Don't you love April? Our March came in like a lamb and it went out like a lion. We had such wind. Today though was a beautiful day. Lots of sunshine and the nicest breezes.
This week the Tucson bunch will be coming home. I get to have the babies and the big kids here for a week. I am so excited. I feel like I have been waiting so long to see them. The baby started walking last week. I think it will be so nice to have everyone at home. C. wants a birthday party like her older sister had last year. Hot dogs and smores are on the menu. It feels like it has been so long since we last saw each other. So much has happened in a year.
The chicks are growing like weeds. It was such a nice day, I took them out in the sun and moved my chair and took a book and sat and watched them this afternoon. I know it sounds weird that something like watching chicks can be so good for my brain. I took them out back a lot last week and worked on my rug.
I think I got over the road block I was having. Here is a picture of it.
I have a Frazer wool cutter. I had decided that I was just going to give up rug hooking because my cutter was just not working and I had got to the point where I was so frustrated. I had bought new blades and it still didn't work. I can't even begin to tell you how many times Ron would take it apart and then put it back together. It would work for a day or two then the same thing would start happening.
To make a long story short, the other day he noticed this wire out of place on the cutter. He fixed it and now my cutter works like a dream. Every time now when I have to cut wool strips it isn't a sick feeling in my stomach. Small things that seem to make me happy.
This silly dog makes me happy too. I can't wait for my garden to look like this. I am so ready to start getting everything ready for the garden.
I hope you have a good week. It will be a nice week for me I think. Having the house full of little voices. Holding babies and reading books. Having my eggs collected as soon as they are laid in the nest box. Lots of laughter and having everyone home. Its a nice place to be. It fills my heart with joy and it over flows into my lap.
April is already off to a great start.
Dreaming of April Praying for her to arrive in all her finery I'm dreaming of April Maybe she'll linger this time Turning to smile at me These clouds of grey march in endless procession I'm waking every day Dreaming of April |
---Lyrics from Dreaming of April, Out of the Grey, by Christine Dente.
I hope you have a marvelous week, Kim. A week filled with loved ones and lots of memories. A full house, full hands and full heart !
I'm so glad that you have something to look forward to with the kids coming home. Nothing like a house full of kids to bring the house alive and making grandma feel good.
I was so looking forward to our Nicole to come home this summer but she will never come home again. She always had something special to do with the little one as the house was always full when she came home. I miss her so much.
Our snow is melting and it's starting to look like Mister Winter is thinking of moving on. I'm still waiting to see my first robin of the season then I'll know spring is really here.
Hugs, Julia
I'm so glad they're coming! I know you will have the best week! I can't wait to see all the pictures. April came in with Claudia turning 30 on the first. How did I get so old to have two in their 30s??? Spring, however, replaced fall and winter so I'm about sick of it. And I'm sure we'll go straight into summer before long. I'm forever hopeful, though so I'm waiting for fall and winter to show up next time around. :) Enjoy those babies and kiddos!
I totally understand the sick feeling you have had with your cutter, I feel the same way when my bobbin runs out of thread. The question is will it take me 5min or an hour to wind it . lol I hope you have a blessed time with your family.
love the bunny rug, it's so adorable!!! spring is here and it is just lovely!!!
Yay! How exciting! You're going to love every minute!
Your rabbit rug is gorgeous!
What is it about animals and children that bring us such happy feelings and smiles. I love critters and my dog, Dakota is my best friend and so special to me. Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely start to April you are having. Gorgeous flowers. Cute dog and I like the rug you are working on.
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