
Friday, January 19, 2018

All in a Days Work.

Do you remember that from Readers Digest?  I always loved the jokes. When I was a kid, and I had to stay with my Grandma I would read those and just laugh and laugh. Its week three on Whole 30. One more week to go. This isn't as hard as I thought it would be, and no, I still don't feel great. I thought by now I would have so much energy and pep.  I still have to push myself to do every single thing. That aside.

Its raining today.  Not rain like the one that caused the mud slides. Just a nice ground soaking rain.
Then the second storm is cold so we will get snow from the second storm, well not us, but the mountain communities. We just get cold. Which is very nice. Our oranges and lemons and grapefruit are the very best we have ever had. Last year Ron had bought this stuff called Blooming Minerals. We used it on the fruit trees and on my tomatoes. Just to see if it changed flavor. It did. Not to mention the trees are loaded still. I picked bags and bags last week to give away and my trees still look like I haven't picked a single thing.

The old neighbors moved out. So the guy who owns the house has had a crew over there cleaning and repairing the damage that was left by his renters. There is a gal that does lots of that clean up for him and she is by far the hardest working woman I have ever seen. I watched her use a 10 pound sledge hammer on cement for two hours and then load it in the bucket of a tractor while the guy in the tractor sat and watched.

One day I saw her walk to one of the blood orange trees and pick and orange. The next day when I was outside getting the mail, I said, " You know you can pick all of the oranges you want." She looked appalled at me and she said, " What kind of oranges are on that tree right there? (It was one of the blood orange trees.)  I told her and she said, " I peeled that orange and it was blood red, it even tasted like blood! Did you put dye in there so people wouldn't take any?" I laughed and said, " No, that is the way they are supposed to be and she said, " I took it over to the guys and showed them and they wouldn't even touch it. No, no more oranges for me!!

I wish I could share some with you. They are just wonderful and so yummy.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. I am going to read, and sew and all of those things that I get to do on a rainy day.
Thanks for stopping by,


  1. i am happy to see you today kim, and to know you are safe!! and to know your rain is gentle and preparing the soil for spring!!

    so if i understood right, she stole an orange from your tree and then had the nerve to criticize it...and she never asked or said "i hope that was ok"!! maybe i read it wrong!!

    pretty skies kim!!

  2. Haha, that story is so funny! I've laughed about it for days!

  3. That is so funny about the oranges! Nothing like an orange fresh from the tree!
    Enjoy your rain and cold :)

  4. Hope you are well.

    We planted a blood orange tree this past fall. Blood oranges are delicious! We have enjoyed them so much that we have our own tree, and praying that we don't kill it.

  5. Oh,how I wish I were there to pick some oranges and grapefruit fresh from the trees! I've had fresh grapefruit from friends in Florida, and there's nothing like it! Yummmmm! I hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend!

  6. I enjoy blood oranges and there are many great recipes to use them in this winter I have noticed! Can't imagine how lovely it must be to pick your own!


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