Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Remember Me?

Hello there! Maybe I should introduce myself since I have been gone so long. My name is Kim and I used to  be a blogger. Now I seem to go on longer and longer hiatus. I blame the election. I got all caught up into it. Now I am trying to make it back to normal. It has been one of those months it seems. Our fridge went out, our garage door blew a spring. William and Makenzie and Kessie and Ryan, the marrieds moved. Our oldest daughter and her family even moved to a new town.

Emilie and Nik  the other marrieds were in Hawaii. Ron has worked non-stop for weeks and is booked up until Christmas. Which is good because the first of the year, they had cut his hours so much. Its just never ending sometimes don't you think? Ben and Megan have been going ninety miles an hour, and Ben somehow  managed to find time to finish the motor on the windmill. Its really purty. I will take pictures of it when the motor comes home. Next will be to get the derrick built and to put it up. What a dream come true that will be. Then I suppose you will see nothing but pictures of that windmill. You know this is a blog about a field of dreams. Having that windmill, is the biggest dream I have ever dreamed in my whole life.

Remember when we brought it home?

That is what I have stared at for years and years. I think it was moved there when I was four years old.

If you click on that last picture it says 1915. Its 101 years old. That is the motor Ben redid and now it is red and black and looks brand new. I told him he never has to buy me another present as long as I live. You know what? I have the most amazing kids. Not a single dud in the bunch!! Oh the goodness of God to me and Ron.

I did manage to finish my turkey rug. The pattern is from Falloween Threads by Need'l Love. So glad I got it finished before Thanksgiving. Its colder now so I am getting my hooking and stitching mojo back Yay, I was afraid it was gone forever.

Its a beautiful day here today. The air has the right feel for November. The beauty continues to amaze me and fill me with Thankfulness. I noticed my bulbs are coming up already. Bulbs are such surprise gifts. My two youngest grand daughters have birthdays coming up. They are going to be one and three. Time sure goes by fast. Do you want to see the picture Makenzie got for me?

Since we painted I have been very slow about getting things back on the wall. When everyone was here in May, we had this picture taken by Makenzie. She had it blown up and now its on the wall. I had the sign in my shed. I would have to say that picture defines my life. I still can't believe that this is because Ron and I started a life together. I need to put a another sign that says under construction/ work in progress.

Anyway bragged way to much in the post. I never start out to write a bragging post. There has just been so much bad news it seems. I just wanted to remind myself of the good things going on around here and things to be thankful of. Things I forget watching the news.

I hope you have a lovely day and thank you so very much for stopping by and taking the time out of your busy day to read my blog. I appreciate each and every one.


“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnack


cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Oh..cool..I was thinking about you the other day...maybe last week and about your windmill. I wonder what ever happened to her windmill....she never blogged about it??? And here today, your are talking about it...yay I can hardly wait to see it working. What a lovely dream to have. A farm is not complete without a windmill.

Don't worry about taking time off, sometimes life gets in the way and we need to live it.

Debbie said...

busy girl!! the turkey rug finished up nicely!!!

it is nice to see you today, i have missed you!!!

Alica said...

You do have a wonderful family, Kim! I love hearing all about them. It will be fun to see your windmill all put together and running! Yay!

Pom Pom said...

That photo of your family is wonderful!
I'm so excited about the windmill, too!
God HAS and IS blessing you, good Kim! Yay!

Kessie said...

It's nice to see you back again! My blog feed has been missing your posts. I'm glad the windmill will be finished! That will be so amazing.

TexWisGirl said...

i have thought of your windmill a time or two so i am SO glad it is almost ready to be reassembled and running!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Such a lovely, talented family...you my friend are indeed blessed...I too am excited to see the windmill up and running soon to be placed in it's forever home...Oh, how wonderful is that rug...love the colors...I have to ask, are you placing Mr. Turkey in your etsy shop? Let me know...Hugs from Maine...

Empty Nester said...

I haven't wanted to blog too much myself. But I joined that NaBloPoMo and have to post every day. I don't know why. No one from that group bothers to read my stuff. I LOVE the picture and the sign. And that windmill! That thing is going to be awesome!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Good to hear from you Kim.
You are blessed to have such an amazing family.
That windmill....WOW! I just love it and we will not tire of seeing pictures or reading about it.
Wonderful turkey rug. That's on my hooking bucket list!
Hugs :)

peggy said...

what a wonderful thing to have...a WINDMILL!!I thought about you on Sunday night when Ross Poldark disappointed me so much.

Three Sheep Studio said...

So glad to hear from you again !
Sounds like your heart is overflowing ! That is a wonderful feeling.
I didn't realize how huge your windmill is ! Wow.
Enjoy the beautiful day !

Gumbo Lily said...

I'm so ready for some THANKSgiving! I look at your post as a giving of thanks for all that God has blessed you with. The windmill is so very cool!
God bless you.

Come Away With Me said...

What a beautiful family! It's lovely to see. And I do love your windmill. I remember when you posted about finding it. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Kim, to you.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Love, love the windmill. The family picture is wonderful. Ben just ask me when I was going to frame any of his pictures...I guess he is tired of looking at his picture from 2nd grade. Happy Thanksgiving.

Kerin said...

That windmill will be amazing, and I am sure that it will continue to make your heart smile :)
Nice that everyone is busy and doing well.
Family is life's greatest blessing!

Enjoy these beautiful days.


Kim said...

I don't think it's bragging if it's the truth and you do have an awesome family. I haven't been around much either so I'll have to catch up

Sue said...

Hi Kim, No brag just facts, ~smile~ You do indeed have an amazing family, and they have an amazing wife, mother and grandmother too!

You are living my dream, I have always wanted a windmill, now I get to enjoy seeing yours work, looking forward to your posts about it!
Life does have a way of changing for us, my DH is always telling me, "Sue, nothing stays the same." I am one who doesn't like change especially when it comes to family. ~smile~
Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

When we are busy with something we forget many things. Nice to see you back. You have wonderful pictures:)

GretchenJoanna said...

I laughed about you not having any duds. I can't imagine a child who was truly a dud, and I bet you wouldn't be able to see any that way. Your kids are great, I can tell from the stories you tell. I'm so glad you have your windmill up! I love your fall flower pics, too. Happy Thanksgiving! <3