I wanted to wish you a very happy weekend. With it being Valentines Day on Sunday. With the price of gasoline being so cheap right now, it is playing havoc with the little economy in our town. Since so much around here is related to the business of oil production, we are feeling the pinch.
For the first time in a lot of years, we felt the reality of it. The company that Ron works for had to tell them that they would be cutting everyone to 32 hours a week. Here is what I thought about. With it being Valentines weekend this is my list of what I am thankful for even with the cut in hours.
1. I am excited that Ron will be home every Friday. With all of the lovely rain, we will get to get a jump on the weeds and getting this place in shape. I have a new hula hoe. We have such fun.
2. I love Ron more than money. I would love him even if we have to live somewhere else or in someplace else because where ever he is, that is my home.
3. God isn't caught off guard, nor is He surprised. We have been fine in other down turns in the 36 years we have been married, we will continue to be fine now. Looking around me, I see the tiny gifts, I don't normally see, my eyes become accustomed to simple joys.
I was standing at the kitchen sink yesterday, staring out the window, watching the pear trees across the way, dancing in the sunshine with all of the pretty white blooms. As I stood there, I thought, " I can look at this one of two ways. I can either stand here and panic, or I can choose to see this as the most exciting day of my life. I will get to see what God will do and it will be far greater, and better than I could have dreamed." So that is what I am going to do, wait expectantly, and even if, nothing changes. I know it is all for my good and God's glory.
I have to say that the good things in my life far outweigh the bad things. I always have some Bible verse going around in my head as I go through the day. This has always been one of my favorites.
the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no
food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no
cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.…Habakkuk 3:17
My life in the last few years has been a study in contrasts. All of it has though, gone such a long way into guiding me in places I have never been. I am glad that I have a shepherd that leads, because I know that I wouldn't follow. I am happy that, the gardener, cuts my vines and branches, even when it hurts, so I can have more fruit in my life. I am thankful that even when it is the darkest, that tiny pinpoint of light, continues to light my path.
I have heard that when more is given, more is required. I believe that. I have been given shaken down, pressed together over flowing in my lap. I am really thankful to be here, right now, on this day. Because as John Bunyan said, " I am on the bottom, and it is firm."
"The blue of heaven is larger than clouds."
Have a wonderful weekend, Fridays are just the best, aren't they? Especially ones when the sun is shining and spring is just around the corner. I went out the other night, and I could smell the smell of spring. It may have been my imagination, but it was there just a taste of it in the air.
Thank you for stopping by,
"Difficulty is the very atmosphere of a miracle." Lillias Trotter |