Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Foggy, Wintery Day

Today we have a foggy day. The last few years, it was so dry that we wouldn't have fog. It was too dry. Along with the tiny changes that are going on, the rain we have received so far with more to come, fog brings its own beauty. I never saw it that way until this year. Having it be so dry, these shots of drops are to me such blessing. It smells outside of a deep freeze. The drops falling into the leaves. The moisture clinging to the trees and grass, are to me as precious as diamonds. Here are a few I took this morning.

Drops on the Bradford Pear trees
The drops of fog on the last of the Morning Glories 

The final leaves of fall
Roses covered in diamonds

The gifts of flowers
Having the promise of rain again is something I am so thankful for and so needed. Every thing is turning green and it is so pretty to see. I love that here in California, having brown most of the year, and how just the tiniest bit of rain changes all of that brown to green. I find that the smallest blade of grass is in of itself a  tiny miracle. 


  To him it was not the gift
that mattered, but the giver.
---"The Turnip," Tales Told Again, Walter de la Mare, 1927


TexWisGirl said...

we're not too cold here (40s-60s) but we're foggy this morning, too. you could smell the air this morning as you breathed in the fog - woodsy and wet. :)

Christine said...

Simply beautiful! Every little droplet is a gift in itself and precious and life giving!

Catherine said...

I am so happy that the rain will be on its way and helping. xo Catherine

Debbie said...

we are having a lot of un-settled weather!! your images are stunning today and I LOVE the new header!!!!!!!

I like rain, I LOVE snow!!!!

Nellie said...

Beautiful pictures, Kim. I'm so glad you are having some moisture. We have heard mention of the chance of snow flurries overnight here, but I will be surprised if that happens.

xo Nellie

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! It is damp cold and dreary here to . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Anonymous said...

My husband went out to the coast with a friend today and reports that "everything is green"! Great quote about the Giver of these blessings :-)

annie said...

beautiful photos!

Kerin said...

Wonderful pictures, and I love the new picture in your header too!
Isn't is a huge blessing to have the rain?! I know that you are so thankful for the moisture that your area is now receiving.
It has made a glorious change in your world...... everything is so pretty.

~wishing you a wonderful week, filled with moisture and green growing goodness :)

Gail said...

Your pictures are absolutely beautiful.

Isn't it amazing that plants are created with the memory of how to grow after being brown for so long?

Kessie said...

I'm so glad you're having fog! Remember the first year we moved out there, the grass was knee and waist high, just because of the fog? It was never that wet again, either. I'm so glad there's more storms coming. Your El Nino forecasting was correct!

Nancy said...

I love fog as long as I can look at it and not have to drive in it....Your photos are just gorgeous and I love the idea of raindrops being diamonds....Your header is beautiful.....

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

What beautiful photos! And I love that this year you can truly see it all!

Pom Pom said...

Such gorgeous photos and such a tribute to God's dear faithfulness! I grew up in fog. I don't really like it now that I live in the big sky land. I hope you are having a grand day so far, Kim!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

LOVE that first photo...FABULOUS! another blogger has told me of the recent precious rain in CA...bless the name of GOD; you've got rain!

Come Away With Me said...

Yes, praise God for the rain and the dew and the fog! Something we really appreciate here.

Alica said...

How are you doing way out there? I've not heard much news lately, until tonight I heard about all the rain in CA! Finally, rain...but how much?!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I remember our two years of drought and how awful it was- everything crispy, the ground cracking open..fires breaking out everywhere..and now..I am very thankful for the rain. It has taught me a new respect for the weather.