Saturday, September 1, 2018

Now September

When I turned the calendar, I was so happy its finally September. 2018 is the second warmest year for us. We only had 33 days over 100 this year. Last year it was over 60 so I would say its been a nice normal summer. I am glad though, that even though we won't have fall temperatures like in October, it does begin to cool down. I can open the house and not have to run the air conditioning.

Though, it still looks like this, well not with the red tree yet. We do have some trees already turning though. It still seems early to me. I think with all of the smoke this summer, it has just been hard on the trees.

On Ben and Megan's you tube channel. They have a really great story about visiting President Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, Illinois. The Hollar Homestead. They were gifted the flag that flies over the tomb. It still gives me chills.

Its cooled off enough that the Japanese Maples are leafing out. They just looked so sad just a few weeks ago. I kept thinking we had lost them. We get a few days of cooler weather and they turn red with all new leaves. I kind of feel like that too. Having a bit of cooler weather always makes me feel like I am coming back to life.

I put my first fall rug out. I had stuck this in the cupboard, and I hadn't bound it. I was going through all of my rugs and  I came across two unfinished rugs. Its finally cool enough so I sat down and finished them. I have no unbound rugs now. Which is wonderful to be able to say, as I think I had six.

I hope you have a lovely Labor Day weekend. I still think that it would be a great day to have a baby. Labor Day.

Only 57 days until I get to go spend time with our Arizona Grandbabies. I am really counting the days. I can't wait to get there. A summer with no grand babies has been hard, but I am very happy that they are following the path that God has for them.

Google sent me that letter that said, I should be able to get comments so hopefully, it will be working again.

Enjoy your weekend,


"God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever."

- Vance Havner


Rugs and Pugs said...

I refuse to believe it is September. How did that happen?
Ben and Megan sure are having the trip of a lifetime. I hope they enjoy their visit to Cleveland.

Alica said...

I'm sooo ready for the cooler days of fall! It's been a horrible wet, and very humid summer. Oh well, at least we get to experience all 4 seasons, and don't have hot summer all year long! :) It sounds like your kids are having a nice time on their travels!!

Kerin said...

Hi. Wow, love that scene you have with the chair and wagon.. so charming, and welcoming for Fall!
Your trees are gorgeous, and as always your rugs are beautiful.
I saw the post that Ben's family did on the flag... such a neat honor!

Sending {{hugs}}

Susan Kane said...

Vince Havner has it right. I miss the part of USA that has 4 seasons.

acorn hollow said...

It has been a hot summer by our standards too.
Nice tonight on the porch listening to the little frogs.

Three Sheep Studio said...

Love your crow and pumpkin rug !!
The colors are perfect for September.

Debbie said...

i often wonder if you hang your rugs on the wall, or put them on the floor. the new one looks great!! i have not put out any fall decorations, it is 95 here today with a feels like of 100.

could you send me the link to ben and means youtube? please!

the sunflowers are gorgeous!!

Sue said...

Glad you will soon be getting a break from the heat, Kim, we are still very humid and hot, it has been a scorcher for us this summer. I am so looking for fall.
Love the rug.
Have a great time visiting the grandchildren.

Bonnie K said...

Love your rug. I don't envy the heat. Hope you have a lovely fall.