
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Second Week of Whole 30

Thank you so much for all of your kind thoughts and words.  As I write this morning it feels as if I am high up in a tree house. The wind is roaring around the house and rain is blowing sideways. It all feels very cozy and warm. I do love rainy, blowy days.

The second week of Whole 30 is going much better than the first. Getting off of sugar and flour was rough. I felt like I had the flu all week, then on Sunday morning, I felt like the lights came back on. It is amazing how fast my taste buds change once the taste of sugar is gone. Everything tastes good. One thing I have noticed is I haven't been able to eat oranges or citrus in years and now I can. I guess that is why they call it a reset. My memory has returned no more brain fade.

 I just love photographing raindrops. Okay back to Whole 30. I think having a goal of only 30 days helps with my mind too. Of course, Ron being so excited about it and helping me and cooking too has been really fun. I am making Minestrone soup tonight. Its a good soup night. It is a good sewing, hooking day too.

 I am doing my January reading of Christy by Catherine Marshall. I still remember when I was 13 and my Dad had taken us on vacation. They were getting ready to build that new road and Route 66 was going to be bypassed. He wanted us to have the whole experience of Route 66 before it was gone. We stopped at every gift shop, every snake pit and all of the other oddities that was on Route 66. We walked into a gift shop and I was looking around and I went over to a book rack and there was a paper back book called Christy. I picked it up and bought it and walked out to the car. I don't remember any thing else except my nose buried in that book. Last night while reading it, I realized that it was the beginning of me and my relationship with God. Miss Alice in the book, because for me what I wanted to be as a Christian and a woman. I think when they describe her cabin, that was the very first idea I had about hooking rugs, dyeing wool, using a loom and being a herbalist.  There is always something about reading that book that reminds me of  a simple life. I still want to make that quilt that Fairlight describes of the three phases of the moon and stars that she sees out her bedroom window.

 Time for me to make my trek out in the wind and rain to let my hens out of their house. The sun is up enough to see. I hope this second week of January has been a nice one for you.
Wishing you the best,

“What do you do when strength is called for and you have no strength? You evoke a power beyond your own and use stamina you did not know you had. You open your eyes in the morning grateful that you can see the sunlight of yet another day. You draw yourself to the edge of the bed and then put one foot in front of the other and keep going. You weep with those who gently close the eyes of the dead, and somehow, from the salt of your tears, comes endurance for them and for you. You pour out that resurgence to minister to the living.”
― Catherine Marshall, Christy


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better! That detox week is just the worst, but you feel so much better afterward. When I'm completely off sugar, I have zero irritable bowel. Absolutely none. I'm glad it's raining there finally! It's supposed to rain here tonight.

  2. Happy to hear you are getting some rain and happy that week 2 is much better. Weeks 3 & 4 will be a piece of cake. Oops. Not a good choice of!

  3. ooooh i just LOVE the tulips!!

    i'm glad that you are feeling better, good for you!!!

  4. That sugar is evil in disguise isn't it? Good for you for sticking with the diet. It will keep getting better and I'm so glad you already are noticing big improvement.
    I haven't baked sweets in so long, I think I've forgotten
    how to

    Hugs, Julia

  5. Kim, I'm so glad that you're on to the 2nd week and feeling good! I had a woozy feeling week and am glad to be past it and I'm feeling better too. I hope you'll share some of your favorite Whole30 friendly recipes sometime. We are supposed to get cold and snow so that soup sounds very good.

    Love the book Christy. I think it's neat how you have patterned your life after it.

  6. Yay for week #2!
    I love Christy, too. Books really do make their mark on our hearts and souls, I agree!
    I'm glad you are experiencing some wind and cooler weather. You must enjoy it while you can!
    Have a lovely weekend, sweet Kim!

  7. I’m so glad you feel better. I felt so clean the longer I went. I remember how tattered and worn out your Christy book was. She really did impact you. Remember how we would stay up all night reading all the time? Great memories


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