Sunday, April 7, 2019

An April Morning

I know that I have lived in other Aprils, but this year, this one seems almost magical. Doing the most mundane tasks seem to me as if the air glows. I walked down to the chicken house to let my hens out of their house, and as I walked across the yard, I was so surprised to see the path of diamonds sparkling under my feet. To see the rainbows within each drop of water. Each blade of grass seemed infused with its own glowing golden light. Every where I looked I could feel spring. Does it not seem sad to think it might of been on a morning like this when Jesus died? It makes it hurt in my heart. But then to know just three days later, on a even more beautiful morning, the tomb was empty. Do you ever wonder what if felt like to have God dead? The creator of all things? All things hold together in Him.  I think about things like that sometimes.

I wanted to share with you my little miracle. Well, it is to me. One of the things about living here, is the lack of bees. We have other pollinators, like moths, orchard bees, wasps and even those tiny little iridescent flies and H bees. But not very many honey bees. I had my own hive in the past but they left. Earlier in the year, I really wanted a new hive, but I was past the time when you order them. I prayed that God would send some bees to pollinate.  I wasn't praying for my own, I was just praying for some hungry bees to fly by.

A couple of weeks ago, not one but two swarms flew in. The first one was in my chicken house, which wasn't going to work for us. Thankfully, it didn't work for the bees either so they left. The second is now in the skirting in my shed. Which of course is right next to the garden. This morning I wanted to check the orange trees and yes, so many working bees. I stand out there next to the shed during the day and watch them flying home with all of the little pollen sacks filled with pollen.

Do you know how tiny it makes me feel? It makes me wonder why I don't pray about everything. Why I don't leave all of my cares in the hands of a wonderful Father, who knows me and gives me the desires of my heart. Why I think, I can do it myself or why I try to go my own way instead of His.

Can you see the tiny little orange? Isn't that just amazing? I was thinking this morning, that time began in the garden. In a perfect world God planted a garden and put Adam in the midst of it to tend it and take care of it. When I am in the garden, I am more aware of the seasons, the weather. I am aware that in the garden, the miracle begins with a seed. I remember the first time I held a seed in my hand I was overcome with the magic contained within that tiny bit of miracle. When I am running here and there and life becomes crazy. All I have to do is walk out the back gate, and all of the stress from the day goes away. Just the beauty of the shimmering leaves of the cottonwoods, the wonderful beds of growing things. The blooms on the crab apple. April has been such a wonderful surprise this year. Maybe its because this is the first year, I am not fighting God about something. Giving up what I want, so God can do bigger things than I even know.

I sit and watch this tree with its new green leaves. It must be the best tree on the block. I keep watching knock down fights over nests in that tree. So far I think the Blue Jays have won. The doves though are pretty strong minded and sneak in when the jays leave to get more nesting material. This time of year, there is such drama in the tree tops.

I hope you have a wonderful day today. Thank you so much for stopping by today.


"Of all the wonderful things in the wondeful universe of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result thereof."
---Celia Thaxter.


lil red hen said...

Such an inspiring post! Your love for God radiates from each word and photo. I appreciate that so much!

We're slowly getting spring colors.

Julia said...

Like you, I feel mighty small in the picture of creation. It never cease to amaze me that when I plant a seed and what grows from it was put there by design, just like the plan of God has for us. Unlike nature, we fight God's plan because we have plans of our own while nature just go with the laws of nature set forth by God.
Your flowers are just beautiful. I would love feasting my eyes on all your beautiful flowering trees. It must be a feast for the eyes.

Our snow has gone down a lot then we got another 4 inches and that's mostly gone and we are getting another snow storm tomorrow but I know that we can't rush Nature. Spring will get here when it gets here. I'm OK with that.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Hugs, Julia

Carol W. said...

Oh, I love reading your post! This is the season of rebirth when you can really feel God's presence & power in every tiny bud!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, it warmed my heart just reading them. God bless you, Kim.

Sue said...

What a beautiful post, from a very thankful heart, Kim, i believe the Lord was smiling as I was while reading this, it must really please God, when we recognize and appreciate His creation!
I feel the same as you when I am and about in my garden. I will begin to pray for some bees, as ours left last year, and it has been hard finding a new hive.
Thank you for sharing.

GretchenJoanna said...

Gardens are truly miraculous, I agree. I bet one reason your April feels different is because of extra rain that went into it! The plants probably really are more shimmery and brilliant...

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your April sounds amazing!

Debbie said...

your april is amazing because that's your nature, happy and filled with joy!!

i started my garden because you reminded me to and inspired me to. you have that effect on people!! your gardens are gorgeous, i love the new header!!!

and i am glad you figured out the problem...i miss you when you are gone!!

Lisa Resnick said...

Great information in this article. Thanks for sharing.

Larkrise garden girl said...

I am here at my daughters house babysitting crazy dogs running around and there is no quiet lol. I felt such a peace when the quiet soft words of your blog settled in my heart. I felt like I was sitting on your porch. Hugs cheri

Alica said...

This was such a wonderful post! You are such an inspiration to me, and and encourager through your blogging!

Kerin said...

Thank you for such a nice post, and a sweet reminder that our Father in heaven is in charge, and he answers all of our prayers, and we must learn that things are done according to His time table, and not our own.
I look back on so many times that I had trial and prayed, and I can see know that I was never alone at those times, and that my testimony grew because of the trials that I had.
The refining fire, for certain :)
Hope you are able to keep your adopted bees there; how wonderful that would bee :)

Give that sweet Sasha a hug for us.


TheCrankyCrow said...

What an incredibly heart-touching post my sweet reflective and introspective both at the same time, and so very full of hope and joy. It did my soul good to read this at this point in time as I so struggle with the surrender part of discipleship. And your photos are as beautiful as your words. So happy to hear you have some bees and they have found good quarters. You know, I don’t really pay attention here. We always have resident hornets (wasps??? I always confuse the two LOL) under our eaves, but bees? I know we have some, but no clue what kind. I might have to educate myself a bit more. What type of tree is that?? It looks so grand! We are in the midst of a nasty winter storm.... 8-10” of snow and freezing rain/sleet and, of course, the omnipresent gale-force winds. It hurts to have it hit your face. Hence, I am parked in front of a fire listening to it pelt against the house, and praying that we don’t lose power and those I love have safe travels...oh, and searching for spring amongst the words and photos of my blog friends. ~Robin~

TheCrankyCrow said...

PS... I love your new header photo...and that amazing shrub (flower? Tree??) in your first photo.... What is that??

Debbie Harris said...

Hello Kim! I found you through our dear blogging friend Kerin and so pleased that I have.
You have a lovely place here and your faith shines beautifully in your postings.

I see you celebrate your wedding Anniversary in the month of April, my husband and I do as well, it will be 40 years for us this year. You don't hear of many wedding Anniversaries in April. ♡

I am happily following along with you and I look forward to my visits here.

Joy! Debbie

David C Brown said...

1 Peter 4:19:" Wherefore also let them who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator".

Pom Pom said...

So, so, so, so PRETTY!