Thursday, April 1, 2021

Now Sweet April

 Happy April!

We planted Lilacs after we took out a do nothing hedge. If I can keep them alive, I will have a very nice group of flowers. These are Persian Lilacs, so hopefully they will like the weather better than the Eastern kind. They smell wonderful. Isn't spring lovely? I have loved watching this new neighborhood wake up this year. I admit to thinking about things I looked forward to each year at the old house, but I grab myself by the scruff of the neck and don't let me go there. Look forward, never back. How on earth would I get so many projects finished if I was Kim Hula-hoe hand I ask you? 

I have one side to finish binding to finish Mr. Whiskers from Star Rug Company. 

 This is such a fun little pattern. I just enjoyed it so much. I love whimsical rugs. I hope to finish his binding today. Binding is so hard on my hands, I don't know why, but they just get so sore, I can't even open a door. I guess I should stick to the hula hoe... Not!

I got that cute little book from With Thy Needle and Thread, Jelly Bean Jubilee. So many cute patterns. 

The hardest thing was picking which ones to do first. Such fun colors too. 

The big rabbit pinkeep is from Scattered Seed Samplers. The chick is from the Jelly Bean book. 

It was so much fun to do these spring things. I had made a goal for myself from January to March. I have accomplished them. Now I have to plan some goals for April-June. I know planting my teeny-tiny garden is in the works so I might slow down on the sewing and hooking front. Its such a different year from last year. We put the house on the market a year ago today. So glad to be here this year. 

So its all good. All of the babies born in 2020 are growing and are perfect. Crawling, trying to walk and rolling over. Sweet, sweet things to think about. I feel very, very blessed and happy. 

I wish you a wonderful Easter, full of blessings,


… the two men asked them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you while He was still in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.’ ”…


Rugs and Pugs said...

The scent of lilacs is one of my favorites.
It seems like you have been in your new home so much longer! On the market just one year ago today? You have accomplished much in a very short period of time...and I'm glad you and hula-hoe are no longer best friends!
Mr. Whiskers is just adorable and your Easter pinkeeps are just TOO SWEET!
So happy all the new grandbabies are doing well ;-)
Happy Easter, my friend.

Gretchen Joanna said...

Oh! You just made me remember that I have a couple of indoor Spring decorating items I could bring out! .... if I can find them.

I'm excited about your lilacs. I have never grown them. Somehow they are in a category in my mind with crape myrtles and I do have one of those now!

Julia said...

How nice that your tulips are already blooming. I can't wait for my Lady Kim Lilacs to bloom. They are paler in color but smell so nice. The Lilac bush is still bare.

You got a lot done in March. Your bunny mat looks great and so are your other projects. I only crocheted a baby blanket and had so many Zoom prayer meetings in March that I didn't do anything else and now it's time to do a bit of cleaning dead debris in the gardens. Time is zipping way too fast.

Have a blessed Easter
Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

Once again, you have been incredibly productive. It shames me. Mr. Whiskers turned out adorably!! I love binding and while I have wrist issues, I don't find I am bothered by it...well, at least not the whipped edging I do like you do. I love all your other little "tucks" as well!! are prolific! I think my favorite is the bunny from Scattered Seeds, but they all are great and you've displayed them perfectly. Your lilac looks amazing!! I can't believe you have blooms! I grew up in my mother's family's homestead and the back yard was covered in lilacs (the suckering kind that spread all over) father hated trying to mow around them (no riding mower), but oh the glorious smell!!! It is one of my favorites to this day. Several years back I took my mom back to the "farm" (it is vacant now.....the barn torn down and the property being mined) and the first thing I did was run to the back yard to see the "jungle". Unfortunately, the "new" owners had ripped out every single one. My heart cried. I hope yours thrive and you can enjoy them for many years to come. It will be a long time before we are graced with their magic. Happy Easter to you and your beautiful famiy as well. Like other holidays, it will be a non-event here...but someday I will get used to it I'm sure. ~Robin~

Kessie said...

Those plaid carrots!! Squeeee! I want to play with them! I'm so glad you're making things again!

Susan Zarzycki said...

That shade of lilac is gorgeous! You have been busy and Mr Whiskers is so cute! Have a blessed Easter.💖

Olde Dame Holly said...

Your pinkeeps are so festive and pretty!

Bonnie K said...

We so want lilacs, but have had no luck here.

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Dear Kim! Your springtime and Easter decor is lovely. I'm very happy to learn that the babies are well and growing, and your family is doing fine. I look forward to what you are planning for your little garden, and whatever other goals you set for yourself for the next three months! Sending you hugs and blessings. Looks like you are well blessed with some beautiful lilacs; I can only dream of their wonderful fragrance.

Pom Pom said...

Oh Kim! I LOVE your bunny so much and EVERYTHING you've made this year! I wish your hands didn't hurt and I wish my bicep didn't hurt, but we ARE grannies after all!
Oh, the babies! Such a blessing!
Your lilacs are lovely!

Jo said...

I miss reading your blog. I hope all is well for you.