspended for even one second!
You are such a nice and kind person, without a single venomous cell in your entire being.
Rest assured that you are not alone in your feelings about all of this!

Have a lovely weekend, sweet friend.


Pom Pom said...

Wow. That's super interesting.
I'm so happy for Pete and Belle! Hooray!
I am off to the park with the leadership peeps today.
Right now I am going to go buy donut holes.

acorn hollow said...

Holy cow how did I miss this whole post??? I can't believe they took it down.
With all the smut on the internet!
Congrats on the engagement they look extremely happy!
Your flowers are lovely my favorite part of this time of year is being able to have my coffee out on the porch.
So glad I stopped by.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog