I got your attention on that one didn't I? Well I am not having many thoughts. We have clouds and heat and humidity. I am a terrible wimp. I find myself whining to myself every time I have to go check on my hens. I have been actually praying someone else will go get the mail each afternoon. I have my trash cans at the road and I have still not made the trek out there. Heat, I can sort of live with. Humidity. Nope!!! Just not me. Even with the humidly and the clouds, its still over 100.
Grandma Camp starts tonight. It should be a busy weekend. I thought I would drop in here at the blog since I don't know how much computer time I will have for the next five days. I think there will be lots of swimming and I will have people to walk with in the mornings. I have been going through my head of books I would like to read out loud when it gets too hot to swim. It really does get too hot to swim sometimes. I have a list of cookies I am going to bake. It will be nice to feed snacks to people who will eat them(who is not me). Not to mention cooking hot dogs over the fire pit and roasting marshmallows and making smores. The boys are bringing their tent. Lots of fun and lots of things to do.
This tree is excited about the people who will be climbing in its branches again. I climbed it, Our kids climbed it and now the grand children will climb it. The man that lives behind me said his great aunts planted it and he is in his late 70s now. Its been here awhile.
I belong to a group on Face Book called Humble Work Embroidery. I haven't embroidered in a long time. We are working on a embroidery stitch book. I finished my first page today.
As you can see its for the Straight stitch. I drew out the design with my blue washable pen and spent the day listening to pod casts and stitching. It was like being on vacation. There are no rules and no guidelines except for the size. The next stitch is the stem stitch. I haven't done that in years and years so I have been watching you tube videos. I drew out a fun little design on my cloth. I can't wait to get started on that. Its been so hot I can't stand the rug on my lap. This is nice since its a small project and I can talk. I can't do that with counted cross stitch. Plus this is nice because it makes me remember sitting next to Mom as she taught me to embroider when I was about six.

Its so nice to learn new stitches. There is just something about sitting and sewing and thinking and it being cloudy outside. I was looking out my window, in my sewing room/office and out on the butterfly bush was a Swallowtail. I got some pictures of it. So graceful and pretty as it fluttered from flower to flower.
Lots of little moths were getting drinks too. In the last of my hydrangeas were tiny little green bees. They were all moving too fast and I couldn't get a picture. As I stood there with my camera, what should I see but a bumble bee flying into my willow chair that sits on the quiet porch. I guess there won't be much sitting in the willow chair on the quiet porch until the bumble bee moves on. It surprised me because it was an orange carpenter bee that built the nest and now there is a black bumble bee in it too. I will have to pay more attention and see just who is living there. I thought bumble bees were solitary.
I have three tiny pumpkins. Since it is August I hope I can leave them there for awhile longer.
Thank you so much for stopping by today. I am so thankful that it is Thursday. Have a lovely weekend.
"All in all, it was a never to be forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world." ( L.M. Montgomery---Anne's House of Dreams) |
I love the idea of grandma camp! and climbing trees.
It seems you did have quite a few thoughts once you got started! That's a wonderful old tree, and I love the story of all those generations who have or will climb upon it. His great aunts would be very happy, I think, to know how loved this tree is all these years later. I like your embroidery project. That's something I haven't done in years either, many decades actually. I love that you actually get down to business and DO these crafty things like rug hooking and embroidery and jam making, etc. Sorry to hear it's over 100 up there and humid too. We are still high 80s low 90s so far. Have fun swimming and hosting Grandma Camp - what a wonderful, wonderful thing for everyone. Eat a S'more or two for me - don't think I've had one of those delectable treats since I was in the Brownie's -- too long ago for sure!
I would love to go to grandma camp. I think it just a wonderful idea. It's been a real challenge growing veggies this summer. It's been so dry but spring was so wet.
What great photos of that monarch butterfly and of the pumpkin.
I hope the humidity goes away and that the temperature goes down some. It must be so exhausting to have such hot and humid days. The straight stitching looks so even.
Take care, Hugs,
I hope you enjoy every sweet and exhausting moment with those little ones !!
I'm so excited to hear about your adventures. I know I enjoyed the time with my nieces. It was warm here in July, but now it has super cooled down. Your pumpkins look great. I enjoyed your post.
I like your header with the sunflower and moth. I hope you have happy times with your littles at Grandma Camp. Sounds like fun to me.
I need to get back to embroidery. Just a little each day would be good for me. But I've got a quilt I'm working on. Happy Summer, Kim!
Pumpkins! Yay! It's so funny, but outside the grocery store there are a large number of ceramic pumpkins, jack o lanterns, and ghosts already. I just can't imagine people thinking, "Oh, I must buy my ceramic jack o lanterns so I'll be ready for Halloween in 3 months!
Your embroidery book is lovely! I love what you've done. I'll be praying for you, friend. Cheers for old fashioned fun!
I hope the humidity lets up. That is the worst.
Don't climb the tree, Granny.
I wish you could come down here! It's been so pleasant. We went to a birthday party last night at the pool, and it was very nice.
kim, the images of the swallowtail are stunning, exciting right?? it's hot and humid here too, but we are looking at a cool down, 80's all next week!!
your stitch work is beautiful...i have not gotten into podcasts yet, i'm afraid!!
Grandma camp sounds like so much fun!!!
Happy Sunday :)
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