I woke up this morning with that urge to do laundry, since this feels like Monday part two. Except I did it yesterday. Nice feeling to be ahead of the game. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I had made up my mind last week that I was going to bind rugs and finish projects. Right now there seems so much to do outside but I decided I was tired of procrastinating.
I finished this stitchery that I have been working on what seems like forever.
Pattern by Brenda Gervais |
It was a little larger than I anticipated for my wash board. No one ever looks at this stuff I make so I left it. I liked it and I was glad to finish so I can move on.
A table topper |
This is Summer Breeze |
Since I never show you my bound rugs, I thought I would show you these. I do finish my rugs and I do get them bound. I don't know why I wait then I have to bind them all at once. Getting three done though was nice, I never sat down this weekend without a rug in my hands.
My Three Guineas |
Then of course my favorite. This took two whole days to bind. Now it will need a good steaming and I will list it. I just have so many rugs in the house right now, it is time to get hooking on new projects. I feel like I have been stuck in limbo. It should warm up a bit this week. We have had two lovely rain storms. One the other night with thunder and lighting and cloud burst.
I was dreaming I was in Oklahoma. I have I admit stayed on AccuWeather and Facebook too much this last week. My sister keeps updating pictures as she is in the middle of all of this rain. We have talked and talked on the phone. So my prayers are with all of my friends and family in Texas, Oklahoma and of course Colorado. One of my nightmares I keep having is I am on that bridge that goes over Lake Texoma, after you leave Dennison, Texas. We are driving on that tall, tall bridge and the water is coming over and we are trying to get across. Ron and I camped in that campground, when my Mom was in the hospital in Dennison and we would drive on the bridge a couple times a day. Every time I would almost be sick because it was so high and I couldn't make myself look down. Now the water is up to the top of that bridge. I can't even image that in my mind. So I keep having nightmares. Weird isn't it? I guess I am really worried about my sister. She is my youngest and only sister.
She said last week, before this weekend, they had three feet of standing water in the back yard. She has a lake, prettiest lake you ever saw I might add. So far the dam is holding and they have to go out and put the fish back in the ponds as the ponds are all overflowing.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a lovely sunshiny week. With no weather.
“In my opinion, too much attention to weather makes for instability of character.”
― Elisabeth Goudge, The Little White Horse.
Sad things going on with the weather.
We are blessed. Have a great day.
mother nature seems to be very unsettled and cranky!! i LOVE seeing your projects kim, i like the needlework in the first image. and your gardens and flowers are looking quite amazing. the sunflowers don't even look real!!!!
Fantastic finishes, Kim!
Horrible nightmares so I hope the storms pass and everyone is safe.
The weather IS crazy! We haven't had anything too scary yet. I like the rainy nights.
The table toppers are GORGEOUS! Well done, Kim! I love the guinea rug, too. YOU are SO good!
I don't know what to do with myself because the water is turned off temporarily while they demo. All of a sudden I want some water. LOL.
I should cross stitch again. I love the patterns.
love love love
They all turned out so nice, but especially the guinea rug! The flood's just incredible. I've been watching people's Facebook videos, and it's just nuts. I can't imagine that kind of flooding out here ... but then we're supposed to have a really active monsoon season, so who knows?
yes just such crazy weather many places. Will pray for your sister! LOVE your rugs and that stitchery, Always a good feeling to complete a project isn't it? Enjoy the rest of your week!
The table topper is cute as a bug! I think there is just something uplifting about putting red, blue, and yellow in a rug. We've been deluged with rain in Nebraska, but we'll take it as it is lessening our drought. I know you're not so fortunate out your way.
Love all your photos. And, your finishes. Good work, Kim!
I like it when you talk about the weather. It is part of the home that we share with our fellow humans, and while we are most concerned with what's going on in our "room," it's nice to keep up with the worlds of our neighbors.
I adore that picture of a pair of bees on your sunflower!! The sunflower seeds I planted are - some of them - up and growing, but I think the birds are eating the sprouts :-(
Just popping in to say how much I enjoy your blog.
oh, dear. i do hope your sis stays safe. it has been an amazing spring. glad you've gotten some rain.
your guinea rug is adorable. like that 'herbs' stitchery, too.
Beautiful rugs! That storm is awful, I've been catching bits and pieces on the news. I hope your sister and family stays safe. Recurring dreams are happening to me more and more as I get older. I'm not sure why that is, but I keep telling myself that it must have something to do with menopause :) Hope you enjoy your day with no laundry!
Your work is just beautiful! I can only imagine doing that, and mine would not look like yours!
Rain is predicted again today, it's been unbelievable in Texas, so many have lost homes and lives. We are on a higher place, so flooding doesn't happen but strong winds and tornado threats are always possible here. I had earthquakes in Califonia, tornados in Texas. I don't think there is a place on earth that is without something though.
I think the Bible has lots to say about all of it. Bottom line... God is in control.
I've seen that on the news. It's terrible. Prayers for all the people affected
Hmmm..the urge to do laundry hasn't hit me yet! :) You are so busy...lots and lots of projects all the time. I'm sure it's a good feeling to get them finished! I hope your sister is ok...extreme weather is so unpredictable. We could really use some rain here. It's really, really dry.
That is so heartbreaking in Texas and Oklahoma. I'll join you in praying.
Your hooked rugs are always so pretty! I'm sorry your sister is in the danger zone. We are getting so much rain it is ridiculous. A major bridge south of us is supposed to close I think tomorrow, and all of the rivers in the area are flooding. I will add your sister to my prayers.
I like your rugs very much, and I'm happy to know you've got them all bound and ready to go. So nice to have loose ends all tied up!
The weather has been very unsettled lately, hasn't it? We measure rain up here by tenths of inches and down south it's in feet. Crazy! We've had some nice rains this month. Nothing overwhelming, but much needed.
I hope your sister and loved ones stay safe and sound.
Yay! You were able to get your rugs bound! They look terrific!!
The weather has been crazy, for this time of year. My heart sure goes out to those that have had flooding.
I'm sure that you are very worried about your sister... probably the reason for your strange dream...
Love the new picture on your header!
I pray your Sis will be okay too.
Always love your rugs, Kim!
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