
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Finally its Autumn!

 I will just have to share fall pictures of the other house, until I get something from around here. Its going to be hard though with palm trees. About the only thing I saw yesterday on my walk was orange dates hanging from a date palm. 

I missed the first day of fall yesterday. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't turned my calendar until last night so all day yesterday I thought it was the 20th. We have blue skies again, but its still pretty warm. So it doesn't feel like fall quite yet. 

In the above quote by Wendell Berry, I loved so much and I would say, is the cry of my heart. Even though I am pretty much in town, in a neighborhood. I think that quote still says how I want to live. 

It had got so loud and noisy at the other house, it was becoming more and more tiring to try and find peace and quiet. I lived most of the time with head phones in my ears. The plus of living here is that its quiet, very quiet. Its dark at night, we can see the stars again. I will get planter boxes and  I will grow food again. My fireplace is beautiful and it has a mantel. I have wanted a mantel for 40 years and I am constantly redoing this mantel over and over. When we work outside, we actually finish. We have laughed over that so many times in the past week. We get finished. We never got finished the list of things to be done just got longer and longer. 

I wanted to share something that happened to us when we were finishing selling our house. I share it in hopes that if you sell your house or land you might pay very close attention to the paper work. We still don't know why this happened and the title company is completely mum on the subject. 

Ron's job is all about numbers. All day, every day. Making sure that numbers are correct and things are working the way the programs are supposed to be working. In the industry he works in if those numbers are wrong, people could get hurt or killed. He is very careful about anything to do with numbers. 

He knew down to the penny what we would get back on the sale of our house. The final closing papers came in and down at the bottom, out of the blue, was a charge to us for Forty-one thousand dollars.  We stared and stared at it. It had nothing to do with the our transaction. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. Ron knew it wasn't right, and he called the title company and in our 40 years of being married, I have never heard Ron's voice like that. I was glad it wasn't me on the other end of the phone. They couldn't tell him what it was for or why. 

They said they would resend it and that charge was gone and we were back to what was going to be the real amount. Ron asked and asked and no one would give him a straight answer as to why that charge was there. So of course, he then went over those charges with a fine tooth comb and he found other charges that we had already paid out of pocket that they had charged us for. He got that changed too. I am sure that day, they regretted ever making that mistake in their favor. 
But then, we asked ourselves, how often does that happen. You or we did, we expected the figures from the title company to be correct. What happens to people who don't question or check those figures and just trust the title company to be honest. Do people just get fleeced and taken advantage of? So all of this to be aware of this sort of thing. Things have changed so much out there and we were shocked at the level of just dishonesty we experienced selling our house. There were other things that were just as shocking but I will leave it for another day. I might need something else to write about. 

Its going to be a nice day today. I hope its a nice day where you live. Haylen and Makenzie are doing okay. Thank you for your prayers. We as a family appreciate it so much. 
I hope your day is filled with the smell of fall. The phantom smell of wood smoke, the crisp tang to the air. The promise that in the end, life is pretty good and dreams do come true, they just might look different from what as in my case, what the original dream looked like. This dream is better when seen in real life. Haylen is 26 weeks old today. On Tuesdays, I celebrate to myself his new week of life. Its teaching me that every day should be like that. Every day should be a celebration of all of the good things we are given. Because as we know, we only have today. 

Blessing to you, from my heart.



  1. Like you, I love the quiet around here and I would miss it if I had to live in a busy area of town. I'm glad the baby is doing well and I hope the mother is also doing well after such a terrifying time and coming so close to death.
    God is good.

    I'm glad Ron caught the mistakes and the company did rectify the mistakes after your husband reviewed the sales agreement. I'm sure there are scammers in every sector of business. I saw a report from 5th Estate about, banks, locksmiths, movers, plumbers, auto- repair garages who were defrauding their customers big time. The smart customers realized they were being defrauded but the rest just paid lots of money for nothing. Some people even sold houses that did not belong to them, took the money, and left the buyers caught with not owning the house. How can people do these things is incomprehensible to me.

    It's cold here and we had a frost on Monday morning. The trees are changing colors. I'm wearing warm clothing and socks again.

    Stay well and safe.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. $41k??? That is a whole heck of a lot of money. So happy to hear you recovered all that was due to you. There are just too many unscrupulous people in this world, but you would not expect it from the title company.
    I bet it feels good to be able to say "I'm done" with something, rather than never being caught up.
    Hugs to Haylen and Makenzie :)
    Oh, and by my calendar, today is the first day of fall.

  3. Very, very sharp to catch that huge financial error! And....others, too! Continuing to hold Haylen and Makenzie in prayer! I’m thinking my calendar gives today credit for being the first day of fall this year.:-)

  4. Oh my goodness, that is scary. We're going to having to be so careful.

  5. I think you know me well enough to know that I would never survive in a noisy or crowded environment. One of the most incongruous things (i.e., mistake??) I ever did was to specialize in the type of law I did....securities law, acquisitions/mergers/divestitures, etc. with a soul like mine. It is the type of law that is only typically done in very large cities. I was "lucky" (if you can call it that), that there was actually a single law firm in the next largest town that did that type of law (another incongruity) and that's where I went to work. After a couple of years, I was offered a position as the state Commissioner of Securities in Madison. It tore me apart, but I declined and stayed with the firm. When I could no longer tolerate the politics and bs there, the only place I could go to do what I did was Madison or Milwaukee....and that I could just not handle. So here I am....a lowly retired professor of law LOL. So glad you're appreciating your new-found "freedom" from being tied to tasks and endless projects. A wise woman once said "it's done...and done is good." ;-) And it does not surprise me one wee bit that there were "errors" in the closing statement...happens more than you think. I guess my law degree has probably saved me a lot of money in some ways over the years LOL. But I had a similar situation with hospital bills from when my husband was in for several months. Daily visits by the dr were being coded a dozen different ways...and some were covered by insurance and some weren't. Trying to get to the bottom of it was a fulltime career I swear.... Yes, I am trying to absorb by osmosis and then distill lake memories for later use. I just got back today and today was a glorious day there...the wind finally quieted, the lake was lulled back to placid and the trees were changing into their autumn attire right before my very eyes it seemed. I wished I could have stayed...tonight would have been perfect for a fire in the firepit...we won't have many more evenings like that I fear. Hugs & Autumn Smiles ~ Robin ~

  6. I am thankful that your family is slowly getting stronger. I almost cried when I read about the noise. We have been the last house on or road for 18 years. Now starting last year two houses have built past us and our friends way at the end of the road sold their cabin. Now it is constant traffic. Contractors flying by, people lost looking for the cabin that is now for rent. Then we drove through the woods beyond our home and it looks like a campground. Solid campers. There is nowhere to move to. We built as far out as a person could and now we are surrounded. I'm seriously considering Alaska.

  7. Congratulations, Kim on your new home, with the peace and quiet! Thank you so much for this information, as we sometimes talk of downsizing!
    I can only imagine how so many people have been scammed, out of their money and properties!
    Giving thanks with you that Haylen and Makenzie are doing well!
    As always I enjoy your thoughts, life is so precious!

  8. very long story, but we recently purchased the house next door. the title company escrowed 750.00 for the water service. that was in january and we had to fight to get the money back. we knew there would be no water usage. we kept notes, marked our icalenders but we really had to fight to get the money. we received the check 3 days ago, since january, it's crazy. our amount much smaller then yours but still, they think people will either forget or just give up!!!

    i'm glad the baby is doing better, beautiful pictures!!

  9. i thought i left a comment here...coming back, i really enjoyed all of the fall pictures!!!

  10. That's a wonderful WB quote. I think that's why I love to think about cabins, old cabins that smell like wood smoke and mildew. LOL!
    I'm glad there are still places that are completely dark and quiet at night. I'm a little brain dead from ZOOMING three times. It's hard on me and I know you don't like it either. Oh well. Maybe we'll get used to it. I'm so thankful little blonde Haylen is doing so well. What a strong little guy!

  11. Wow - that you can see the stars and have more quiet, those are huge things that would make me terribly happy too!

  12. Thank You, LORD, for that little survivor Haylen!

    I'm glad you told the story of the massively sloppy paperwork. Yikes!

    The part about being able to finish your yardwork is funny :-) and I'm so happy for you.


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