Happy Monday!! Are you excited that this is the last week of January? I am sorta. When I went out for a walk this morning, I felt like it is the first time I have visited everything and noticed all of the surprises. My mind has been on such other things for so long, I could believe how much has changed. Not anything you would notice if you weren't looking.
Our Raywood Ash trees have all of these little green baby leaves on them. With these lovely little red buds.
I was so surprised to see this already. I have heard the meadowlarks for two weeks. A sure sign that a change is coming. You know they really sing so pretty when it is raining.
Artichoke |
The artichoke is going crazy already. Have you ever read that verse that talks about
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself." I walk around and I see all of these plants, trees and bushes growing all by themselves. They just stay connected to the trunk, vine and root. I don't hear a single one saying, " I must grow fruit, or do I hear one saying, I am going to grow all on my own away from this root.
Of course, which is what I do most of the time, I try to run off in my own direction, my own way and it isn't until I come back to the vine, because I have exhausted my hoard of resources. You would think I would learn this by now. Life is so much smoother when I stay connected to the vinedresser.
Large Nettle |
I couldn't believe all of the nettle that is already up this high. When I see nettle, my mouth waters. It only grows in areas that are high in iron. This time of year, I need iron. That is how I can tell. I know of no other tea that tastes as good to me as nettle tea.
All of our mullein is growing too, I didn't take any pictures of that. That was what I always used when the kids were small if they had colds and coughs. It is an excellent expectorant.
I planted these in the fall. They are also good at a tea for colds and coughs. I have a herb book on my shelf that is full of recipes for different kinds of herbs for ways to treat different illnesses. Almost every recipe starts with Pot Marigolds. That is what they call these.
Sweet Peas |
I had to show you how much my sweet peas are growing. I love seeing their little feelers out getting ready to start climbing. Here in California we have to plant sweet peas in the fall. It gets too hot for them by late May. Always on my birthday my favorite bouquet is sweet peas in a blue canning jar.
Rug pattern by Cammie Bruce |
My rug for January. MY-ONLY-RUG! I hope to finish it this week so I can say I made something in January. Slacker that I am. It is so much fun to work with wool that I dyed myself and to do hearts this time of year.
Thank you so much for all of your kind comments. I am so glad to be here in this place, right now.
Happy Monday!
The True way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure.----Francoise de Motteville |
you've got stuff coming up for spring already!
WOW ! a bit early isn't it? guess spring is ready in your part of the world lol ! Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !
I love your hearts rug! Sure signs of spring with you and I'm really surprised you have nettles in CA!! We have too many!
Joy and truth in this wonderful post.
I can't believe how much you have growing already! I am very curious about your nettles. Are they aggressive? Are they prickly? Do you just use the leaves? I've always heard of nettles, but what I have been led to believe is that they are nasty weeds. I'd love to know more about yours. It is good to see someone use so many herbs.
i enjoyed seeing all your pretty flowers today kim. i planted some indoor herbs yesterday!!
pretty rug for this time of year, will you keep it or sell it??
Aren't you glad it's this week and not last week? Today my living room is torn up from a water leak, and it'll stay that way until Wednesday. I'm having fun. :-p
The dumb birds out here are already scouting for nest sites, and singing like mad.
Oh Kim you have so much going on around you. All those little signs of spring. Wish I could just see one blossom peeking it's head out of this snow. Feb. is just around the corner. Wonder what it will bring?
A sweet post..I love it!
It's incredible that you have trees that are budding! Love seeing all the green and growing things around your place; we're still shoveling snow here :)
Your rug is so sweet. I just love Cammie's patterns.
BTW...your box is on its way.
Hugs :)
Wow your spring comes in early. For us it's still winter and the ground is frozen hard. February is usually cold too. I know what you mean by finding surprises around the yard. When the ground thaws and leaves, buds and grass poke through the cold wet ground, it's such a feeling of rejoicing.
We have stinging nettle that grows as wild weeds. Are they good for teas too?
Enjoyed seeing all your blooms...does seem early even for us. I just LOVE your heart rug...soo cute! Have a good week Kim!
You have so many wonderful things growing your way. We are still several feet under snow from this past weekend. I love that heart rug; perfect for February. Try to rest alittle; you've been very busy lately....
Is it early for these plants to be coming up already? It's not even February yet. But you're in California and I'm in Montana so...... we live in two different worlds!
Glad you are having some time to look things over and appreciate the little things that grow around you.
How wonderful to see such good growth on January 25! We had snow/ice covering much of our ground this morning, but sunshine and temps in the upper forties have caused much of that to disappear! xo Nellie
It always is the last week of January when I get outside and notice buds and new growth in the garden, and yes, it always is EXCITING!
We are buried in snow - how refreshing to see your pics of buds on the trees and sweet pea vines. A breath of fresh air ;)
I just love seeing your plants. The words on staying connected to the vine, so true. I seem to be one trying to make myself grow fruit or my roots go deeper...good word.
Plants growing outside in January!! It still amazes me. We are in a brief January thaw. I can actually see patches of lawn in a few spots
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