Friday, February 28, 2025

Well Hello March

 I just thought I would stop in, maybe this should be a once a month blog. I really never mean to let blogging get away from me.

I will just let you know a tiny bit of what takes my mind away and in different directions. My step-brother passed away totally unexpectedly. Our son that has lived here, moved to his own place and will be getting married next weekend. We had a lovely shower for her last weekend.

Among other things, I had to find a dress. I know that sounds pretty shallow but finding a dress and shoes just sends me into a panic. I finally felt the day I found one I could take a breath. We have a local shoe store that I in desperation went to and thankfully they are like shoe stores used to be, a man came and took my shoe size, went and got shoes and helped me to find shoes I can wear all day and not come home crippled for a month. I only buy shoes when I can no longer go out in public unless I have something wearable. When did I change I wonder. Do you know I still have dresses I bought when my almost 30 year old son was a baby? I can still wear them and I do and luckily for me they never went out of style. I just  don't buy clothes very often. In fact, my husband noticed the other day when he came in from work and I was still in my nice clothes, " Wow! its so nice to see you in clothes without holes and paint. I guess I should do something about that. I can't be alone but I would rather buy wool and patterns instead of clothes. 

My neighbor next door has these flowers that grow on the fence. They are the only thing around here that looks like spring. I am working in the flowerbeds and in the morning I hope to get my raised beds ready for spring when it really is spring and not this fake you out time of year. It was 85 yesterday so its really tempting but I am not going to fall for it.

Just a short post. Just to keep my oar in. Thank you Lauren for always encouraging me to post. I don't know what I would do without you. Get well soon, Robin, I am praying for you.



“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."

[Meditations Divine and Moral]”
― Anne Bradstreet, The Works of Anne Bradstreet


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Hello February

 Hello! Happy February. I think it was just my imagination, but this morning I thought I smelled spring. The birds around here sure think it is, I almost got hit in the head by two hummingbirds. They were so mad they had lost all reason, they actually fell on the ground they were fighting so hard. Our cat and Polly the dog ran to the scene to break it up, and they flew off. This youngster, (above) is very brave. He or she freaks me out because it doesn't have any fear of me. It nests in my neighbors tree next door. The poor doves have forgot about this bird and have let their guard down and will soon be fast food meals. With all of the drama going on who needs T.V. 

I had planned on hooking a lot more than I did this week. Life just seems to crowd in and I never get to my hooking. I did also manage to dye some wool too. 

Just that little bit. It takes me longer because I had to order wool and then I had to dye wool before I could finally start. This rug is called April Showers by Debbie @ I have had it forever. I did this one last year.


I think why I like doing this rugs is because its squares. I use to tell Ron I could conquer the world in squares. It works with my mind. I think it stems from making play houses as a child. Find a small place, hidden in some place no one else would think to see and there would be a hide out. 

I didn't have any purple so I knew I needed to dye some. Its always a happy day when I can dye wool.

I judge my state of mind that way. I also have never dyed a whole yard at once. I just do it in little bits so I get to do lots of different colors. I just wanted purple this time. 

It doesn't look very purple but it is, I am excited to cut it and see how it works with my other

colors. My next rug will be this one. When I saw it I fell in love with it. 

I loved that rug so much. A friend of mine for Christmas researched my family history. So much fun stuff. I could sign up for Daughters of the American Revolution. I thought that was so cool to find out all of this history. Ron's family goes even further back. When we go to Ben's house again, I am going to go find the grave yard that is close to him with one of those men. So that was cool. Most of my family were farmers so I think that is why this rug speaks volumes to me.  Here is the original picture.

I have thought of nothing but that rug for weeks. Its February now, so I should be getting notification for it to be shipped. 

So in a nutshell that is why kinda went on last week. I always look forward to February, we get our biggest storms and snow and rain this month. 

I hope you are all able to stay warm and safe. Weather has been pretty intense lately. We have an atmospheric rain storm coming. 

I wish you the best,
