I had to laugh this week about the weather report. After years and years, the west is colder than the east. Every single day, I am happy with the weather. I love coats, and boots and scarves. I love wearing gloves and hats. It has been years. I love walking out and breaking ice on my chicken waterer. Yesterday, the sun was shining, and I thought the chickens needed some time out of the pen. I made me laugh to see them flop out in the sun, and raise their wings to the sun and lay out in the yard like a whole flock of sunbathing sun worshipers.
While we were gone, no one being out back. Flocks of crows, thought they could invade our trees. I walked out there and they flew off scolding me, because I think they had decided this looked like a good place to live. I have never seen so many before. The trees were just dripping in crows. We have two that live here full time. They are the ones who play catch with rocks, you know dropping a rock and then flying down to catch it before it hits the ground. They are quite the comical two.
Yesterday, while the chickens were out, enjoying the sun. I heard a sound from a chicken. I ran out thinking it was a hawk. Nope, just the crows. One of them was flying around trying to look like a hawk. My chickens had all ran back in the coop, and I could tell you that crow was enjoying himself too much. I could hear him laughing as he swooped back and forth about the yard. I walked down and locked the chickens back in because they weren't coming back out anyway. He flew around laughing his scratchy laugh. Then he and his buddy, flew off out in the pasture. " I think I could hear them saying, " Did you see that!!! Those silly white chickens running for their lives!!!" Drama all around.
Yesterday I got to play a bit in the kitchen. Out shopping I saw these lovely milk bottle candles. I even picked up one to see how much it was, and knowing I had the same bottles at home, and the wicks and the soy wax. I put it back and decided to make my own. So I did.
I love how they turned out. I know why they are so expensive because it takes a lot of wax but they look so pretty. I need to burn one to see how they burn. I was pretty happy how they turned out.
With this lovely cold weather, our citrus is just lovely. I went out and picked lemons yesterday. They smelled so good my mouth watered. They are perfect thin skinned and full of juice.
For a year, I have wanted to try making lemon syrup. So yesterday I finally got to do it. I got the recipe
I can't wait to use it in my tea. My kitchen just smelled lovely with lemons. It was nice to slow down and play a bit in my kitchen. I hope you are enjoying your week. I think I am almost finished with that running about stuff. I hope you have a lovely rest of the week. Ron's last work day is tomorrow for two whole weeks. I think I am more excited about that than Christmas. He has been so busy and we have both been running for what seems like the whole year, it will be nice to have a couple of weeks to hopefully unwind. Ha ha, me and my plans. You know that saying, " You know how to make God laugh? tell Him your plans."
Have a wonderful day,
My favorite picture in the whole world. This picture makes me want to marry him all over again. He is the best!! |
" Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."
---Charles Dickens
A flock of crows? Usually it's just blackbirds! There must be plenty to eat. The lemon syrup is gorgeous! So are those milk bottle candles. So darling! I wish I could play in the kitchen, but I have a tiny person who thinks she must be held at all times.
I hope the crows are not deciding to take permanent residence. They are noisy in the spring at nesting time.
Oh my, your very own fresh lemons and they are so healthy. I can't wait to hear your review of the lemon syrup.
Your candles are so nice. I didn't know about soy wax.
I've made bees wax candles before a long time ago.
What a sweet photo of your man and child. It reminds me of James and daniel's father. They'll be here this weekend.
I can't wait.
Have a great day.
The cold does not hurt your crops?
Beautiful lemons! Those old crows! So loud! Christmas will start tomorrow for you guys! Yay!
crows are too clever! have a nice time with ron being around!
So THAT'S where my cold December weather went. Send it back, please. LOL Look at you all crafty again! And the lemon syrup! YUM! I hope to be home again soon. Enough is enough and work is overrated. I miss having my free time and time to visit my wonderful blog friends. I have a secret- no telling yet on Facebook: Reni and Evan are expecting my first grandchild on July 13th! I'm too excited! I just had to tell you! :)
I just love the smell of lemon ...
I just love your last photo, it is so special and it made me smile ...
Have a wonderful Christmas Season
All the best Jan
Kim, the candles turned out darling! Let us know how evenly they burn. I think I shall make some with my little dollar store milk bottles :)
I need to try that lemon syrup. It would be great, especially this time of year when it's so cold out and a hot water, lemon and honey drink is just the perfect thing!
Such a cute pic of your hubby and Grand.... special memories of two of your loves :)
p.s. Still feeling jealous that you guys can grow lemons :)
I love the smell of lemons. I bet our house smelled amazing when you were makin that syrup
Love your blog. Yes, it's nice to finally get the cold weather on our side of the U.S. Those candles look super!
I love your post!
Crows will remember you if you frighten them, I did that by squawking at them, ( I did not know that then), now they refuse to linger around close to me, but still will come and sun early in the morning in the old dead sycamore tree.
I love those candles!
Enjoy your time together!
I enjoy all your wildlife drama !
Your lemon syrup sounds divine.
My mom was from Germany. She would make the most delicate crepes and drizzle lemon syrup on them before rolling them up.
I grew up eating them. They were heaven on a plate !
Life is good Kim, the candles turned out great!! Thank you for your comment today, you are the only one who acknowledges me as well. That feels nice!!
Wonderful post today, Kim! I hope you have a most wonderful Christmas holiday! Mark is also home for two weeks and I am really enjoying his company. You've given me two ideas today to try- the candles and the lemon syrup. Thanks for sharing :)
Lemon syrup sounds yummy. I'm sure homegrown lemons are nothing like store bought one.
I see why you love that picture of hubby. So sweet.
Hugs :)
I like your crow story. We get a few here, but they don't ever stay long.
The lemons are gorgeous. What variety are they, do you know? I love to make lemon pies (like lemon meringue and lemon cloud) when the lemons are good. MMMMmmmm. Your lemon syrup is beautiful!
Wishing you lots of merry-making this Christmas!
I love the candles and the lemon syrup. I made some simple syrups yesterday. Weather...ours is warm. Oh, your trees are out with my decorations, thanks.
Merry Christmas
Kim, how lovely to go out in your own yard and pick lemons...sigh...You are so creative, I love your candles, I have seen these in high end stores (Crate and Barrel)... the idea of making your own lemon syrup...wonderful...The weather here is in the fifties and there will be no snow for Christmas...Have a lovely two weeks with Ron, wishing you a Merry Christmas...hugs from Maine...
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