Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December is racing by again

I walked this morning, The trees in the pasture are turning into gold. I thought as I walked that gold now litters my path. Just a week or so and all of the trees will be free of the leaves and then they will sleep.
Some years, I love seeing the reds and golds. This year it has been the orange and the browns. I just can't keep my eyes off of them. Well, except now as the cottonwoods are shimmering and the gold is falling, I just have to be out there.

Are you ready for Christmas? I went to the post office and got the packages to Arizona mailed. I wrapped and put things under the tree yesterday. My next thing is to bake, make mustard and make jam. Very pleasant tasks are ahead of me. You know, I have never considered myself a foodie. I am finding out though, I might just have a thing about cooking and reading recipes and baking. I don't take very good pictures of food that is why I never post pictures of this stuff I make in the kitchen. Last week, I sent a couple of huge pans of cinnamon rolls with Ron to his work. They turned out prettier than any I have ever made before. Did I remember to take a picture? No, not until they were gone.

I have been on a Michael Card kick. I haven't listened to him in years. His music about Christmas is really good to me and I just listen to it over and over. I had to dig though old boxes where I have put my CDs. I had to buy some but now my I Pod is full of music. It makes me really want to walk and walk. I guess I am at that place I was when I was young and watching the kids grow up so much faster than I was ready for and I knew I could only focus my eyes on God and His plan, not mine.
In a way I am there again, I know the last two boys will be leaving for their own homes and families.  I see the signs. Ben and Megan will be leaving in 2018 for their adventure in finding a place of their dreams. Changes all around. I find that I had closed my hands and tried to hold them again. Now, its time to open my hands and let the changes come. So as in the times past, I must rely on God to get me through.

Its all good, but it is always a challenge to give up my will and say, Not my will Lord but thine. Blessings always come in sweet packages.

 Ron and I were in Target and we were waiting behind a little girl in a basket with her Mommy. She stared at me a bit to see if I was safe. Then she told me to see the ribbon that was on the ceiling. I hadn't of course noticed it. I told her so. Then she showed me that she didn't have shoes on, and that her feet were cold. Her Mommy said, it was because her tiny little boots kept falling off. Then as she sat, she stared intently at me and out of the blue she said, " Don't be sad." I was standing there fighting tears, because I missed my grand children and knowing that this Christmas will be the last with Ben's kids. Kessie's are already gone and happily living in Arizona. Well, I almost lost it and I had to turn my attention to my own purchases. I watched as her Mommy put on her tiny socks as they were going out in the cold. She looked at me once more and waved, and said, "Bye, bye. don't be sad anymore."  She couldn't have been three. I thought, that Mommy spends all of her time with that little girl. We were  in our car driving away, and she even waved at me as we left the parking lot.

I am truly blessed and I am very proud that all of these young adults They have done what We trained them to do. To follow God and nothing else. To do what He calls them to be and the direction He continues to take them in life.

These two were in Israel. Life has been so busy that I still haven't got to hear about their trip. Isn't that sad?
I can't figure out how to show you the picture of William getting baptized in the Jordan river with Makenzie by his side. So really, all that God has done in my life, really does take away my breath. I just need to remember to keep my hands open and Let God be God because His plans are always best.

So here is a long post, I have been thinking about it but not knowing how to go about it.

Here is my latest sign, pretty much how I plan on living my life in 2018.

I hope your day is filled with a miracle. Blessings from my heart to yours.


A sign shall be given
A virgin will conceive
A human baby bearing
Undiminished deity
The glory of the nations
A light for all to see
That hope for all who will embrace
His warm reality
Our God is with us
And if God is with us
Who could stand against us
Our God is with us
For all those who live in the shadow of death
A glorious light has dawned
For all those who stumble in the darkness
Behold your light has come

Michael Card---Immanuel, Joy in the Journey, 1994


Julia said...

What a lovely post today. I have been thinking about you and all the wild fires in South California. I'm so glad you posted to know all is well in your area.

You are living a blessed life indeed. I can't help but think about that little girl being so sensitive at such a tender age.

I can't believe that we are halfway through December already. This year has gone by so very fast.
Take care and enjoy your freedom. You earned it.
Hugs, Julia

Gumbo Lily said...

Oh Kim, such honest and truthful thoughts about your life and family. I am blessed to have my grandkids close right now and cannot imagine how it would be if they moved away. I'm sure God will show you ways to be ever present to your away-grands.
Love those fall/winter trees!

Come Away With Me said...

Such beautiful moments you've shared with us here. Thank you.

GretchenJoanna said...

Do you Skype or FaceTime with the grandkids? I haven't started doing that but I think the day may be coming. Actually I thought I could read stories to them that way, and they would be looking at the pages of the book, not my face :-)

Three Sheep Studio said...

Such a beautiful post, Kim.
Your family is so lovely. Yes, December is galloping as fast as ever, straight away !
Beautiful golden shades of leaves.

Sue said...

And now I am crying, Kim, oh! how I related to this post, "Been there, done this". My heart just aches for you, Like you I realized the Source of my strength, and without Him I don't know what I would have done.
This week as I was in a checkout line watching a mother with her child I too felt a twinge of sadness, but isn't it amazing how God always rescues us, you having that interaction with the child was not by accident.
Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet note.

Debbie said...

a raw and honest post kim...what a sweet and touching story. kids are smart, they feel things. don't be sad kim, everything will fall into place and maybe christmas will be a time for everyone to meet somewhere, and be together!! i LOVE that picture of you and the grands!!

i'm all ready kim, the presents are wrapped and my cards and packages are mailed!!

i am going to my nieces on saturday for our annual christmas bake, it is so much fun. santa will visit as well, on the firetruck, i am so excited!!!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Beautiful post, Kim. I love the picture of you and hubby with the grands. So sweet.
So hard to believe it's almost Christmas!!!
Merry, merry Christmas :)