
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September in its Glory

 Hello, Don't you love September. I think its just fall is almost here and what a gift I think fall is to us after a hot summer. My computer died and thank goodness, Ron knows how to fix this stuff. He finally got it up and running last night. My power supply died. 

This is going to be a long post. I think I will show you what I have been working on first. 

My Cape Ann first. That is a big rug. I just had no idea how big it really was. The more I work on it the more I am loving it. 

I worked all day on that second flower. I mean all day. My hand wouldn't work by the time I finished. I know I will be ordering more wool. 

I have been working on this a little bit too. Its nice to have something when its not hot to work on and this is fun. 

Now for the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. 

On September 8th We received a text from our son William saying that Haylen Dean was born. Ron and I were both stunned and couldn't figure out what that meant as we had seen Makenzie on Saturday night and she was only 24 weeks pregnant. I called William who I believe was at the hospital. Things are fuzzy to me now. Earlier in the day, Makenzie was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and upon arriving once they figured out she had no heart beat or blood pressure, they realize she was bleeding out. They rushed her to surgery and as they were running down the hall, the doctor told Makenzie that the baby might have to be born to save her life. She had to have 6 1/2 pints of blood. They put her in a coma and delivered the baby. He was 1 pound 8 ounces. He is 12 1/4 inches long. William was with him in NICU but he didn't get to see Makenzie. He went home. We went over and of course I have cried now for a week. William cleaned out the refrigerator while he talked. Looking back, its like walking in a dream. 

During that night, Makenzie in a drug induced coma fought it and kept asking for Halen and William. 

When you have a tiny baby like that they tell you, its the first hour, the first two hours then the first night. He made it through the night and Makenzie was taken off the breathing tube.  

She had been on the brink of death. William told us, he could have lost both his wife and baby that day.

 This is my favorite picture of her. They had moved her to a labor and delivery room. Its about 9:00 or 10:00 that night of the day after her almost dying and as soon as she is able she goes to the baby. She is cut vertical from her breast bone to her pelvis. They had to use staple to stitch her up because she is so allergic to tape. She is so amazing and she hasn't missed a day with Haylen. She came home on Saturday. 

He holds her hand and today he squeezed it three times. Yesterday he was 25 weeks. What a year this has been we have 13 grand babies now. Haylen breaks the tie. The boys are ahead again. Its been good and its been hard but it has never been anything that I am not thankful for. We only have today. It has reminded me each morning that today is a new day. Today is a new beginning. Every morning my first thought is for the babies God has given us and the blessings we get to experience. I know that God has got this. It puts life into perspective and narrows my vision. 

What I have learned this week. Dreams come in all sizes. Wishes take a lot of work. But all in all, life is a gift and I am thankful to be here. Right now. I don't think I would have said that last week at that time. I was having trouble even catching my breath. But today, its all good. 

I just thought I would let you know what is going on and if you think about it, could you pray that Haylen grows up to be a big strong man and that his Mommy and Daddy have the strength to go through all of this. 

Thank you,



  1. Oh, my. Dear Lord, do hold Haylen in Your merciful hand; and give his family peace and strength.

  2. Wow how amazing that Mom even lived! You are blessed with miracles or that little family is. I will pray for that little one I hope he continues to thrive.
    I love your rug what are the dimensions? Your color choices are lovely.

  3. Congratulations on you your new grandbaby boy. To be sure I'll pray for little Haylen that he continues to get stronger and bigger. God is so good.

    So much has happened in 2020 for you. Wow! What a year it has been so far.

    Wishing you a blessed week.
    Hugs, Julia

  4. Have always loved the Cape Ann but is way too big for me to desire to tackle that project. Your colors are wonderful. Your Halloween stitchery is sweet but my hands can't handle tiny stitchery any longer.

    OMG, am sure everyone was distraught for days and GOD Bless everyone.

  5. I've been following them whenever they post. It's been such a heck of a thing. I'm glad you're able to still hook and be creative.

  6. Hugs and prayers, especially for Haylen and Makenzie, but I will keep you all in my prayers. Such a scary thing...but so happy Makenzie was rushed to the hospital in time. Even with the pictures, I can't get a grasp on how tiny Haylen is.
    Your stitching and hooking are lovely. I hope the handwork helps keep you sane.

  7. My heart goes out to you and your family. In 1982 our 4th granddaughter was born at 26 wks, and weight 1 lb 7 oz and 12" long. Danielle was in the hospital for 4 months coming home at 4 lbs 12 oz. She now is 38, a school teacher teaching English as a second language and taking classes to get her doctorate degree. She was a miracle baby as medical isn't what it is now. Our prayers for your grandson to grow to be a happy, healthy successful person.

  8. Oh, my! What a scary time! Sending prayers and encouragement for growth and progress of both Haylen and McKenzie!

  9. You have been in my thoughts and heart more than usual lately my friend...and now I know why. I can't imagine your rollercoater of emotions....such scary stuff.... So very grateful that Halyen and mum survived the impromtu arrival...and praying that both heal, and thrive. Congratulations on the new if 2020 couldn't get an more crazy for you. But all in all, it is a blessing and a miracle. And WOWSERS on that GORGEOUS rug!! Your rich color choices are spectacular...and your hooking incredible!!! I am not even gonna ask (probably for the second or third time) how large, as it will make me feel totally small lamenting the size of The Beast LOL. And I love, love, love, the Spooky Countdown! You are making grand progress on each! And I feel hopelessly inadequate LOL... I haven't touched a single "crafty" anything in the past 2 (or is it 3 now??) weeks...other than make a jar of "werewolf fur" for someone who asked repeatedly. Guess I am in a funk again....and known your crosses, there I truly shouldn't be I know. You truly are an inspiration and give me a better perspective on life and faith. Hugs to you and your dear family ~Robin~

  10. Oh wow this post is amazing. I'm happy to hear that your daughter-in-law is doing well now. It is truly a miracle that little Hayden is doing okay. Such a tiny little human life. We just had a new grandchild born on the 1st and are thankful she's healthy. Will pray for Hayden & family. God Bless you all.

  11. Your rug is so pretty! I love the design!
    Yes, prayers for little man. He's a treasure.
    It's still hot here. I'm ready for 70 degree weather.

  12. Wow! I am so glad your family is safe. What a rollercoaster ride. I will hold the little tiny one and his mother in my thoughts.

  13. Hayden, what a pretty name and such a beautiful little boy, he is so strong already and recognizes his momma's voice. thank goodness for this outcome, not loosing either of them. i have a good feeling, they will both be in my prayers!!


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