
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Happy September

How are you? Are you glad we have made it to September? My mind wants to do Fall things but the heat outside reminds me that Summer isn't going to give up easily. We have a huge heat wave coming this weekend. I have sat down to write a post almost every day since the last post I wrote, but I sit here and can't figure out what to say. I mean what do I do all day? Our fridge sprung a leak, and got the wood floor all wet. Now we have a issue with the wood floor. We might have the  fridge thing fixed next week. The hot tub ( first world problem) is broken. We finally decided to fill it with water and see if it worked. It doesn't. Ron watched You Tube videos and now feels pretty confident he can fix it this weekend.

I showed this picture to Ron and said, "Hey lets turn the back yard into this." I was joking sort of.
He stared at it a long time and said, " That might be a good idea." After going through a period of no garden and no plants, I think I could take out all of the grass with no problem. I don't know though if I would want gravel. One of the things that is new for me is not wearing shoes. At the other house I was forever jumping up and going outside and I would put on my shoes in the morning and not take them off until I was going to bed at night. Here, I stay barefoot. There is no stickers or spiders or even flies really. Not that I am complaining, its just different.

I have a few baby pictures. Would you like to see them? Ben and Megan had a little girl too. So this summer we have two baby girls. Which brings the grand kid count to Six girls and Six boys. I love double sixes. Makenzie has the tie breaker coming in December.

If you don't watch Ben and Megan's vlog. You won't know this little one was in such a hurry to get here that Ben ended up being the catcher. So like the last two years of their life," they did it by self"
One of our grand daughters when she was little always would say, " No grandpa,"  Do it by self."

When one of our sons was in college and in the class the teacher had each of the students come up with a motto for their family. Our son said ours was, " Be polite don't fight." I always really like that. But now, I think our family motto has changed to " Do it by Self." As I have watched all of our kids and how they have begun to take on life, that is the one thing I notice the most. They are very self reliant. Is it good? I don't know.
 I know as a young woman and I was being interviewed for a leader position in a Bible Study group I wanted so badly to be a part of, the lady interviewing me said, As she pulled off her glasses, " I see a young woman before me very self confident woman. But what I want to see is a very God confident woman instead."

I am so thankful though, that they are able to all do a great job at every single thing they have been called to do and of all of the things Ben amazes me at what he can do, now even catching a baby still blows my mind.

Here is our sweet baby who lives in Arizona. I never posted pictures of her. I am so remiss. We were moving and I just didn't say to much about her either. She was another fast baby. She came almost as soon and her Mom and Dad got to the hospital. I sit and ponder all of the directions our kids have been called to do and go and I am so very proud of them. I am just over the moon at the sweet girls and their lovely choices to be Moms.  One of my favorite quotes when I was having children was, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." I think its still true, for good or bad as we see played out each and every day. 

 I wrote that two days ago. Now I hope to finish this blog and get it published. I asked our oldest daughter if brag posts bothered her and she said, "heck no Mom, brag away."  So forgive me for my bragging.

Its September. This morning as I sat outside, as the sky began to turn its rosy color from the sun. The neighbor cat who lives  behind us, sat on the roof and watched us as we watched him. He tucked his arms under himself and settled in to watch the sun come up. Then silently as it got light, he slipped away over the roof and down to the ground. I wondered if perhaps he had escaped from his owners and spent a Friday night out on the town. I have only seen him one other time. He is a big cat. As big as a dog and he is a stripey guy. He is the only cat I have seen in the neighborhood.  In a normal September I have goals a mile long. What is hard after the move, is trying to come up with any goals at all. Its scary to me in my mind. My mind, when I try to think of them, shies away like a horse from a blowing paper bag. My mind just refuses to go there. At least I am not chopping tumbleweeds this weekend.

 I hope you have a incredible weekend, this Labor Day weekend. I wish you the best.


"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul... but I must confess that I love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved October".  (Peggy Tony Horton)


  1. Congratulations on the two baby girls. They are little bouquet from heaven. Wow, you've got a dozen grandkids.

    Sorry about your fridge leaking and the hot tub not working. The hot tub is just a luxury but the fridge is a necessity. I hope that Ron can also fix the floor.

    We are having some nice cool temperature and we finally got a good soaking of rain. I walk barefoot most of the time in the house but I always wear footwear outdoors.

    Stay safe and well.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. I'm so glad you updated! I think the backyard all done up with planters looks awesome. I'm going to probably have to garden that way, myself, so I'm very interested in the different techniques.

  3. Such sweet grandbabies. Brag away!!!

  4. Happy September, Kim! Lovely granddaughters! Great family!

  5. It is the best "problem" to have, the grandchildren coming so fast that you can't keep up with properly introducing them on your blog <3

    Congratulations to the grandparents and the parents and the whole family!

  6. Hi Kim! I saw that quote somewhere else yesterday and I love it!
    Oh, the babies! They are so darling! Proud grandma, indeed!
    I love the "maybe" garden plan!
    I'm so glad you are enjoying your new home so much!

  7. hi kim...i am so happy to greet september but i will be happier to greet 2021!! this has just not been good!! congrats on those new baby girls, you are bless beyond measure.

    i like that need that in your life!!

  8. Ahhhh...Sweet Kim.... So good to see a post from you...and my apologies for bing remiss in not responding to your comments. As I am sure you figured (if you gave a thought to it at all that is), I was at the lake. It was a busy, relaxing, unconventional, and somewhat strange and distressing weekend and I am just home now. On Thursday night after arriving, I ran (literally, not figuratively) into a tree in the dark (no, not alcohol related...just stupidity and concern...another story, another time). Friday I spent icing a swollen, bloodied, cut and bruising nose and face....Saturday, we had a boat floatilla rally thing (which I spent behind dark glasses), Saturday a friend of mine fell from a ladder to a concrete floor and suffered a horrific head injury...and here it is Tuesday night....Anyways....the world is upside I guess it just stands to reason that mine would be as well. Hard to imagine heat in your world.... we barely broke 50 degrees today...and down to freezing tonight. I have the heat on and a fire in the fireplace....and 2 sweatshirts. Love your description of the sunrise and the striped cat...I could see him and my head is making up all sorts of stories in my imagination. So much better than the "real" stories around me. Congratulations on your beautiful grands...and me thinks you did dang good raising your littles into bigs. Love both of the family "mottos"...I'd be proud to claim either. Happy Belated Holiday ~Robin ~

  9. Thanks for sharing the good information!

  10. Why I have not seen this post until now is beyond me. You are so blessed to have all those grands!!! lucky you!! We have one and as I like to say we got the best one! I love Sept we are having amazing weather but the haze from the fires have settled in hiding some of our sun. Crazy how it goes all across the country to settle here in NH.


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