Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chicks Today

Last night when I went outside to collect eggs. There is the hen who I least expected had hatched  the first chick. I think of her and how every spring she goes broody, and this year, I just grabbed 3 eggs from the other hen and gave them to her and she had the honor of the first chick. I thought it was odd when I walked in and there were other hens in the nest boxes waiting. Like something was happening and then I found the chick. So many lessons are here I think, when we least expect it and when we have given up all hope, a gift shows up.

Can you see her face. One of such determination. She wasn't happy about me being there but she put up with me.

Can you see the little white Silkie chick? It is dark and cloudy today and cold. It just wanted to stay under it's momma's feathers.

Then I went to check the other hen. I stole the black hen's eggs from this hen and there was this broken egg
in front. I didn't want to disturb her much she was much more aggressive. She had her new chick behind her so I left her alone. I have two chicks today. Which means there are 20 eggs left to hatch.

I thought at first I would take the chicks from the hens and raise them myself under heat lamps. So they wouldn't be as wild. I just can't do it. Here these hens have been so patient and have done such a good job of being faithful. I just don't have the heart to not let them raise their chicks.

I will try and get some better photos latter today when the light is better. Maybe I can get someone to help me hold one, yesterday when I got my husband to come look and I took the chick and put it in the center he  had made of his hands cupped together. The new chick just settled down and closed its eyes as if in safety.
It was such a sweet picture of how I wish I was all the time, safe in my Father's hands.



Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Yay on the chicks!! I wouldn't have the heart to take those chicks away from their mamas either. And I just LOVE the analogy you closed with ... so, so true.

Debbie said...

How exciting on the chicks! I have a feeling most of us mama's would have a hard time taking those chicks away. What a perfect thought btw, safe in our Father's hand. Enjoy your day!

Meg said...

Oh yay I'm so glad you posted pictures!! That is so cool you have another one today. I was wondering if you would take them or leave them. I am glad you are leaving them with their mamas. I think it is better that way. And you can hold them as much as the mamas will let you to keep them from being too wild (at least I assume that would work?).

I guess now you know your roosters work! :D

TexWisGirl said...

awww. glad you're getting your chicks the old-fashioned way - rather than ordering thru the mail. :)

Kessie said...

Yay chickies!! I'm so glad they're starting to hatch! You'll be overrun with them. :-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yay! I'm glad it worked out.

Julia said...

Yay, congratulation grandma Kim Chick. Now you can start counting your chicks.
I'm glad you had this good surprise for us today.
Keep us posted.

Empty Nester said...

Aw, little chicks! So cute! And thank you for not putting any pictures of snakes. LOL

myletterstoemily said...

you are so tender hearted to let the mommas keep their chicks!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Thank goodness you shooed away that horrible snake. I am not a fan of snakes either. I too am happy you are keeping the chicks with the hens that hatched them. Just another act of kindness that I have gotten used to from you.

Nellie said...

Oh, how exciting! Baby chicks! It is really a challenge to be patient, isn't it?

xo Nellie

Rugs and Pugs said...

Congrats on the new babies!
Pug hugs :)

Gail said...

Hope by now you have more babies.

Love that rose.

Debbie said...

awww baby chicks, I am so excited!!

Miss Debbie said...

How sweet that you have chicks! I think you are right to let the moms finish the job! Lovely roses!

Alica said...

How sweet is that?!! I would just love to watch a hen raise some chicks! (somewhere else, though...not here. Our dogs would not be kind to them!)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

she puts up with you...I see a patient hen, waiting, waiting, waiting...how sweet!