Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April Post

I haven't written a post for April. I thought I should write one in case you thought maybe I was gone for good. I am not, its just that Ben and Megan are still here and it seems there just isn't enough time in the day to blog too. Plus I really don't have a lot to share. I feel pretty boring. Ron and I decided to do another month of Whole 30. We never really changed much from January. So I didn't go through that withdrawal from sugar or flour like last time. This is week two. It surprises me how fast time goes. There isn't such a hard learning curve and I like the food. Though at first eating all of the fat was really hard for me. I am loosing weight for the first time in 10 years so that has been nice.

 Its going to be 89-94 depending on what weather site you look at today. Then we go back into the 60s and snow will be down to 2000 feet by Friday. Don't you love April?
I am going to be a grandma again. It will be grand baby number 10. Kessie and Ryan are expecting their sixth. I am pretty excited to have a new baby around  again. There is just something wonderful about new babies.

Just lots of family things going on in my world. Nice things. I found out yesterday that guy next door is going to put in a giant building next door. It solves my gardening problem. I was wondering if I would put in a big garden this year. When I found that out it solved every thing for me. I will just do a small one in my yard.
I just don't like being out there with all of the heavy equipment.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.
Next time I post, hopefully I will have something to show you.
Blessings to you all,

I wonder what spendthrift chose to spill
Such a bright gold under my windowsill!
Is it fair gold?
 Does it glitter still?
Bless me!
 It’s a daffodil!
—Celia Thaxter


Pom Pom said...

I'm so excited for you, getting a new g-babe!
Ben and Megan are blessed to be with you guys for a while.
I don't blame you for staying away from all the commotion next door. I don't like loud sounds. My sister told me I am hyper sensitive to sound.

Empty Nester said...

A brand new baby! Congrats! Since Claudia and Ben got engaged on Sunday, we've Molly and I decided we would try Whole 30 once school lets out. I've sort of started so but I think I'll do much better with a buddy. Are the annoying neighbors still there?

GretchenJoanna said...

Oh, a new baby on the way is plenty of news for a blog post, and not boring!!!

I love that last photo of the sunflowers.


Julia said...

Congratulations on the new expected baby. That will make 8 with mom and dad... certainly not a boring news...
That's a lot to pack into a van when you think about it and a lot of mouths to feed but soon they will have of lot of hands to help them. It just takes a little time for them to grow

Maybe a small garden is a blessing. I always have too big and too many gardens and spend a lot of time weeding.
It sounds like it already quite warm in Bakersfield. It's still kind of cold here.
Hugs, Julia

Debbie said...

oh "grandma" enjoy the family time!!!

10 grand babies, wow, that will keep you busy for the rest of time!!

i think a small garden will be fun, mine is teeny, tiny and it makes it more enjoyable. and for just two people, less is more!!

Gumbo Lily said...

Happy Baby-on-the-Way! A baby is such a special gift to all of us. God bless their family. The flower pics are so pretty. Are those current blooms? A small garden will be nice. I like mine. It feels more "personal" rather than "industrial" as it did when I had a large family to feed.
Happy April!

Rugs and Pugs said...

#10. Congrats to you (and Kessie and Ryan, of course).
I thought Megan and Ben left a couple weeks ago.
Sounds like you are having crazy weather too!!! Spring still has not made it to Ohio 😢

Susan Kane said...

We'll have a new gr-baby in mid-May! This has me sewing on quilts!

Lovely photos! Here in our dry area, we do not see many flowers this year. We have summer to summer as our weather pattern.

Three Sheep Studio said...

Congratulations to you and Ron ! A sweet new little one to add to your riches !! It is so nice to see your beautiful flowers and could you please send some of that warm weather my way ?