I have to tell you this picture isn't from this year. For the first time in years and years, our trees are still asleep. I would say the past five years our trees would be blooming in the middle of February. I would just feel so hopeless about it because then the winds of March would come and so much of the fruit would be blown off. I am so glad they are still asleep. A few blooms here and there but not much else.
We had a huge rain storm the other night. All I need are a few ducks in my pond. It just amazes me how much rain we have had this year. I did notice when I walked out there this morning, I have some beets up and some potatoes. Its too wet to get out there right now. But that tells me the ground is beginning to warm up.
I had to take my tomatoes out of the bathroom/greenhouse. That is how I think of it now. They had reached the grow lights. Now I have to stake them up. Its too wet and to cold to put them out in the garden. This happens every year, I either get chicks too early or plant seeds to early. At least I haven't got my chicks this early yet.
They are going to live on my dining room table for a while. I have some more tomato seeds I want to get planted and some melon seeds. Ron was out of town for work this week, and he came home sick. All the guys he works with are sick too. Its that fever, aches and cough. So I can't go in and take pictures of the pepper and zinnia seedlings. It is amazing though. I have never grown anything in my life that well, I guess you could say, grew like that seed pack says. I have weeds because of all of the rain almost as tall as me. This is when I wish I had a herd of goats.
This was our sunrise the other morning. I thought it was just incredible and it proved the saying correct, because it was a terrific storm. We might have a dry day tomorrow.
I made this with some lemons to go in my tea.
Here is the link
Just layer the lemons with sugar and press down and it makes the nicest lemon/sugar for hot tea.
I still have lemons and oranges coming out of my ears this year. I really need to jump on it and get the rest of the trees picked because the citrus trees are waking up. That never happens. The stone fruit trees are always first and this year they aren't.
I sat down at the computer so many times to write a blog, and poof, no idea what I was going to write about since all I do right now is dream of gardens and seeds and flowers. I guess its called spring fever.
I can never go wrong with Celia Thaxter and her wonderful garden. |
These are some of my current reading materials. With Ash Wednesday and Fat Tuesday this week. I signed up to do a devotional with Max Lucado online. This is one of my favorite books to read on the lead up to Easter.
That book Carrots Love Tomatoes has become one of my favorite reads. The lady who wrote it Louise Riotte is so knowledgeable and I really love to read and learn. I was lucky enough to get all of her books from the library.
The art work in my copy of An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter is just beautiful.
Here is my favorite poem by her.
"O happy, happy morning!
O dear, familiar place!
O warm, sweet tears of Heaven,
Fast falling on my face!
O well-remembered, rainy wind
Blow all my care away,
That I may be a child again
This blissful morn of May."
---Celia Thaxter
Gardens I think are the very best place to be and to have a wonderful ground in which to plant and dream and watch things grow. I wake up now with ideas of our garden on my mind.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, thank you for stopping by,
Dreaming of April---
Where is the face I long to see
Pictures of her in my mind
They say that she will soon return
I know she'll be here any day now
Just breezing into the room
Her sweet perfume can send my senses
Dreaming of April
Praying for her to arrive in all her finery
I'm dreaming of April
Maybe she'll linger this time
Turning to smile at me
These clouds of grey march in endless procession
I'm waking every day
Dreaming of April
I never know how blue the sky
Until the dark days came
These wistful words keep whispering
How much I used to take for granted
The beauty of her eyes
Till mine grew dim with winter, now I'm
Dreaming of April
Praying for her to arrive in all her finery
I'm dreaming of April
Maybe she'll linger this time
Turning to smile at me
When these days of grey march in endless procession
I'm waiting for a change
And dreaming of April
Out of the Grey- From the Album Gravity by Christine Dente