Now that the rain is past, today the wind is blowing and is acting like a real March. The trees really need the wind to open their baby leaves. The wind chimes are singing quietly in the cold. I am so thankful for this nice warm house. I think it will be a perfect day to stay inside and hook and sew.
Pattern by Old Tattered Flag |
Pattern by Me |
I have finished binding two rugs. I will give them a good steaming and I will start the third one today. The two biggest rugs will take awhile. Once I get started binding rugs, I like it, especially today because its cold.
Daffodil by God |
I have really have enjoyed listening to books lately. I am in the third book of David Copperfield read by Richard Armitage. Then while I was walking around taking pictures, I started listening to The Scarlet Pimpernel read by Karen Savage from Librovox. I love the book The Scarlett Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. I have to say listening to Karen Savage read it is a treat. My French is so poor, its a treat listening to the narrator say the correct pronunciation is so nice.
Ron's Japanese maples are so pretty this time of year. I love how read they are in the spring. The one thing that is so nice about Japanese maples is they are red in the spring and red in the fall. I just love seeing their tiny new red leaves this time of year.
Ron bought a new hat for me. I just have to show you it as some of you know when I leave a comment on your blog, it says my name is Farm Girl. So I am very partial to that name.
So now you know, I am authentic. It really is brand new, I like that it looks so worn.
I hope you have a lovely weekend. I am so thankful that this next week is Easter vacation. I am not going anywhere. I hope I get to get all kinds of weeding done this week. Right now, the weeds are in first place.
I hope this storm that has just left us doesn't turn into a crazy storm as it heads east.
Myer Lemon blossoms |
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is Summer in the light and Winter in the shade” – Charles Dickens
oh kim, i LOVE the hat, worn in is the look these days. and torn jeans, all the rave, we use to through them out or patch them when they got torn!!
the rugs are beautiful, mother nature too. i can't wait for my daffodils to open!!!
I love all the little red maples! It's kind of warm and breezy here, you can feel the weather changing. I made cookies today and it's been very pleasant.
Hi Kim, I always loved the Japanese Maples when they bloomed in Ca.-some were green and then would turn red, some came out red, some were mixed. We really loved the Lacey Leaf variety. We only have one Lacey Leaf here in Colorado and right now its dormant. When the leaves come out, it will be burgundy. Love those trees.
Sounds like you are staying busy.
Hugs, Noreen
Love those Meyer lemon blossoms! And your Farm Girl hat! And the heart rug. So many cute and beautiful things in your world and on your blog.
It's blowy here, too, but I think I have to go for a walk... have been procrastinating!
Your rugs are very sweet and the hat is PERFECT!
Hugs 😊
I love the Farm Girl hat and I would like to see you wearing it.
Oh my, those red Japanese maples are to die for. Such a beautiful vibrant red.
Good job finishing binding those rugs. I have several rugs that are rolled up that needs binding. I love that heart rug.
I started working on my challenge rooster chair pad that I quickly designed and I'll probably will do some reverse hooking and change some colors. I'm at a lost to choose a color for the background. It may be a black background.I'll see.
Today felt like spring for the first time. The snow has been melting all day.
Hugs, Julia
I love the Japanese Maples ! My only wish is that they would grow quicker !
Funny, my husband got me a hat that says “local” on the front. You know - shop local, eat local, buy local- I love it !
Enjoy that cool weather you are having.
Beautiful rug hooking ! It feels great to get rugs bound.
Love the captions under your pics...Daffodil by God! They are some of my favorite flowers, and that one looks quite happy! I hope you enjoyed your day, finishing your rugs! And I hope too, that the storm you just had doesn't decide to wreak havoc as it travels east. I'm ready for SPRING!!
Chilly & windy here too and it's a good day to be in the warm indoors. Love seeing your trees leafing out. I can't wait for daffodils and tulips. With the snow we've had, they should be glorious! We're expecting snow again, starting Sunday. Wet stuff. It'll work.
LOVE your farm girl hat! I'll bet it looks cute on you! I look awful in a baseball cap.
I love your hat! It is snowing here. I don't think my Japanese Maple didn't make through the winter. I also love their red leaves. Your husband's are fabulous.
You and Julia are so talented with your rug hooking. I always enjoy coming to see what new one you are working on....I hope you have a wonderful Easter and blessed beyond measure....
love, love, love the new header!! happy easter kim, i hope you have something fun planned!!!
I really miss those flowers and shrubs. Here we have a dry almost desert climate. So, All I get to enjoy are photos and memories.
I'd like a Farm Girl hat as well.
I see you've listened to David Copperfield. So I'm going to recommend a good movie about Dickens. It's called, The Man Who Invented Christmas. It's about Dickens' life and the making of his book The Christmas Carol. Excellent movie.
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